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Chapter 1030: Protagonist treatment, inexplicable disaster

"Heaven and earth evil, this is the rule of heaven and earth."

The practice of practicing qi requires condensed shame, this rule is rare in other worlds. In Li Yu's impression, there is only one world of practicing "Hulu Jianjue", and there are such rules.

"So, the path to spiritual practice is the path to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth. I should be on the right path."

Stepping into the valley, the black and white yin and yang evil spirits are tumbling, the light is dark and cold, and the yin and yang life and death are displayed in the evil spirits.

"This place of yin and yang is a place where the yin and cold air meets the sun's fire?"

Look up to the center of the valley, where the yin, yang, cold and heat are the strongest, as if there is a Jinwu dancing and a jade rabbit shuttles.

Although the cause is the coldness of the yin and the real fire of the sun, the yin and yang of the birth of the yin and yang are not the only changes in the cold and heat.

The heavens and earth are born from heaven and earth, and they are born from heaven and earth. This yin and yang evil spirit is also a manifestation of the yin and yang avenue.

"It is a pity that it is still far from the real yin and yang avenue, not to mention the way of changing order of yin and yang."

Li Yu shook his head, stepped into the depths of the valley, and came to the meeting place of the Jinwuyutu.

"Anyway, it's also part of the avenue, naturally you can't let it go."

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, let go of the fake “Shangqing Yuyu yin and yang qi”, and use the way of yin and yang change to accommodate this yin and yang qi.

Light and dark, cold and heat, life and death success or failure, the laws contained in this yin and yang evil spirit, one by one into the mind.


As if a whirlpool emerged from the ocean, the yin and yang of the whole valley raged together.

Li Yu's four-year-old body, like a huge black hole, constantly absorbed these yin and yang evils, and stirred the yin and yang evils of the whole valley for a while.

"It is indeed the ancestor. If you condense the qi during the priming period, you can make such a big noise."

Seeing such movements, Xu Zhifei sighed, "The monk of ordinary times condenses the qi during the priming period, and the absorbed qi of the earth is at most 1 / 10,000 compared with the ancestor."

Refining evil spirits and polishing true qi is something Li Yu has never done before.

Therefore, even with Li Yu's method, there is no way to cheat at this time, but it can only be done honestly and in accordance with the rules of this world.

As a result, the process of condensing the yin and yang evil spirits continued for a full six months.

It can be said that this is the longest retreat after Li Yu came to this world.


The yin and yang evil spirit suddenly shook, and Li Yu's figure flew out of the valley.

At this moment, the yin and yang qi in this yin and yang qi qi land is already thin as a layer of mist, and it is absorbed by Li Yu by 99%.

"Without breaking the foundation, it will return to its original shape in a few years."

The spirit of earth evil is born of sympathy between heaven and earth, and can be recovered as long as the foundation is constantly dropped. Disgrace is also an indispensable resource for spiritual practice in this world. Naturally, Li Yu will not do such a thing as breaking the root.

"Congratulations, Patriarch!"

Seeing Li Yu coming out, Xu Zhifei, who was waiting at the valley mouth, quickly greeted him.

"My practice is quite special. It is not enough to condense the Yin and Yang evil spirits. I still need to condense the five elements."

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "Go back to Penglai first! When I condense the Yin and Yang evil spirit completely, we will go to Five Elements again."


Xu Zhifei released the flying boat and returned to Penglai Island with Li Yu.

At this time, Du Bai and Shi Xuan were also preparing to participate in the pujas of Penglai and Weizhou.

"Do you not want to participate in the Penglai Fa Conference?"

On this day, when Ming Qingyue came over to invite Du Bai and Shi Xuan to attend the Penglai Fa Conference, he heard Du Bai saying that he would not go, which shocked Ming Qingyue.

One of the eight major gates in the world recruits disciples outside the Penglai party. Will any one of the casual repairs go? Even if you know you can't choose, you have to try your luck.

"I think the Weizhou School is more suitable for me. Since it is planned to worship Weizhou, it is not convenient for the Penglai Fa Conference to participate."

Du Bai was still cold, and these words were understatement.

However, listening to Ming Qingyue's ears felt strange.

"It's like you can get started as soon as you go!"

Ming Qingyue was speechless in her heart.

Both the Penglai Fa Conference and the Weizhou Fa Conference were strictly claimed. There are countless meditations to participate in the Fa Conference, and there is absolutely no one that can truly meet the standards.

Even if Qing Qingyue herself is not sure, she will be able to pass it!

"After the Weizhou Fa Conference was still in January, Brother Du Bai might as well follow us to see the Penglai Fa Conference. See how the Penglai School selects his disciples. When the Dao Brothers participated in the Weizhou Fa Conference, they were more confident. "

Shi Xuan reminded with a smile.

Since this time, the two have not known anything about the practice world. When recruiting disciples, such big factions as Penglai and Weizhou were horribly selective.

"It's good to see some."

Du Bai nodded. It is also good for him to participate in the Weizhou Fa Conference when he sees the disciples' meeting of the Penglai school to select his disciples.

"Let's go! My ship is in the port, and everyone happens to be together."

Ming Qingyue beckoned with a smile, and led Du Bai and Shi Xuan together to the port.

A gorgeous dragon boat, carved beams and painted buildings are moored on the port, which is precisely the light of Ming Qingyue's car.

"Well. Miss Qingyue is really rich!"

On board the dragon boat, Shi Xuan couldn't help but admire the exquisite decoration and the mysterious runes.

This dragon boat must be an extraordinary weapon. Even a ship traveling on behalf of all walks is so high-grade, and she really has a rich family.

"The boat my mother used to give me now is just for me."

Ming Qingyue smiled ~ ~, waved a streamer and started the Dragon Boat Artifact.

With a humming sound, the dragon boat flew up against the sea like an off-string arrow.

Mingyue Island is less than a thousand miles away from Penglai Yingke Island, where the Penglai Fa Conference is located. Riding the Dragon Boat Weapon, the three flew all the way and arrived at Yingke Island within a short time.

"This is Penglai? Really it is the Holy Land of Xianjia!"

The dragon boat docked at the shore, and Du Bai stepped out of the dragon boat and boarded Yingke Island.

On the green island, the green mountains are soaring, the white clouds are surrounded, the waterfalls and springs flow around, and the water is misty. One crane crane soared among the white clouds.

Beneath the green hills in front, a beautiful white jade building stands tall.

The jade tower is beautiful, shining in the sun. The jade tower is soaring. The white clouds are dazzling.

Under the heavy eaves of each floor, the body of white jade casts down one after another, the light and the shadows shake, and the jade tower seems to be rising.

"Hmm? Master Shimei is here?"

At this time, a young man in a brocade walked down from another building and raised his eyes to see Ming Qingyue, greeted with a smile.

"Meng Yugan? Huh!"

Ming Qingyue saw this brocade youth, frowning unhappyly, and said to Du Bai and Shi Xuan, "That guy is annoying. I don't want to ignore him, let's go."

Said, Ming Qingyue turned around with Du Bai and Shi Xuan, and ignored the brocade youth at all.

"Huh? There are two strange men beside Ming Qingyue?"

Meng Yugan stared at the figures of Du Bai and Shi Xuan, with a flash of cold light in his eyes. "The one I see Meng Yugan, do you dare to make an idea? My ancestor is Master Penglai Jindan, how can I kill you!"

So ... Du Bai and Shi Xuan's inexplicable plague caused trouble.

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