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Chapter 1029: Human suffering, good teacher

"Ancestral Mercy!"

At this time, Jiang Yehe, a real person in Yuanshen, bowed down in front of Li Yu and said, "The ancestor, the disciples are about to be robbed, but they have no confidence in the robberies, and they also ask the ancestor for instructions."

"Giving directions?"

Li Yu frowned, his face froze. "You want this seat to help you survive the disaster, right? You are also a real God, why do you still have this kind of mind? If you don't have a strong mind, how can you survive it? "

A scold, sweating Jiang Yehe's body.

"While everyone is here, I will talk to you about what a disaster is!"

Li Yu raised his eyes and glanced at the crowd, and sat down in the Jietian Temple.

"Congratulations to the ancestor!"

Everyone worshiped, sitting on the ground with serious faces, respectfully listening to Li Yu's teaching.

"This seat finds that in recent years, practitioners have regarded the calamity as a flood beast one by one, either trying to avoid the calamity and delaying the calamity, or trying to find various treasures to resist the calamity."

Sitting on the high platform, Li Yu said, "However, these methods are all wrong."

"What is Heaven Calamity? Is it difficult for Heavenly Calamity to kill the practitioners? No! Heavenly Calamity is not to kill the practitioners. On the contrary, Heavenly Calamity is to fulfill the practitioners."

After extracting the "brave force" from Xu Zhifei's hand, after analyzing it, Li Yu has clearly understood the nature of the world calamity.

For the heaven and earth rule of "Tiandao", the practice of "combining Taoism" will only make "Tiandao" more stable, more perfect, and stronger.

Therefore, Tianjie is just a test. After a lot of trials and hardships, what stands out from the crowd is naturally the "Hedao" Jinxian that meets the requirements of Heaven.

"Tianjie is a complete practitioner?"

Hearing Li Yu's words, everyone looked at each other.

Over the years, countless practitioners have fallen under the sky. Are these people "made perfect"?

"Heaven and earth are selfless, heaven and earth are ruthless. Tianjie is essentially a screening of practitioners by heaven and earth. For those who meet the requirements, they are rewards for fulfillment. Those who do not meet the requirements will naturally die."

Looking up at the crowd, Li Yu went on to say: "As long as you practice, you need to be in harmony, and you must prove good fortune and eternity. Only through tempering time and time again can you be qualified for" cohesion. " I will never be qualified for "cohesion" through the disaster. "

"Please give me directions."

Although "Hedao" is too far away from the crowd, even the strongest Xu Zhifei, only the heaven and the human are the first to decline. Only after passing through the heavens and the earth, can we consider the issue of union.

However, it was the first time that everyone had heard of the opportunity of the avenue, and everyone naturally could not let it go.

"Everything that is dangerous is a weak foundation! The road to spiritual practice is to keep yourself closer to the avenue. Joining together means integrating yourself with the avenue. I am the avenue, and the avenue is me!"

"So, the first step of this road is‘ Take My Heart and Heavenly Heart ’, and the second step is‘ Take My Heart and Heavenly Heart. ”The third step is‘ My heart is heavenly heart, and Heavenly heart is my heart.

Being a good teacher is also one of Li Yu's problems.

However, these words are not just "good people as teachers", but also an inductive summary of the practice of this avatar in this world.

"This seat has passed down the Nine Roads. These nine roads are the roads where you re-solidify the foundation. It is in the same vein as your original practice, and you can rebuild it yourself!"

"Yes! Thank you for your advice!"

After hearing the avenue, I understood the essence of the practice, and then I could transfer to the nine ways of the avenue and re-consolidate the foundation. Everyone was grateful and bowed down.

As a result, Li's team of mice has grown even bigger.

In fact, this is not a pit. Leaving aside Li Yu's careful thinking, the Nine Ways of the Avenue is indeed the true story of the Avenue of the Nine Gates pointing directly at Jinxian.

As for Jinxian ... Even if there is a direct eternal truth, it is useless to realize everything, to fight by yourself.

"Okay, go on!"

Li Yu waved his hand and sent everyone off.

"The ancestors are compassionate. My Taizhou Jiushu Note", how can I change it? "

At this time, the Mingqin fairy of Weizhou School came forward and bowed down to Li Yu.

The two factions of Penglai and Luzhou are connected with each other and are close to each other. Fairy Liqin was also present when Li Yu spread the Fa.

The inheritance of the Weizhou School is mainly the Three Doors, "Notes to Taishang Jiu Shu Jing", "True Interpretation of Wuxiang Shenfeng", and "Susu Jinglian Jingjing Jing".

The "True Solution of Wuxiang Shenfeng" can be used to repair the wind-based true method in the Nine Ways. "Tai Su Xin Lian Qing Jing Jing" can also be converted to light or darkness in the Nine Ways of the Avenue.

However, this "Tai Shang Jiu Shu Jing Zhuo" practiced by "precepts" does not know what true law should be transferred.

"Reconstruction is to strengthen the foundation. If the foundation is solid, it does not necessarily need to be rebuilt. The thunder law in the Nine Ways of Law also has the commandment method. In the end, it is also appropriate to go to the ways of 'tian bar', 'day punishment' and 'day punishment.'

"That's it! Thank you for your guidance!"

Mingqin Fairy suddenly realized that she bowed down and worshiped.

"Okay, go on!"

After sending the Mingqin Fairy, Li Yu called Xu Zhifei again. "Zhifei, after this reincarnation, this body is still being deflated. Now is the time to condense the evil spirits. You are more familiar with this world , Where is the yin and yang five elements? "

"If there is a yin and yang evil spirit, there is one place in the south wasteland. But the five elements evil spirit, in Yu Yutian, there is no five elements unified evil spirit, only a single five elements evil spirit.

Xu Zhifei thought for a moment, and continued: "If the ancestor needs the five elements to fulfill his sacrifice, he can only go to the five elements of the Five Elements ancestor."

"Is that so?"

Li Yu nodded ~ ~ then condensing the yin and yang qi first, then go to Wuxingtian once. "

"Yes! The disciples will then send the ancestor to Nanhuang."

Xu Zhifei waved a flying boat and respectfully invited Li Yu to board the flying boat.

"Nice! This frozen otaku is more clever than the two stupid otakus."

Li Yu smiled and boarded the flying boat.

A ray of light rushed up, and the flying boat broke through the void in an instant and rushed to the south.

Flying all the way through the air, he soon arrived in the southern desert.

Yu Yutian is divided into five lands. Middle-earth, East China Sea, South Wild, West Wild, Arctic.

After the destruction of ancient times, Middle-earth had penetrated, leaving only a small place in Zhongzhou. Although the Xihuang was not penetrated, it was equally broken, except for the marginal zone, which could not be penetrated at all.

Now Yu Yutian, the South Famine, the East China Sea, and the Arctic are left intact.

"The style of the southern wilderness is really different from the East China Sea."

Through the porthole of Feizhou, Li Yu saw the earth below, where various beings lived.

A fox-man with a tail, a cow-man with horns on his head, etc., all kinds of orcs come and go. In addition to some differences in appearance, they are also intelligent creatures, which are not much different from humans.

"When Yu Yudao man-made creatures, he did a lot of experiments!"

These orcs were naturally experimental animals when Yu Yudao man-made creatures. Having seen countless species, Li Yu doesn't care much about these.

"Patriarch, there is a place of yin and yang."

The flying boat landed slowly, and Xu Zhifei pointed at a cold and hot air in front of him, flashing the valley in black and white, and said to Li Yu.

"Yes! This is it."

The flying boat landed on the edge of the valley. Li Yu stepped out of the flying boat, looked at the valley, and nodded.

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