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Chapter 1013: I'm Du Bai

"My body ... was taken away?"

Du Bai frowned slightly. "At that time, when I was going into flames and the spirit was about to die, I was saved by the Lord of Freedom. The Lord of Lords reshaped my body. My original body was still there. "

With a little thought, Du Bai understood the reason.

This must be that some practitioners have been robbed by the calamity, and their bodies have been destroyed. Just when they found the body left by Du Bai, they took the opportunity to give birth.

"Oh! Anyway, this is my body!"

There was a sneer on Du Bai's face, a little under his feet, and his body instantly fell into the yard, before the original "Du Bai".

This "Du Bai" is naturally Shi Xuan!


Shi Xuan had just beheaded a ghost, and suddenly saw a figure fall in front of him. He was suddenly shocked, and quickly grabbed a rune and waited.

"Is it human? Not a ghost?"

Just when Fu Xun was to be stimulated, Shi Xuan found that the person in front of him was extremely pure, without any impurities, completely different from these evil ghost charms, and stopped quickly.

"Do you come here to demons and demons?"

Shi Xuan asked Du Bai. Although he did not immediately launch an attack, Shi Xuan did not relax his vigilance.

"Demons and demons?"

Du Bai stared at Shi Xuan and smiled, "Jiang Yao can still make sense, and it is not necessary to remove the demon."

There are demons and ghosts, as well as demons. But this demon is himself.

"The Taoist friends really walked high and deep."

Shi Xuan sighed, "Poor Dao also feels that there is some enchantment here, but he can't be sure. Hearing the words of Taoist friends, this place must be the evildoer."

Said, Shi Xuan Chao Du Jiujiu, "Poor Shi Xuan, dare to ask friends to surname?"

"Shi Xuan? Isn't it Du Bai?"

Du Bai stared at Shi Xuan, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.


Shi Xuan was nervous.

Does this person know Du Bai? Yes, there are not many practitioners in Zhongzhou. It is normal for this person to know Du Bai.

However, why did I never discover this person in Du Bai's residual memory?

The thought of Du Bai's madness, his soul annihilated, and his incomplete memory is justified.

"Sometimes before the poor road went into flames, the spirits were badly hit. After waking up, I felt that life and death were impermanent.

Shi Xuan immediately pulled a guise, "Just because the soul was wounded, the memory is incomplete, but ... I don't recognize the Taoist friends."

"Haha! What a fun!"

Du Bai laughed loudly, pointed his finger at Shi Xuan, and shook his head. "You don't recognize others, but you will definitely recognize me. Because ... I'm Du Bai."

"Du ... Dubai?"

Shi Xuan was shocked, stunned, "How is this possible?"

This person ... must be cheating me! He is likely to find that I am different from the original Du Bai, and do not believe my "damaged soul" rhetoric, this is a lie to me.

Shi Xuan smiled calmly, "Taoyou said a joke."

"Don't believe it? Thought I was cheating on you?"

Du Bai sneered, "Thirteen years ago, I was eight years old and fled to Yangzhou ..."

The cold voice kept ringing, and from beginning to end, Du Bai came together one by one.

"you you……"

Shi Xuan's face turned whiter and whiter, sweating on her forehead.

What's going on?

I came through a soul, and the rebirth of the rebirth, was found by the original owner of this body?

Is there a rider who is more sad than me?

"Now, you see?"

Du Bai sneered and looked at Shi Xuan, "This body ... is mine! Even if I don't need it anymore, there is no reason for others to practice. What do you say?"

As he said, Du Bai raised his hand, and a cold moonlight flashed at his fingertips.

This is the supernatural power of the "Tai Yinxian Yue Dao" obtained after Du Bai's promotion.

The icy cold light is like a crescent moon, swirling endlessly at the fingertips of Du Bai.

"Taoyou! Dubai Taoyou, listen to me! Listen to me!"

Shi Xuan was guilty and depressed.

I do take care of your body. But ... I don't want to! What can I do?

After the soul wears it, he will be reborn, but he will be found by the original owner of the body. I have never heard of this situation!

"Slut, how dare you poison?"

"Ah! Poisonous! Help! Help!"

At this time, there was a cry for help in the yard.

"Ah? Brother Mingde, Lord Yan!"

Hearing this cry for help, Shi Xuan was startled.

Scholar Ding Mingde and swordsman Yan Jujian both came from Shi Xuan. Shi Xuan himself encountered a female ghost, and the two would be no exception.

But ... he is also facing a huge trouble now, and he can't pull it out at all!

"That scholar? And that swordsman? Are you together?"

Du Bai sneered, "It's not a pity for those who are obsessed with love! You should look after yourself first!"

With a wave of his hand, the cold Crescent Moon Blade broke through.

"call out……"

As if the dark night sky was torn by this knife light!

The lingering endless string moon, with the cold and sharp cold light, revealed a breath of death, cut all the way through the air.


Shi Xuan's heart was tense, and she sighed again. Have you ever done a game?

The Fuyu in his hand lights up, and the slightest electric ray lingers on the Fuyu.

As he was about to take a shot, Shi Xuan suddenly found ... the icy string of moon and moon knife lights, circling in front of him, suddenly ... chopped into the room calling for help.


The door burst into pieces, and the icy blade passed by.


There was a sharp voice coming into the body, and the female ghost sitting constantly shaking on the scholar Ding Mingde was instantly beheaded.

Between the dark mist, the glamorous woman turned into a carrion.


The scholar Ding Mingde screamed, while vomiting, crying, his father and his mother crawled on the ground.

The disheveled scholar could obviously see his swollen bruise as he rolled.

"Poisonous? The scholar said just now?"

Seeing the purple eggplant-like scene, Shi Xuan was stunned, and his mouth jerked violently.

Yes! Although these female ghosts have a physical body, in fact ... they are corpses. The body is naturally deadly!

Could it be ... this is the legendary "So what's poisonous"?


At this time, Du white cold face, and waved his hand.

Roared out of the crescent Dao Guang, piercing out from the student's room, and cut into the swordsman's room.

Swordsman also poisoned!

With different scholar, not the kind of in-depth exposure swordsman, he was scratched when the ghost attack, thus poisoning.

Daoguang crescent skimming over the swordsman formerly wielded claw attacks ghost on the spot cut off ~ ~ Thank you ...... Du Bai Daoyou! "

Critical moment, Du did not attack white Stein, Stein which makes very grateful.

Accounted for the body of others, how to say this thing ...... all the wrong ah! Fortunately, Mrs White has a noble character, dedication ......

"Our account at a later count!"

Du white stone cold face glanced Xuan one, and looked up to the depths of the garden, "to deal with the enemy in front say."


Stein heart started.

"Woo ..."

Chilly wind roar, blustery, overcast sky evil of the gas billowing into the sky.

Among the shares that chilly wind, countless ghost, crazy screaming and rushed out. Hyakki, wicked and wild monstrous!

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