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Chapter 1027: Stupid house fairy, frozen house fairy

"Well? Why are you still here? Not going back yet?"

After spreading the law, Li Yu discovered that the two old men were still behind his buttocks and had no intention of leaving.

"We serve the Patriarch ..."

"Go! Go! Go! Serve a fart!"

Two old men come to serve. Is there such a service? Can't you find a beauty in your ancestors ... keke.

"Then ... the disciple summoned Zongmen first."

Li Yu is located in the middle of the East China Sea, in the middle of Weizhou Island and Penglai Island, tens of thousands of miles away from the two factions.

Two sword lights rushed up, and they notified Zongmen by flying swords.

A few moments later, two light beams flew across the sky. After landing, they were really two beautiful women.

One is the Jindan ancestor Yulinglong of the Penglai School, and the other is the Jindan Grand Master Mingqin of the Weizhou School.

"You two are so good at serving your ancestor."

I gave a command to the two, and then the two old men bowed and hurried to the gate of Zongmen.

Nine gates point to the true story of Jinxian!

These peerless avenues, of course, can't make any mistakes, it is right to return to Zongmen quickly.

"Meet the ancestor."

Yu Linglong and Mingqin Fairy salute Li Yu together.

"Okay, okay."

Although the two obscure old men left, two beautiful women came. But ... there is still no freedom!

"Is there anything interesting around here?"

Li Yu stood up and glanced around, planning to have some fun.


The two fairies looked at each other with blank faces.

What is fun? What is fun? Two senior otakus, old otakus who have lived for hundreds of years, where do you know what is fun?

It seems that I have never played since the beginning of my practice, right?

"Forget it!"

Li Yu also knew that it was difficult for them to find something "fun".

"Go to your Penglai Island first."

After being welcomed by the two factions, Li Yu never visited Penglai Island, and settled on the small island where the two factions met, and held a visit ceremony.

"Oh, good! Good!"

Hearing Li Yu's words, Yuling Long of the Penglai School was a little messy.

With her exquisite temperament, killing is very expert, bringing children ... Oh, serving the ancestor is really difficult.

Although Minzhou Fairy Fairy is not as extreme as Yu Linglong, she is also a cold temper, and she doesn't understand this kind of thing.

So they looked at each other like this.

"Take me to fly! Didn't you see the ancestor Xiu Wei's breath bleed into the body? How long should I fly?"

Li Yu glanced fiercely. Are the housemaids so stupid?

"Oh! Yes! Yes!"

Hearing this, the two quickly released the light, and then ... at the same time pulled Li Yu.

"Stupid! Let go!"

Pulled by the two gangsters, is this to divide Laozi into five horses? Li Yu's angry roar!


The two also found something wrong, startled, and quickly let go of Li Yu. But ... they released at the same time!


Our officer Li suddenly fell down.


Boss Li growled angrily.

"Patriarch forgive me! Patriarch forgive me!"

The two fairies were panicked and at a loss.

"Laozi, what crime did you suffer!"

Li Yu stroked his forehead, his face was depressed. The stupid house fairy is not cute at all!

Xu Guang drove up again, and this time finally nothing happened.

Yu Linglong carefully lifted the light, flew smoothly, and did not even dare to shake it.

However, the sweat beads on her forehead showed that this guy was very difficult to "operate" and was very nervous!

According to Yulinglong's temperament, it was that the "嗖" disappeared, and the "嗖" suddenly flew over.

When did this "slow driving" happen? It's too difficult.


Lu Guang fell on the Tianshu Peak of the Penglai School, Yu Linglong exhaled a long breath, and seemed to let down a huge burden.

"While you're playing, this seat is around."

Li Yu didn't want these two stupid guys to be around, he waved at them.


They both hesitated.

"This is the Penglai station. What else can I do?"

Li Yu stared at the roar.

"That's true."

As soon as they thought, the ancestor would definitely have nothing to do in Penglai, and they would no longer insist, "then ... we are waiting for the ancestor.

"Finally free."

Waved at the two, Li Yu stepped on Tianshu Peak.

"Speaking of Penglai Island, this island is actually quite large."

At a glance, the entire Penglai Island looks like a vast continent. The mountains are soaring into the clouds, the earth is green, the river is winding, and various spirit birds are soaring in the air.

"Tianshu Peak meets the Temple of Heaven. Is the main hall of the Penglai Xianpai?"

Stepping up the Tianshu Peak and seeing this hall, Li Yu smiled and walked directly into the hall door.

Zhang Zhengyan was absent, and there were no people in the temple. Li Yu went along the main hall all the way to a portal that revealed the cold air.

"Hanguang cracked the sky fairy array? This is Xu Zhifei's guy, a frozen otaku!"

The cold air behind the portal was very heavy. Even with the forbidden law isolated on the gate, Li Yu's clone felt cold.

"Xu Zhifei, open the door and give me a piece of chaotic ice!"

Reached out and patted the door, Li Yu shouted into the door.

Xu Zhifei is one of the several ancestors of the Yuanshen who was promoted by Penglai, and is also a master of heaven and earth.

Yuanshen ghost immortal, Yangshen true immortal, heavenly human and heavenly immortal, and golden gods together.

From the semi-suspended inheritance of the Penglai School, Xu Zhifei can still cultivate the realm of heaven and man.

Unfortunately, this guy is also a native voyager who rushed through. In the calamity of the first decline of heaven and man, because of the slightest discomfort between the spirit and the body, he could not survive the fall of heaven and earth, and he could only freeze himself with the ice of chaos.

"Well? It turned out that the ancestor arrived. Zhifei was deeply caught in the disaster and could not welcome him. He also hoped that the ancestor would forgive him."

There was a clear sound behind the gate.

"Heaven and man are the first to decline? Oh, how big is it? You give me the ice of chaos, and I will help you escape the disaster."

Li Yu has Taichu Yuanbing in his hands ~ ~ and also has some interest in this chaotic ice.

Of course, this thing is called "chaotic ice", in fact, it has nothing to do with "chaos", it can only be said that the ice of the ice that was born at the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth is only changed.

"Get rid of the disaster? Thank you, Grandma! Thank you Grandma!"

Trapped in the chaotic ice for half a year, Xu Zhifei originally planned to wait for a monk in the gate to release him from the ice and reincarnate.

Hearing Li Yu's remarks at this moment, he couldn't help himself.

The ancestor gave nine gates pointing directly at Jinxian's avenue, and Zhang Zhengyan naturally reported to Xu Zhifei. The ancestors are powerful, and there must be a way to solve the problem of disasters and looting.

As for what chaos and ice the ancestor wants, that's not an issue at all.

"The stronger the mouse, the better, naturally, this fairy mouse is more in line with the requirements of the poor."

With a smile on his face, Li Yu was planning to do an experiment fiercely.

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