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Chapter 1041: The path to spiritual practice is right at your feet

"That Du Bai, practiced fire snakes to a nine-layer ban?"

When the fairy Qin heard the report from the boy, she was surprised by the news, "How old is he! About twenty years old, he trained the talented little magical power to the peak?"

According to normal practice, no matter how talented you are, you have to be in your teens to get promoted? After being promoted, it takes a few years to train your spells to the highest level that can be achieved during the period of awakening. Is this too incredible?

"No wonder Master Li said he was 'well qualified'."

For a character like Li Yu who breathed into his body at the age of four and condensed his shame, he said that he was "well qualified", then it was not "good".

"It seems that I have another good seed in the Weizhou school!"

I remembered that there was another Shi Xuan with the same "good qualifications" who had already joined the Penglai pie, and Mingqin was a bit depressed. Right under the door! "

There is nothing but helplessness.

"The qualifications are extraordinary, but I don't know what the mentality is. As long as the mentality is firm, with his qualifications, it is not impossible to achieve top quality Jindan."

Mingqin Fairy nodded, "The path of spiritual practice is the path of spiritual cultivation. How far this path can go can only be seen by himself."

He lowered his eyes, and Mingqin Fairy began to concentrate again, practice spells, and confine the forbidden runes.

The road to cultivation of immortals in this world is really not idle at all, just like at work, every day must complete the condensed runes on time and volume.

The Mingqin Fairy no longer pays attention to Du Bai's affairs, and Du Bai also does not care about a "fire snake" which is popular.

Slowly, a rumor circulated among the monks in Zhuyuan.

"Du Bai also relied on his good background and was given a rune seed by his elders at home. After condensing and merging, he had such great power. In fact, his cultivation was very unbearable."

"Yes! Right! Not only is it embarrassing, but it also has a very bad mind. Arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant, this kind of mind is simply not suitable for cultivation."

"They have a good background and a good life. What can you do?"

"Don't worry, as long as the Weizhou faction does not show any shady, Du Bai will definitely not be elected."

These remarks have almost become the consensus of all the bamboo garden monks.

In their eyes, Du Bai was useless except for his good background.

Time passes day by day.

It was half a month later, and the Weizhou Fa Conference was officially held.


A mighty bell sounded through the clouds, and a ray of light fell from the sky.

In the field in front of the bamboo garden, colorful rays of light intertwine and flow, building a whole body of pure white, like a huge palace made of white sheep fat.

"Bai Yujing in the sky, the five cities on the twelfth floor. The fairy touches me, and the longevity is granted!"

Long songs faint, Rui Cai flying.

A whole snow-white fairy crane flew from the clouds and hung high above Baiyu City Pond.

On the back of the fairy crane, sit this old man with a high crown and long beard.

"Poor Dao Ming You Zi, I am the first seat of Weizhou Foreign Affairs Hall. This dharma will be chaired by Po Dao."

The old man on Xianhe nodded with a smile and said to everyone.

The voice is not loud and exaggerated, just like whispering. However, these words clearly passed to the ears of every monk.

"Meet Mingyou."

A group of monks attending the meeting hurriedly saw the ceremony.

In fact, the term "mingyou" is inappropriate. In the practice world, only Yuan Shen is called a real person.

However, now such a monk's honorific title, naturally, no one takes it seriously.

"No need to be polite!"

Ming Youzi smiled and waved, "This dharma session was held in the pure magic weapon‘ Bai Yujing ’of Weizhou, Chunzhou.

With a wave of his hand, Bai Yujing's door slowly opened.

"I waited and entered Bai Yujing with the poor road."

Ming Youzi stepped into Bai Yujing with a group of monks.

Stepping into the gate seemed to step into another world.

There is a vast ocean in front of me. A huge mountain stands in the sea. The towering mountains soar into the clouds and can't see the margins at a glance.

The place where everyone stood was just below the mountain, on the beach of the sea.

"Everyone, from here, it is qualified to go up to the top of the mountain. The poor road is in the main hall of the mountain, and I look forward to your arrival!"

As soon as the fairy crane showed its wings, it carried Ming Youzi to the sky, and disappeared instantly.

Only a group of participating monks remained, staying at the beach below the mountain.

"Everyone, you will be selected by this method. As long as you are on the top of the mountain, you will be qualified. We are all united. It is more secure to gather all the people than to take risks alone. Everyone will work together to reach the top of the mountain!"

The son of Ling Yun seemed to be a natural leader. At this time, he began to organize people and exert "collective power".

"Yes! Right! Everyone is working together, and certainly not much better off alone."

"Lingyun is a gentleman, and he is selfless. He will surely lead us to the top of the mountain!"

Suddenly, countless people responded to the call and gathered under the banner of "Lingyun Son".

Of course, there are also many people who are not interested in this.

"Cultivation is your own business. I have never heard of the principle of group cultivation."

The King of the Hammer picked up his hammer and could not walk towards the mountain.

The so-called "ten strong men", other than Ling Yun's own son, other people either went alone or walked in pairs, and did not participate in Ling Yun's "collective".

As for Du Bai ...

He left after Mingyouzi left, without hesitation at all, and ignored anyone else.

"Well-hearted, only self", only "self" in mind, only "true self", and only "intense heart". Du Bai, a born cold guy, cares about others.

"Practice is like climbing a mountain. Which road do you choose?"

Going down the mountain, a huge monument stands in front of it ~ ~ with such a line written on it.

Behind the inscription is Dashan. However, there are countless roads on this mountain.

There are boulevards made of fine bluestone stairs, rugged paths of mountains and stones, and thorny, overgrown mountain roads.

Avenues, trails, mountain roads, stone roads, waterways, at a glance, countless roads are densely packed at the foot of this mountain.

However, these roads can't see the end point, they can't see where they lead, they can only see dozens of feet away, and they are blocked by the fog.

"Which one to choose? It's interesting! Since the road is at your feet, what else do you choose? Only with one mind and one mind. Just go your own way!"

Without hesitation, without a pause, or even looking at the road, Du Bai just stepped on it, and regardless of it, he went straight ahead.

"Ah! This is a test of our knowledge of our own avenue. You are so hasty ..."

The Wild Hammer King, who was immediately behind Du Bai, saw Du Bai walk so recklessly, and then he felt helpless again.

Zai carefully observed for a while, and the Wildhammer King raised his sledgehammer.

Then he resolutely embarked on the most rugged and difficult road!

"Stupid! You have to go the right path in your spiritual practice! The crooked door and the left door, how can you reach the top of the road?"

Son Lingyun sneered, and led a group of men to the most flat and straight road.

Others have different choices, and they have set foot on what they think is the right path.

The way ... right at your feet!

Any choice is correct as long as it fits your heart.

But ... is the path you chose really your heart? Or are you guessing the idea of ​​the Weizhou School and deliberately catering to it?

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