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Chapter 1012: Du Bai met him "self"

Li Yu stepped on the fairy gate, Du Bai ... stepped into the magic gate.

North Mountain of Zhongzhou.

This is the place where the whole land of Zhongzhou gathers, and it is also an excellent burial place.

Over the years, Beibei Mountain has buried countless people.

This world is ghostly!

It's even more likely that ghosts will be born in this place where yin gathers!

As night fell, the entire Beibei Mountain became ghostly. There were flickering phosphorous ghost fires, howling winds, and hundreds of ghosts walking at night.

"Long and fortunate, ghosts run rampant!"

A young man in a white robe with no variegated clothing all over his body, stepped coldly on Beibei Mountain.

"Mind and me, freedom and eternity!"

A curse sounded, and a young man's handprint was held in his hand, like a lotus blooming.

Pure white light rises wildly, sweeping the world!

In the young man's mind, between the white sky and the white light, the scroll formed by the nine pieces of jade slips slowly unfolded, and the vast and boundless power surged out.

"Well ..."

"Well ..."

"Well ..."

All kinds of ghosts and wailing wailed, and under this white light swept away, the lonely wild ghosts on the entire Beibei Mountain were swept away.

For a moment, the sky was clear and Yuyu clarified!

The ghostly Beibei Mountain was washed away by this white light and turned into a peaceful green mountain.

Thousands of ghosts, captured by white light, were incorporated into the jade slip, constantly decomposing, and constantly melting.

A little pure soul power, like colorless and transparent water drops, continuously drips into Du Bai's soul, and the strength of the soul continues to grow and improve.

"Shangxian's life! Although I am a ghost, I have never done evil. Please ask Shangxian to raise your hand and let me wait for a life!"

Some ghosts begged loudly in the white light. These are ghosts that have not done evil and are sane.

"You guys made a mistake!"

A sneer appeared on Du Bai's cold face, "I'm not a fairy! I'm ... a demon!"


With the turn of the mighty white light, no matter whether it was evil or not, the ghosts who kept their minds were all decomposed and destroyed by Du Bai, refining the power of pure spirits.

"What is good? What is evil? The one who is good for me is good, and the one who is evil is evil! Both good and evil are fixed by man!"

Du Bai shook his head with a sneer, "There is no good and no evil, idealism alone! Wolf eats sheep, sheep eat grass, who is good? Who is evil? Heaven and earth are selfless, heaven and earth are ruthless, so ... heaven and earth have no good or evil! Idealistic! "

Bai Guang decomposes all the ghosts, and every drop of pure spirit power quickly merges into the spirit of Du Bai, making the spirit of Du Bai constantly grow.

"Nurturing the soul, strengthening the soul! My original soul cultivation is already the pinnacle of soul cultivation. At this moment, I have absorbed the power of these ghosts, and I have been promoted to the state of out of nowhere!"

Feeling the vast and pure spirit in the sea, Du Bai sighed, "It took me ten years before I was able to practice the spirit to the soul-cultivating state. Now, in just three years, I have been promoted out of the realm! "

Since leaving the mountain, Du Bai has killed some "Wulin Haojie", robbed them of their internal strength, robbed their blood and blood, reopened the entire body meridian, and forging body and nourishing qi have been completed.

Now after swallowing the ghosts of Beibei Mountain, the power of the spirits has skyrocketed to the realm of out-of-the-box.

"Souls are coming out, and they understand the world!"

Finding a safe place, Du Bai let out his soul and started his first trick.

Under the sympathy between heaven and man, heaven and earth enshrined a rune in the spirits, giving birth to each talent.

"Xuanyin besom ghost!"

"Too Yinxian Yuedao!"

"The overcast wind!"

"God's Word!"

"Nine quiet chills!"

After a while, the heavens and the humans completed their sympathy, and Du Bai gained five talents.

"Sure enough, it is the true story of the Lord of the Lord, and you can get five talented little magical powers when you are out of the realm!"

With the spirit in his body, Du Bai stood up happily.

These five talented little magical powers are still only at the level of "manipulation", and they must be continuously cultivated and continuously superimposed forbidden to be able to turn these five talented small magical powers into true great magical powers.

"In the land of Zhongzhou, there are some amazing places, except Beibei Mountain, and there is only Tongxuan Mountain in Chuzhou. I hope that the other side of Tongxuan Mountain will bring me some gains."

Driven by the "yin wind", Du Bai's figure was like a night breeze, with a sense of chill, whistling past.

Half a month later, Du Bai arrived in Chuzhou.

"In the end, there is no mana out of the realm. Only by promoting the realm of enlightenment, can the heaven and earth aura be introduced into the body, merge into the soul, and generate mana."

Driven all the way through the "yin wind", Du Bai can only fly for dozens of miles, he must meditate and adjust his breath to restore vitality.

If you can promote the introduction of air, after having mana, you can fly at least a thousand miles in one flight.

"Shop, I don't know where Tongxuanshan is?"

In the city of Chuzhou, Du Bai found a pub, ordered a table of wine, and then asked the store for the direction of "Tong Xuan Mountain".

"You're going to Tongxuanshan? A young Taoist was asking Tongxuanshan just now!"

The shopkeeper pointed out the window with a smile, "Guest, look, the highest mountain in the distance is Tongxuan Mountain! However, there are many beasts on Tongxuan Mountain, and widower hunters often disappear in Tongxuan Mountain. Nothing dared to pass by. Be careful if the guest officer is going! "

"Thank you!"

He found a piece of silver and put it on the table, and Du Bai passed the shop down.

"Does anyone often disappear? It seems that Tongxuanshan is a bit strange."

After eating the dishes, Du Bai stepped out of the tavern and hurried towards Tong Xuanshan.

Continuously walking along the rugged mountain road, to the place where no one was, Du Bai flew up in a "yinfengyan".

After a while, Du Bai saw a huge monument standing on the mountain road, with the words "Tongxuan Mountain" inscribed on it.

"This is Tongxuan Mountain, I don't know if I can find it!"

With a pinch, Du Bai reached out his eyes, and a white light burst into his dark eyes.

Opening the "Eye of the Demon", Du Bai watched the weather of Tongxuan Mountain with "Wang Qi".

"Over there ... Yin? Shame? And demon?"

In a valley on the western foot of Tongxuan Mountain, Du Bai found an anomaly, "It's demon again, it's evil, isn't it a monster who cultivates the ghost road? This is interesting!"

Sitting on the ground, meditating and adjusting his breath, he recovered to the heyday, and then Du Bai hurried toward the valley.

Into the valley, in front of me is a huge courtyard built by a small lake.

In Du Bai's eyes, the whole courtyard was full of ghosts and murky, which was obviously a haunted house.

"My son, it's deeper, he can't sleep at night, and the slaves come to serve him in peace!"

In the courtyard ~ ~ Three rooms are still lit. But ... at the door of each room, there was a girl dressed in veil and a graceful body, who rang the door gently.

"Ghost? But ... have a physical body again?"

In Du Bai's eyes, these women showed a hint of yin, but their bodies were very lively and looked just like ordinary people.

"Ghostly, dare to be so?"

There was a rage in a room.

Immediately, with the sound of "Kara", an electric light blasted down, the ghost of the female ghost exploded, and the body instantly became a carrion.


A Taoist youth grunted and swept out of the room.


Du Bai saw him "self"!

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