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Chapter 1033: “Vientiane Circular Mirror”, Immortal Polygraph

"All the monks attending the conference, no one can leave! Offenders are killed without amnesty!"

People died at the Penglai Fa Conference, but also the descendants of King Meng Li, King Jindan of Penglai. After discovering this, Penglai sent everyone outrageous.

Above the platform, an expressionless middle-aged monk sat side by side.

This person is Grand Master Mo Yuan who is presiding over the Penglai Fa Conference. When this happened, Mo Yuan also felt that he could not hang on his face.

Under his high-quality Jindan sitting down, this kind of thing happened. If you don't check it out, what is Penglai's reputation?

"What happened?"

A group of participating monks were concentrated on the square below the Jade Tower. Many people didn't know what was going on. They talked to each other and talked.

"Meng Yugan's death, was it discovered?"

Du Bai knew it well, but his face remained calm. The free master demon is proof of creation and eternal existence, and the master's jade simple magical powers cannot be found under these Penglai doors.

Mingmen is acting decently, and he must be disciplined. It is impossible to find Du Bai without evidence.

As for beating Meng Yugan, have you ever seen martial arts destroy human spirits?

"call out……"

At this time, a ray of light came from the sky. An old man in brocade fell on the high platform.

"Brother Mo, Yugan's death must be accounted for!"

Meng Lichao bowed his hands to Mo Yuan, turned his head to look at the monks below, with a sullen expression on his face, "I will never take a rest without finding the killer!"

"Master Meng, rest assured that this matter is also related to my reputation in Penglai. Naturally, I have to check it out!"

Mo Yuan nodded, "Since Brother Meng is here, let's check this together."

"Thank you Brother Mo."

Meng Li bowed his hand and sat down beside Mo Yuan.

"Tianfang, let's get started!"

Mo Yuan took out a blue lamp in front of him, took out a mirror, and gave it to Xie Fangwei.


Xie Fangwei took the mirror, stepped down the high platform, came to the monks, and said in a loud voice: "Today, at the Penglai Fa Conference, there was an adulterer who murdered a participating monk. In this case, I am naturally Investigate. "

He waved the bright mirror in his hand and turned it into a high light curtain. "This is a Vientiane circular light mirror, which can see everything that Seoul and other people do at the Penglai Fa Conference. Now, according to the instructions, please go by Vientiane circular mirror. "

"Every action at the Penglai Fa Conference can be revealed?"

Du Bai frowned slightly when he heard this, but he didn't have much surprise in his heart.

Since it is the Penglai Fa Conference, there will certainly be no lack of monitoring means when investigating beginners. This is also expected.

What's more, he has new discoveries and is confident to deal with it.

"Line up, come here one by one!"

Under the guidance of Penglai's disciples, a group of monks participating in the Fa Conference walked through the Vientiane Circular Mirror. All the actions of the monk on Yingke Island flashed in the mirror.

Over time, it was gradually Du Bai's turn.

Ming Qingyue came on stage, and the Vientiane circular light mirror showed up. The three set foot on Yingke Island. Meng Yugan came to say hello. Ming Qingyue ignored and turned away.


Seeing this scene, Meng Li snorted unhappyly.

The little girl of the Ming family dare to humiliate me? However, this is not the time to pursue the matter.

Meng Li held back the anger in her heart and continued to watch.

Ming Qingyue is followed by Shi Xuan. Shi Xuan had never had contact with Meng Yugan, so she naturally passed the barrier easily.

"Are you here?"

Du Bai settled down, and his mind sank into the true meaning of "idealism and self-righteousness, eternal and eternal".

The picture of the mirror keeps appearing. Step into Yingke Island, board the Jade Tower, and set foot on Hongqiao. Until ... Meng Yugan attacked with "air-entraining beads", Du Bai kicked him with a fist!

"It's you?"

Seeing this scene, Meng Li gave a furious roar, "Thief, how dare you kill this poisonous hand? Go to death!"

The mighty flames soared into the sky, a huge fire dragon roared and roared in the flames, and the immense immense impress of the monks was pale and shivering!

"Don't even tell the evidence, don't make sense, and go straight?"

Du Bai was startled and suddenly realized that he was wrong!

Even if there is a solution, it is useless! They don't talk about rules at all, they just do it!

Even though Penglai is a well-known decent, the practice world respects strength. A master Jindan is angry and directly kills a meditation-free period. Who can say anything?


Du Bai was frightened and angry, but there was nothing he could do.

The period between the hangover period and the Jindan period is too far away, and there is no room for desperation!

"Du Bai ..."

Shi Xuan was shocked when he saw this situation. But ... he can't help it!

The scene on the screen has already shown that it was Meng Yugan who deliberately made a difference and attacked Du Bai first before he was countered by Du Bai.

But ... Meng Li is the ancestor of Grand Master Jindan, and is the ancestor of Penglai School of Jindan. People will not tell you the truth, there is absolutely no way!

"And slow!"

At this time, Mo Yuan, who was sitting on a high platform, waved a thunderbolt and stopped the furious Meng Li.

"Brother Mo, what do you mean? Obviously this thief killed Yugan, why did you stop me?"

Meng Li is only the top grade Jindan, while Mo Yuan is the top grade Jindan.

Dan Cheng Sanpin, the top, middle, and bottom Sandan Jindan, but the strength is different! Mo Yuan's strength is naturally many times stronger than Meng Li.

Stopped by Mo Yuan, Meng Li's fire dragon annihilated instantly. Seeing this situation ~ ~ Meng Li was shocked and angry, and could not help yelling at Mo Yuan.

"I am Penglai decent, and act decently."

Mo Yuan glared at Meng Li with a cold face, "Brother Meng also saw the cause of Meng Yugan's death. He was killed by the soul. Hongqiao forbidden the law and forbids all magical magic tools and magical tools. Can destroy the soul? This matter should be traced. "

"What else is there to check? It must be this thief who captured Yugan's spirit with evil methods."

Meng Li certainly hopes to kill Du Bai directly. This was obviously because Meng Yugan provoked in advance, and Du Bai retaliated.

Can Meng Li be unclear about Meng Yugan's nature? The more the problem, the more ugly things Meng Yu might do.

"It's about Penglai's face, how can you act hastily?"

Mo Yuan snorted, directly suppressing Meng Li's dissent. The superiority of the top grade Jindan and the status of the top grade Jindan are not comparable to the top grade Jindan.

Because ... Only the best quality Jindan can be promoted to Yuan Shen!

"You're Du Bai? You come over!"

Mo Li beckoned to Du Bai, and then grabbed the "Vientiane Circular Mirror" and held it in his hand, "I ask you to answer! If you lie, the 'Vientiane Circular Mirror' will show red light. Once it is displayed Red light, then you are a mischievous thief!

"The mirror is yours, don't you want it to show red light, and it can show red light?"

Du Bai looked up at Mo Yuan and faced the might of Jin Dan's real person without giving up.

"You practice inadequately. If you don't understand the practice, it means the cultivation of the mind. Cultivation is the practice of your own way at all times. I uphold the righteous way of thunder, how can you break my heart because of you?

Mo Yuan was expressionless, and did not move at all because Du Bai doubted his character.

"First question, did you kill Meng Yugan?"

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