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Chapter 1035: Unlucky Blood River Patriarch

In fact, Du Bai was also surprised to find the distraction of the Blood River ancestors.

When the Penglai faction gathered the crowd, Du Bai suddenly noticed that Yu Jian in his head trembled. Following the induction, he saw Yu asked.

The information on "Blood Demon" was displayed on Yujian. Combining with the introduction of the "eight major martial arts practitioners", Du Bai immediately thought that this was the "Blood God Sect".

Although he didn't know that this was the distraction of the Blood River ancestors, but the "Blood God Sect" person appeared in the Penglai dharma, wasn't it a good steward?

Therefore, while Yu asked and walked past the "Vientiane Circular Mirror", Du Bai used the power of "Demon Lord Jade Jane" to stimulate that trace of blood.

Blood River ancestors, notorious, it was almost everyone shouting.

It is no surprise that when the blood light rushed up, the blood river ancestors who all aimed at, no one doubted Du Bai.


The roar of Meng Li gritted his teeth, and the sky was full of fire.


A fire dragon soared into the sky, smashing into the blood river ancestor distracted.


A thunder burst out of Mo Yuan's hand, rushing towards Scarlet Changhong like Thunder Dragon.

The distraction of the Blood River ancestors, although in the realm is a distraction of the real gods, but it has very weak power.

After all, this kind of lurking in others, entering other major factions to investigate intelligence, and even disrupting things, the first requirement is to sneak in.

There is more power to carry, and it can be seen at a glance. How can you sneak in?

Faced with the attacks of two masters of Jindan, the distraction of the Blood River ancestors naturally could not resist, and could only escape with one heart.

"My ancestor was distracted. Although his strength was not strong, I was a real human being anyway!"

A flash of blood flashed, breaking through the void in an instant, and using the teleportation of void to instantly get rid of the fire dragon and thunder dragon, and rushed far into the sky.

"It's your luck this time, my ancestor will visit again next time!"

Putting a harsh word, the distraction of the Blood River ancestor laughed and rushed to the sky.


"Well? This thing is fun!"

In the sky, a flying boat broke into the sky. A little boy, about four years old, stretched out a hand from the porthole of the flying boat, and just grabbed the **** Changhong in his hand.

"During the period of deflation, dare to touch the blood **** of the ancestors?"

The blood river ancestor laughed with a strange laugh, and he felt the blood of Li Yu's spirit.

However ... no matter how hard he tried and how he tossed, he couldn't absorb any of the spirit and blood.

"Stupid, the soul and soul are one, do you want to **** my soul, aren't you just sucking the spirit of the body? Even if you practice forever, you don't want to **** the spirit of the body."

Obstructed by the spirit, the body's blood cannot be shaken.

"Blood God, this long-rumored magic skill, I have never seen it before!"

Li Yu smiled. As soon as he flicked his sleeves, this **** Changhong was put away instantly.

"Then ... who is that?"

The monks participating in the Fa Conference only felt that this short moment was really eye-opening.

The Penglaifa will die, and the distraction of the Blood River ancestors appears. Then, the prestigious, blood-stained ancestor of Blood River, was caught so easily.

"Patriarch? Xu Zhenjun?"

Mo Yuan was relieved when he saw the flying boat in the sky and saw the distraction of the Blood River ancestors being grabbed by Li Yu.

"Thank you, Grandma!"

Mo Yuan bowed and saluted far from the sky. The events at the Penglai Fa Conference were finally accounted for.

The blood ancestors were in chaos, captured by Penglai, and cut off a distraction, how can it not affect Penglai's reputation.

"The real culprit has been removed, and the Penglai Law will continue."

The matter of Meng Yugan was over. Mo Yuan waved and announced that the Fa Conference would continue.

However, some people did not intend to end this way.

"Even if Yugan of my family died because of the ancestor of the Blood River, you must also bury the funeral of Yugan! Not everyone in my Meng family can mess with me!"

Meng Li gave a cold glance at Du Bai, and a gleam of cold light burst out in his eyes. "If the people in my Meng family can still be at ease, what is the prestige of my Meng family? Will there be more people in the future? In the head? "

No matter how Meng Yugan died, Du Bai's brutal beating of Meng Yugan has been fully photographed on the "Vientiane Circular Mirror".

Everyone knew that Du Bai had beaten Meng Yugan and the children of Grand Master Meng Li from Jindan! What is dignity to go back without revenge? What is the prestige?

How did prestige come? It was killed! Kill no one to dare to mess with, this is awesome reputation!

"Brother Mo, this matter is over, so don't disturb Brother to preside over the Fa."

Giving a hand to Mo Yuan, Meng Li erected Qiongguang whistling away.

Meng Li left Yingke Island, but secretly sent a message to Meng Yu, the disciple of the Meng family who still remained on Yingke Island. Fuck him. If he passes the dharma, hehe ... the poor will take him as a disciple! "


Meng Yu promised, and looked at Du Bai without a trace, a gleam of cold light burst into his eyes.

"Today's ritual ... it's a twist!"

Shi Xuan turned to look at Du Bai, shook his head helplessly, "The complexity of the practice world is more serious than we think ~ ~ I know what you mean!"

Du Bai nodded, "Meng's family will definitely not forget it. If I really worship in Penglai, I will have to wear small shoes in the future. Fortunately, I did not come to worship to get started."

"Du Baidao You ... Are you planning to leave?"

Ming Qingyue glanced at Du Bai and pointed at Mo Yuan with a smile. "I think you are a good disciple of Master Mo Yuan. Because both of you are cold tempers."


Du Bai shrugged his lips silently, bowing his hands to the two, "I wish the two Taoist friends get their wishes, Du Bai has left."

With that said, Du Bai turned away from the team and walked outside Yingke Island.

"Huh? This kid ... planning to leave?"

When Mo Yuan inspected Du Bai's spirit, he was very surprised at Du Bai's extremely pure spirit, and he had paid attention to Du Bai for a long time. Suddenly found Du Bai leaving, Mo Yuan frowned.

"This kid has a very serious mind. I suspected that I would do something when I lied before. At this moment, I must be worried that I will be retaliated by the Meng family in the future, and I will simply withdraw from this ritual.

Mo Yuan shook his head. "It's more dangerous to get started and take care of Zongmen outside. Isn't it more dangerous to do casual repairs outside? When the Meng family wants revenge, what can they resist?"

"Tianfang, go and keep that Du Bai. Tell him that Zongmen is not the place where the Meng family covers the sky with one hand. Meng Li is just a sublime Jindan, not so powerful."


Hearing Mo Yuan's orders, Xie Fangwei hurriedly erected the light and chased Du Bai.


Seeing the light flying behind him, Du Bai looked cold, and waved out the flying sword "Yuehua Sword" purchased by Mingyuefang, standing by the sword.

"Before leaving Yingke Island, is the Penglai faction about to start?"

Du Bai stared coldly at Xie Fangwei, looking very alert.

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