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Chapter 1009: Li Da flickers again

"The Minister is a true Taoist deity."

When Pi Quanquan's face was depressed, Li Yu suddenly gave a smile and said, "I always asked Changsheng, I don't know the method of Changsheng just now. Can I get a longevity?"

"Eh? The crux is here! It is indeed a reincarnation, and it really is not easy to fool!"

Pirates of the quail heart stunned, got up and laughed, "This is a trick! This is a trick! You can't live forever, isn't it just a trick?"

After laughing, Piquan Zi face looked so stunned that he looked at Li Yu with his eyes straight, "I have the way to live forever! But I don't know that His Royal Highness would be willing to be rich in this world. From then on, I would like to spend time in the wild forest, and keep the forest?"

"Whether it is the way of longevity and the way to become immortal, isn't it that the rich and the rich are too smoky?"

Li Yu answered indifferently.

"No! Your Highness, no way!"

Hearing this, the guard Wang was frightened with cold sweat.

My god! If your Majesty's only son, the only Prince, is going to "cultivate" with this Taoist priest. What to do in this world?

More importantly, if His Royal Highness practices, His Majesty's wrath, none of us will survive!

"Oh, this is Hongchen's fetters. Hongchen's trivial matters are the most disturbing. If His Highness can pass this level, he can look at me back and forth. His Royal Highness is an entry point."

Although Pi Quanquan could not wait to take Li Yu to get started, but this kind of thing is not handled well. In future practice, this is the demon, and he will shake the Tao heart, then it will be inevitable to go into the demon.

"I will come again in three days!"

Li Yugong gave a ceremony and returned to the palace with a group of guards.

"What? You want to practice?"

When Li Yu returned to the palace, he went directly to the emperor and explained his thoughts.

The emperor jumped in shock when he heard this.

"Who told the prince about monasticism? Here, come and capture the maid servants around the prince, all into the prison, and interrogate them!"

The Emperor's Furious Roar!


Li Yu naturally didn't want to implicate those innocent maids and guards, and quickly stopped them.

"I have something important to talk with Your Majesty, so wait to step down!"

Waving his hand to pass the guard and **** down, Li Yu went to the emperor, smiled and stretched out his hand, and a brilliant golden light shone in the palm of his hand.


Seeing the golden light in Li Yu's hands, the emperor's eyes were stunned, "Yuer, you ... you ..."

"Your Majesty, since I was born, there have been many visions in my body. His Majesty must have doubted it. What is my origin? Is it your son?"

"What kind of **** is this? Your mother gave birth to you in October with a childbirth. You are the blood of your uncle, and you are your uncle's son. What else can you have?"

The emperor's face changed, staring at Li Yu and roaring again.

"This is also true. My body is indeed my blood."

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "Since I was born, hasn't someone always said that I am the reincarnation of the emperor? In fact ... I am the reincarnation of the emperor."


Although the emperor had speculated for a long time, when he heard Li Yu's words at this moment, he was still horrified.

"I am the Emperor of the Emperor Yu, born in heaven and born in the royal family of Zhongzhou. Originally, His Majesty hit no son, and the Zhongzhou Empire will fall apart in 20 years and be replaced by others."

Li Yu talked, but the words scared the emperor to death.

No matter whether the "Heaven Emperor Yuzhuang" came to life, or "hit no son", "in its place", the emperor became pale and sweaty on his forehead.

It was just that "original" that gave the emperor a little bit of hope. Now that the "Heaven Emperor Yuzhuang" is born, that "original" should no longer exist?

"I came to this world, but there is another priority, Zhongzhou throne, I naturally can not inherit."

At this point, Li Yu chuckled, "Your Majesty need not panic. I was born into the royal family of Zhongzhou, which is the great merit of the royal family, and it is fortunate. The Zhongzhou Empire will certainly prosper the country and live forever."

"Whew! That's good! This is good!"

The emperor was relieved.

Although he did not know what the "Heaven Emperor of Heaven" was, he also knew that this must be a figure of "Holy Emperor".

There is such a character assuring that this is "Jinkou Yuyan" and "God's Destiny".

"I have a method of 'humane virtue.' Your Majesty has practiced this way, purged his strengths, and worked hard to achieve his goals. He has long regarded him forever, and it is not impossible to become a figure on the shoulders of the ancient emperor."

Reaching out a little, a golden "Shengde" radiance rushed out of the fingertips and fell into the emperor's brows.

There was a loud noise in my head.

The emperor only felt shocked, and countless pictures appeared before him.

The human race was born. The ancient emperor led the human race to defeat the thorns and lead the human race to survive.

Three emperors rule the world! Five Emperors Zen Position! The holy emperor of the human race ordered the world, sealed the world of Zen, fixed the position of humans and gods, and fixed the rules of heaven and humans.

Afterwards, humanitarian torrents swept the world.

With the arrival of the end of the Dharma, the ritual is flourishing, and the people use various instruments to conquer the world and the sky.

The heavens and earth, no gods, no Buddhas, no immortals and no magic, only ... the mortals who swept the world.

"This is humanity!"

Seeing the picture in his head, the emperor waited for a long while before returning to God.

"Thank you for giving me the law! Li Yan will do his best to conquer the whole world. Humane floods, humane flames will sweep the world."

The emperor Li Yan looked at this "son" with a complex complexion, and sighed in his heart, "This time the cause and effect have ended, this son ... I'm afraid I will never be my son again!"

"The way of the emperor is the way of virtue and virtue. It is the way of domination. Therefore, I divide the way of the emperor into three realms.‘ Subsistence ’,‘ well-off ’and‘ datong ’.”

Li Yu, based on the "sacred virtue" of this world and the "Henren's Burning Fire Stick" seen in that world, combined with his own understanding, worked out a way of emperor emperor.

"'The food and clothing' means that the cultivators have their own fields, and their subjects will no longer have to worry about food and clothing! Zhongzhou already has thousands of acres of rice seeds. As long as the construction of water conservancy and optional talents, the food and clothing will be safe within 100 years."

"'A well-off' is more difficult. At this time, Your Majesty needs to pay attention to business and industry. When the tax of business and industry is sufficient for the country's use. There is no tax for agriculture, and the world is healthy. At this time, it can be called 'well-off'."

"As for 'Datong' ... Datong in the world, unified in the world, there is no distinction between people and nobleness, and there is no difference between nobleness and lowness. The law of virtue, falsely proclaims the world, and the Son of Heaven and the people share the same sin."

"Then, the rule of the Virtue will be ruled by the world and ruled the heavens. At that time, His Majesty will prove that he will become eternal and become the immortal King of Virtue!"

Li Yu Kankan talked about ~ ~ Then ... the merit of heaven!

The bright yellow merit is like the pillar of heaven, the ceiling is scattered, there are thousands of clouds, and the spirit is thousands.

"Let me go! I'm just flickering with the emperor. Really have a way of virtue?"

This can be regarded as "with no intention of planting flowers and flowers, and no intention of inserting willows into yin". Li Yu's "order" and "material" avenue have not yet shadowed, but he first developed a moral virtue for the world.

Of course, the way of virtue exists. Li Yu's words did not create the virtue, but perfected it.

Heaven and merit, Li Yu's path of virtue, is truly one of the world's "path of virtue."

Practicing according to this law requires eternity, conquers the heavenly world, and spreads the way of virtue in the heavens. However, at least the emperor had a few thousand more years of life, which is not a problem.

This is also the cause and effect of reincarnation.

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