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Chapter 1034: Blood River Ancestor

As soon as this problem came out, Du Bai fell into a huge crisis.

There are many secret methods in the practice world, and there are many strange and magical instruments. Du Bai still has insufficient knowledge, and he did not expect such a "polygraph" instrument.

In front of Jin Dan's real person and in front of the "Vientiane Circular Mirror", once a lie is photographed, it must be a dead end.

Do not lie? Admitting to kill Meng Yugan directly? That is a dead end.

"How to do?"

Du Bai was anxious.

He knew nothing about the power of the "Vientiane Circular Mirror", and Du Bai's heart was no longer there.

"Today's plan is to fight it!"

The mind is sinking into the mood of "idealism, only me, and eternity." The mind is calm and motionless.

Pure white light blooms in the sea of ​​consciousness, all kinds of thoughts are suppressed by white light, the heart is like a mirror, the ancient well is not wave.


Du Baian answered blankly.

"Om ..."

As soon as the voice fell, a trembling sound burst from the "Vientiane Circular Mirror", and the light shone.

Not red!


Du Bai exhaled a long breath, "Freedom is really magical. Idealism, only me, eternal. This lie-detection instrument must be tested based on the fluctuations of spirits. My spirits can't afford the waves, so I can't detect Show no clue. "

"Not Du Bai! Great! Du Bai was indeed wronged!"

Shi Xuan and Ming Qingyue were relieved to see this result.

Although Du Bai and Shi Xuan's relationship is very delicate, like friends and foes. However, both of them came from the same place. In an unfamiliar place in the practice world, two outsiders naturally have a tendency to hold together.

"Impossible! It must be him!"

Naturally, Meng Li will not be satisfied with this test result.

"Master Meng, are you doubting my means?"

Mo Yuan glanced coldly at Meng Li, and his expression was very unpleasant.

"Uh? Don't dare!"

Meng Li hesitated and immediately understood. This test was chaired by Mo Yuan. What do you really doubt about Mo Yuan? Are you saying he deliberately sheltered? Or is he incapable of doing it?

Whatever the point, this statement is very inappropriate.


Mo Yuan snorted, turned his head and looked at Du Bai, "Can someone borrow your shot?"


As soon as Mo Yuan's remarks came out, Meng Li's eyes brightened, and his heart gave a little admiration to Mo Yuan.

Brother Mo was so thoughtful that even this possibility was considered.

It wasn't Du Bai's killing. It was also possible that someone borrowed Du Bai's hand and started to attack Meng Yu.

It is not without distracting possession to remotely control the shot.

The blood river ancestor of the blood **** sect is known as the method of blood shadow avatar. Thousands of avatars, lurking in others, and then taking the opportunity to disrupt things, is the **** ancestor's masterpiece.


Du Bai's answer was so straightforward that he could easily get through even without "idealism". Because he is telling the truth.

Meng Yugan did it himself, and naturally no one else took advantage of him.

"Brother Mo, how can a little monk who knows this kind of things possessed by Yuanshen be aware of the clue? Instead, let's explore his spirit by searching the soul."

Meng Li's remarks were still concealed.

The soul-searching method is the most damaging. This way, even if you don't die, you will be so devastated that it is a blessing to not become a fool.

What's more, Meng Li came to "a moment of carelessness", which made Du Bai so devastated. He also said at most that "the poor Taoist school is not well-educated and ashamed."

"No need!"

Mo Yuan shook his head and picked up the blue light in front of him. "This is the magic weapon used by this Jin Dan before. It is called" Qing Yang Lantern "and has the effect of restraining demons. When you distract your body, that is also the case. Foreign evil. Juvenile, can you let this seat shine your soul with green light? "

"Seniors do whatever they want."

This must be an escape. Du Bai didn't care if the "green light" shines on the soul. A piece of magical equipment, is it stronger than the jade Jane of the master of freedom?

"So good!"

Mo Yuan nodded his head, stretched out a finger, a flame burst out on the green light, and it was bright and glorious, showing the spirit.

In the light of the sun light, Du Bai's spirit manifested in the light.

"Huh? It's so pure?"

Pure white light, white light without any impurities, is like a bright moon, like pure white sheep fat.

Seeing the glory of Du Bai's spirit, Mo Yuan had a shock in his eyes, "This young man's spirit is so pure? This is a natural Tao!

"It really isn't you!"

The soul is pure and flawless. Is such a character an evil adult?

A rare smile appeared on Mo Yuan's expressionless face. Waving his hand to put away the green lantern, Mo Yuan nodded to Du Bai, "This matter has nothing to do with you. You go down first!"

Do n’t you hear that evil is right, and **** is loyal? A pure and immaculate spirit is not necessarily a natural Tao, but it can also be a natural demonic!

It is a pity that Li Yudu wrote the "Large Free Lord". Where can anyone see the difference in this practice?

"Thank you for your grievances!"

Du Bai felt a sigh of relief secretly, bowed a hand to Mo Yuan, turned around and walked off the high platform.

"Brother Mo ..."

Seeing that Mo Yuan released Du Bai, although Meng Li was a little unwilling, it was not easy to attack, only secretly made up his mind.

Whether it is you or not, this incident is also caused by the conflict between you and Yugan. Even if you worship Penglai, I have a way to kill you!

"There are still many people who have not tested ~ ~ one by one in the past, they will definitely find the real murderer!"

None of the monks participating in the Fa Conference left, and the murderer who killed Meng Yugan must be among these people. Mo Yuan released the "Vientiane Circular Mirror" to allow Xie Fangwei to continue testing.

Monks took turns walking in front of the "Vientiane Circular Mirror".

When a teenager named Yu Wendao walked past the "Vientiane Circular Mirror", Du Bai raised his hand without any trace.



Mo Yuan suddenly looked up in shock.

The "Vientiane Circular Mirror" is normal, without any abnormalities. However, the light in front of Mo Yuan burst out suddenly.

Qingyang lanterns can be used to detect demons, and they can also detect demons.

"Take it down!"

Mo Yuan yelled, and rushed over from the high platform in an instant, the green light in his hand burst out into the sky.


Yu asked, looking at each other, wondering what the situation was.


Suddenly, Yu asked, a loud noise burst into the sea of ​​knowledge, and the blood of the sky was rising in the sea of ​​knowledge. A force of plundering life swept out, instantly sucking Yu Wen's body and spirits clean.

"Is it discovered by you? It's your luck!"

A cold humming, a blood-colored Changhong whistling into the air, straight into the clouds.


Seeing this **** Changhong, Meng Li's eyes were red and furious.

In his view, Meng Yugan must have been the poisonous hand of the Blood River ancestors. The distraction of the Blood River ancestors did not sneak into the disciples of various factions to cause chaos.

"Blood ancestors are also the same as those in the Devil's Tao. How can you hide the induction of Yujian, the demon master?

Du Bai chuckled in his heart, "Revealing your possessions, and letting you carry a black pot for me, should be taken for granted!"

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