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Chapter 1040: I have been regarded as a fairy for 2 generations

"Has Dubai not gone yet?"

In a blink of an eye, it has been half a month since Du Bai lived in Zhulou.

In the past half month, countless eager monks have long been eager to wear them, waiting impatiently.

The Weizhou Xian faction does not prohibit peers from challenging each other. There is even a monthly door test, rankings to encourage disciples to advance first.

Therefore, these casual practitioners who participated in the Weizhou Fa Conference also wanted to create a reputation before the Fa Conference opened.

Weizhou Pie is not just a place of origin!

Du Bai, a person of extraordinary origin, naturally has many people who want to step on him.

After all, it is a formal challenge contest. No matter how high your status is, your origin is extraordinary, and you lose outright, no one can find anything to say.

However, since Bai Bai lived in Zhulou, he hasn't closed his door, and never showed up.

"He's such an uncle who is of extraordinary origin, knows his strength is low, and fears being challenged to be ugly. He must hide from it and dare not see anyone.

"Yes! It must be so!"

"Can't let his tricks succeed! Go, let's come to challenge! If he doesn't dare to come out, see if he has any face to join the Weizhou Fa Conference."

Enraged, a group of monks walked into the bamboo house where Du Bai lived.

"Du Bai, come out!"

"Du Bai, do you want to be a turtle?"

"Du Bai, don't you have the guts to challenge?"

A group of people shouted around Du Bai's room door.

The noise was so loud that many monks who heard the movement came around.

For a moment, outside the bamboo building where Du Bai lived, numerous people surrounded him.

"What's happening here?"

Du Bai has integrated the power of qi and blood, the power of the soul and soul, and the spell forbidden rune, and has been practicing, polishing, and strengthening his control of magical powers.

Suddenly heard a roar from outside the door, making Du Bai inexplicable.

"Scarred turtle? Challenge? What is all this?"

Shaking his head in depression, Du Bai stood up and walked towards the door, "I'll see what these people want to do!"


Opening the door of the room, Du Bai walked out of the door with no expression, only to see countless figures surrounded by the dense crowd outside.

"You are here to participate in the Weizhou Fa Conference. You do n’t go to meditate, do your best, but you are right around my door. Why?"

Frowning slightly, Du Bai glanced expressionlessly at the crowd and said lightly.

"Don't pretend to be good! What is meditation? What is a clear mind? Is it because you are afraid of challenges and fear of ugliness, then you hide yourself and dare not go out?"

"That's it! That's it!"

When Du Bai said this, there was a hissing around. The faces of everyone were full of disdain.

"Okay! I'm telling you the truth, and you thought I was making excuses!"

Du Bai shook his head slightly, raised his eyes to look at the crowd, and slightly shifted the corners of his mouth, "Come! Who wants to challenge me, let me go!"

One of the four sons of the rivers and lakes, "The Cold Noodle Boy Du Bai", has not been seen in rivers and lakes, nor has it been challenged.

Isn't it justified to compete with rivers and lakes for such a challenge?

"I come!"

"I come!"

Suddenly, a large group of people rushed out and vowed to challenge Du Bai.

"Everyone! Everyone!"

At this time, a young man from Jinpao came forward, "Everyone, since Du Gongzi has accepted everyone's challenge. There can be no charter. In my opinion, anyone who wants to challenge Du Gongzi comes to me to register Name, and then draw to decide who will play first, and how? "

After all, Du Bai has only one person, and too many people want to challenge him. Only this method is considered appropriate!

"That makes sense! What Son Yun Yun said!"

It seems that this young man named Jin Pao named Ling Yun still has a lot of prestige among them. These words came out, and everyone agreed.

But ... Du Bai didn't agree.

"No need to bother!"

Du Bai waved his face expressionlessly, "I don't have much time to toss with you. Want to challenge me? Good!"

Putting out a finger and making a circle in front of him, Du Bai smashed out a few words, "You guys ... let's go together!"


"What a reason!"

"Did we despise us so much?"

The anger was angry, and there was a tumult around. The monks filled with indignation and anger. But no one took Du Bai seriously.

One person challenges everyone, and one person fights thousands? Are you crazy? Or is your brain abnormal?

"Why? No one dares to get on? I will leave without hitting!"

Glancing blankly at everyone, Du Bai shook his head, intending to turn back to the room.

"I'll fight you!"

At this moment, a roar remembered that an eight-foot-tall, strong man dragged a sledgehammer and jumped out of the crowd.

"King of Hammers! He can't help but shoot? This is one of the top ten in Zhuyuan! People like him will also shoot?"

"Isn't this Du Bai too arrogant? The Wild Hammer King can't stand it anymore!"

"That's a good show. See how ugly he is!"

After the strong man dragged by a sledgehammer appeared, the onlookers crowded out a field and looked at Du Bai with gloats.

"Du Bai, even if you are of extraordinary origin. But since everyone is here to participate in the Weizhou Fa Conference, maybe in the future, you may be the same. You look down on others like this, you are so arrogant, it is not the mentality of a monk. . "

King Wildhammer held up his sledgehammer and pointed to Du Bai, "Come! You such a respected and honourable high-gate child, have not suffered any setbacks. Today, I will let you learn a lesson. Converge your mind and cut off delusions before you can step On the road. "

"It's so funny! I meditate in my room. You come to provoke me, and dare to talk to me about my nature?"

Du Bai snorted and raised his hand. "I only did one trick. If you can pick me up, you won't lose, even if I lose!"

"It's arrogant! You haven't changed your mind, how can you talk about the future?"

A little roar rose in the eyes of the Wild Hammer, and the weight in his hand was raised high, "Come! Let me see how skillful you are, and dare to speak wildly!"

"I never make a fool of myself. I said that if you can't stop me, you must be able to stop me. ~ A flash of light lingers in the palm of his hand, Du Bai yells loudly," Take it! "

Waved and patted, the hot flames soared into the sky.

The monstrous heat wave swept out, and the billowing heat steamed off the surrounding water and gas, scorching the grass on the ground, as if the air was about to ignite.

"His ... what spell is this? So strong?"

The heat wave swept through, and the monks who watched around looked back and forth. Even if they pushed away a few dozen feet, they still felt that it was very hot and difficult to breathe.


With a roar, in the raging flames, a huge fire snake tossed up and slammed into the Wild Hammer King.

"Earth Hammer!"

With the roar of the Wild Hammer King, the top quality instrument "Earth Hammer" was suddenly excited, and a thick earth force turned into a mountain and stood in front of him.


The fire snake and the mountain slammed together fiercely, making a loud noise.

A huge wind swept up, and the onlookers who were within a hundred feet of the surrounding monk flew directly away. Those who were a little further away rushed to the ground with this force.

As for the Wild Hammer King, he had been hit and fly Baizhangyuan, and fell heavily to the ground.

The power of one hit is irresistible!

"I never make a fool of myself! When I say a trick, it's just a trick!"

Du Bai scattered the flames and stood on his shoulders, glancing at the crowd.

At a glance, the monks bowed their heads and did not dare to look at Du Bai.

"No one wants to challenge me, right? Then I'll go back to my room!"

Du Bai shook his sleeves and turned into the door.

"Not a good birth? If I have such a background, I must be stronger than him!"

"Just! The second generation of immortals is amazing!"

After a period of silence, everyone murmured warily, and slowly dispersed, and no one was still thinking about stepping on Du Bai's upper rank.

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