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Chapter 1026: Avenue 9 Method, Mouse Project

"What? The secret way into the sea of ​​falling stars?"

Hearing this secret from the shop's mouth, Shi Xuan was shocked.

"History of the Self-Cultivation World" records that the Xinghai Sea fell, this is the ancient Jinxian war, which broke the world and the stars fell like rain. Countless stars fell into the East China Sea, forming a restricted area of ​​death.

Xing Xinghai looks no different from ordinary sea surface, but there are numerous void cracks in Xing Xinghai. The dense void cracks, even if Master Jin Dan entered, there was only one way to go.

Now, listening to Xiao Er's account in this shop, the robbery of the robbers, Lao Chao was in the Xinghai and Inner Sea, which shocked Shi Xuan.

"This closed path can be used as a retreat. In case one day there is nowhere to run away, hiding through the closed path into the Xinghai Sea is also a way of life."

Wielding a sword chopped the shop's second eater, colluding with the thief to frame the customer, Shi Xuan turned the shop's second ash into ashes.

Passer Shi Xuan is a science man.

It is his style to think carefully, to consider defeat before winning, and to plan for everything early.

The spiritual world is weak and strong, who knows when one day will be taken away by others? With this secret passage is also a retreat.

After settling in Dongfu, Du Bai and Shi Xuan were practicing step by step, waiting for the rituals six months later.

They both practiced in a relaxed and comfortable way, but Li Yu was anxious.

"I said, what are you doing to keep me this way? I can't get lost?"

Looking at the contemporary leaders of the Penglai and Weizhou factions behind him, Li Yu was so depressed that he vomited blood. "You guys are also the respect of a religion. Is there nothing to do at home?"

"Serving the Patriarch is our biggest thing right now."

Penglai's palm taught Zhang Zhengyan to bow and salute with a smile on his face, but his heart was secretly defamated, "Why don't you lose? You have run away many times. If you didn't look closely, you living ancestors would not know where to run went!"

"The prince of God Xiao explained, we must take good care of the ancestor, how dare we neglect?"

Xuanzi, who teaches the cave of Weizhou, followed Li Yu step by step.

"Jade God Xiao ..."

Li Yu gritted his teeth fiercely.

If it weren't for this wicked mother, I'm happy now, and it's hurting the world everywhere. Where else would be kept so tightly guarded?

"Say! What is your purpose?"

Li Yu turned around, holding his arms and watching the two palms teach.

"Serving our ancestors is our honor, and there is no purpose."

Penglai taught Zhang Zhengyan with a thick smile on his face.

"Coax it!"

Li Yu rolled his eyes. "Although the ancestor I was only four years old, you can't coax me as a kid, right? No purpose? Very good, then this seat doesn't care about you."

"Uh ... this ..."

Zhang Zhengyan and Dong Xuanzi glanced at each other. The two of them bowed down in front of Li Yu with a stunned voice. "They also asked their ancestors to be compassionate and give the true way of the road."

"Cut! Isn't that the purpose?"

Li Yu pouted his lips, "For so many years, Yu Shenxiao has never taught you the complete true story of Yu Yu Dao Tong, you do n’t want to think about it, is there no reason for it?"

"It must be that the disciples are not good, the morals are not enough, the morals are not cultivated, and it is difficult to enter the eyes of the prince of Shen Xiao."

The two old men smiled wryly and shook their heads.


Li Yu snorted and pointed his finger at the sky. "See? The twenty-seven brightest stars above Tianyu. That is Jinxian Daozu. After Teacher Yu Yu broke away from this world, even Brother Qingyunzi fell. Here. Hey, the battle of the avenues, you die. "

Having said that, Li Yu turned his head to look at the two teachers, "Once the Tao of Yin and Yang is born, there will be an outbreak of a avenue with a Jinxian Taoist ancestor. Do you still want Yu Yuzhen to pass on? You are the scourge of your destruction! "

"This ... even if Yu Yuzhen is not allowed to pass, I also ask the ancestor to show mercy and give the disciples the true law."

What yin and yang way, what avenue dispute, that's too far away. At present, the two factions in Penglai and Weizhou are not able to enter the Yuanshen.

Each sect has only a piecemeal patchwork of three primitive gods. Now that this living ancestor is here, don't blackmail him fiercely ... oh, begging for a few true stories from the avenues, these two palm teachers have been living for so many years.

"Don't ask for Yu Yuzhen? Well, you are wise."

It's not a "protagonist" like Shi Xuan. Don't want to fight against Jinxian from the beginning of a monk, and you can win. After all, no one has his "lucky luck".

"Taking a few avenues to the world will also make me a little white mouse. This can still be done."

Li Yu thought about it, and felt that it was also in line with his goals.

In this world, the avenue is rebuilt as a separate person, creating two avenues of order and materiality for the heavens and the earth. This kind of thing is naturally that the more people participate in the verification, the more Li Yu can grasp the essence.

Li Yu himself is not quite sure whether the "order" and "material" roads will work in this world.

If it takes countless hours and ends up empty, it will be uneconomical.

Therefore, make more preparations for the disciples of the two factions to practice their own pioneering exercises. Through so many people's practice, Li Yu can at least take the opportunity to harvest the laws of heaven and earth for everyone.

Once his avatar fails to open the avenue, there is always no gain at all.

"Well, seeing that you are still careful, I will give you a chance."

With an idea in mind, Li Yu planned to spread the avenue and widely collect "Little White Rats".

"Thank you Grandpa! Thank you Grandpa!"

Hearing these words, the two teachers were crying with joy and giggling.

"I have nine avenues, all pointing directly to the Tao, which can prove the golden immortal. However, to prove fortune and eternity, it depends on each person's talents and opportunities."

Li Yu himself didn't know if he could prove to be eternal in this world, and his exercises were deduced to the Jinxian level at most, and he was not even sure of the latter.

The exercises that have been passed down are naturally only grasped by Jinxian ~ ~ and the latter ones can only be "fate".

"Pointing at Jinxian? Great! Great! Thank you Grandpa! Thank you Grandpa!"

Now the practice of the two factions is okay to achieve Yuanshen, and the later levels must rely on their own feelings to explore. There are nine gates that directly point to Jinxian Avenue, which is simply overjoyed.

"This is the nine ways of the avenue. They belong to gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, and darkness.

With a wave of one's hand, two light spots penetrated into the sea of ​​knowledge of two veterans, and the nine ways of the avenue passed into the souls of the two.

An endless stream of information is pouring in, and even if both are already Lords of the Yin God, they are dazzled by this huge flow of information.

A few moments later, all the ways and means were imprinted in the soul.

Feeling the mysterious true story of the avenue, the two old roads were full of surprises, and they kept hoeing.

As a result, Li Yu's mouse program officially started.

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