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Chapter 1031: Invisible bridge

"Follow me, please."

An hour later, the Penglai Fa Conference officially opened.

A Penglai disciple came forward and brought countless people who participated in the Penglai Fa Conference into that jade building.

Along the wide white jade steps, everyone followed behind the Penglai disciple, all the way up the stairs. The winding white jade steps seem endless, walking for a while, as if already deep into the depths of Baiyun.


Pushing open the door, the Penglai disciple led everyone to a huge square.

Around the white clouds, clouds steam Xia Wei.

This huge white jade square was suddenly established in the sky.

"Uncle Qiyu, the disciples have brought the monks who participated in the Fa."

The Penglai disciple bowed to a man in a blue robe floating above the square.

"Well. Come back!"

The man in Qingpao nodded his head, then turned to look at the crowd, "Poor Road Penglai Xie Fangwei, Road No. Tian Fang. Welcome everyone to participate in this meeting."

"Penglai Xie Fangwei? Tianfang Taoist? This is a true disciple of Penglai, a master of spirits!"

Hearing the Tianfang Taoist self-reported home, some of them heard Xie Fangwei's famous Sanshou, and they immediately talked with envy.

"He's also a supernatural spirit? He's with your father? Doesn't look like he's young? Is he so powerful?"

Shi Xuan turned to look at Ming Qingyue and asked in doubt.

"What do you mean? Do you mean my father is so old?"

Ming Qingyue glared, and dug Shi Xuan severely.


That injustice in Shi Xuan's heart!

Am I just asking about the situation of this Taoist Taoist? Do you want to be so sensitive!


Du Bai couldn't help laughing.

Then, Du Bai also stared hard at Ming Qingyue.

"Everyone, this time the Penglai Fa Conference will be chaired by the poor."

Xie Fangwei, a Taoist from heaven, waved his hand to make a glow, which was like a rainbow, flying from the platform to the depths of Baiyun.

"You, after crossing this bridge, you will be able to log in to Penglai Island. The poor road is at the other end of the Hongqiao, waiting for your arrival."

Xie Fangwei made his first salute, turned and set foot on Hongqiao, stepping into the depths of Baiyun step by step.

As Xie Fangwei walked step by step, the colorful brilliance on the Hongqiao gradually dissipated, and in the end ... the colorful bridge disappeared!

"Ah? The bridge is gone. How can we get over?"

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

"The bridge must still be there, it's just invisible!"

Shi Xuan turned to look at Du Bai and Ming Qingyue, and nodded with a smile. "The Penglai School's ritual is truly extraordinary. Crossing an invisible bridge is a test of heart!

Deep in the sky, but nothing at the foot, this is a test of courage.

"Every monk who is out of the world can drive to death, right? This level should not be so simple."

Du Bai frowned. "There should be other means."

"It must be so!"

Ming Qingyue also nodded, "Let's go, let's go see and see what the mystery of this bridge is."

The three walked and walked towards Hongqiao.

"What if there is no bridge? Hida is just past."

At this time, some monks erected the light in succession and flew forward.


When they rushed out of the high platform and into the white clouds, one by one, like flying birds with folded wings, planted the clouds one by one.


A series of terrifying screams echoed in mid-air. These monks who drove the light all fell from high altitude and fell into the clouds below, and disappeared instantly.

There was only a long scream.

"Falling so high, you won't ... fall to death, right?"

"Penglai Xianpai is also a well-known sect, shouldn't they be killed at the Fa Conference?"

Seeing this scene, the monks were startled.

"It seems that the bridge has to be walked over."

"Yes! It must be so!"

None of the people participating in the Fa Conference were fools, and all of them who fell past him fell down, so naturally they could only walk over.

Although Hongqiao was invisible, he still had some clues. For example, traces of clouds will appear as the clouds flow.

Following these traces, monks stepped on this invisible Hongqiao.

If you step under the void, you can't mix your strength, but your body doesn't fall down. Obviously, this road is right!

As a result, thousands of monks on the platform stepped on this invisible bridge.



At this time, there was another scream in front. It seemed that monks kept falling down the bridge.

"Let's go over the bridge too!"

Ming Qingyue smiled, stepped into the void, and boarded the invisible bridge.

"Well? Sure enough, there are ways."

After Du Bai boarded the Hongqiao, he found that the figure was not visible before, after, and around. Ming Qingyue and Shi Xuan, who were just in front of him, had completely disappeared.

More importantly, the bridge underneath can even see the underground.

Looking down from a high altitude, the mountains below are as small as a hoe. I couldn't help my feet, and just walking at high altitude like this made people feel involuntary.

"This method also wants to shake my heart?"

Du Bai drew his lips, and flashed a trace of white awns in his eyes, "Mind and heart, freedom and eternity!"

Among the spirits, pure white light suddenly blooms ~ ~ The ideal of the ideal, the eternal, and the eternal "rises in my heart, and breaks all imagination, all things do not move my heart.

The true meaning was born, and the sight before him was restored.

Du Bai has been able to clearly see the people walking forward, including Shi Xuan and Ming Qingyue right in front of him.

Shi Xuan and Ming Qingyue stayed for a while, and soon recovered.

"Keep going!"

Ming Qingyue chuckled, raised his fist, and stepped forward.

Du Bai smiled and moved forward.

The farther you go, the fewer and fewer people. In the end, no one can see anyone except Ming Qingyue and Shi Xuan.

The wind screamed, and Hongqiao shook violently.

"Did everyone fall in front of me?"

Du Bai frowned. "Don't look at the harmony and mystery here."

Moving forward, Du Bai moved on.

The more you move forward, the more thoughts you have.


An inexplicable fear came to my mind, creepy and trembling.

"Can it be a trap here? Will anyone find out that I have a Demon Inheritance and want to kill me here?"

Inexplicably, Du Bai's heart had such an idea.

"Sure enough, some means!"

All kinds of thoughts disturbed one another, but Du Bai's only, eternal mind, was not affected at all.

It's not that you don't think about it, but that the true spirit doesn't move!

If you don't have a thought, willn't it become a stone without thought?

"How can this deceptive technique shake my heart?"

Du Bai flicked his sleeves and moved forward unconsciously.

"How can you come here? What kind of skill is there!"

At this time, a voice sounded from behind.

Du Bai froze, I have no acquaintances here, who is calling me?

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