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Chapter 1049: Reincarnation Avenue is a big pit

"Next time Jiuyou, preparations are complete."

Having obtained the complete method of reincarnation from Emperor Zuoqiu, Li Yu, he has been able to sum up a method to open up six reincarnation.

"Find a chess piece in Ghost Teaching and give it a chance to study the vigor of Yin and Virtue through him."

Although Li Yu also scanned Zuo Qiu Emperor's black boat, he analyzed the moral virtue of Zuo Qiu Emperor. But this is not enough.

Only by allowing the nether religion to open up reincarnation and heaven to descend from Yin, at that time Li Yu could analyze the rules of birth of Yin from this world.

Knowing it, but also knowing why. This is Li Yu's road to order.

"The avatar must seize the time to practice. Within a hundred years, at least it must be promoted to the level of amalgamation, in order to allow me to harvest the rules of heaven and earth in this world."

A hundred years together, if it wasn't for Li Yu's open-minded existence, there would be no need to think about it. Even if it is open, time is tight. Not many worlds go out and toss.

It's only natural to have a chance to send things off.

"There are" xian ", there are" magic ", there is" the emperor ", there is a" demon ", this" **** ", you can also do some meditation here in the nether religion.

With a dazzling figure, Li Yu's body came to the realm of the wasteland in Yuyutian silently.

"The ancient Jinxian war destroyed this world. The Xihuang and Middle-earth were the most prosperous places in the practice world. Middle-earth was completely extinct, but there are still many things left in the Xihuang."

At the time of the ancient destruction, Middle Earth was completely destroyed, and there were countless void cracks and energy storms raging in the wild west. However, Xihuang has not been completely destroyed in the end, and numerous ancient monks' caves have been left.

For Yu Yutian's monks, Xihuang is a huge treasure.

Although no one can go to the central area of ​​Xihuang, the marginal area is not a place to go in. Although the road to treasure hunting was nine deaths, but the temptation is too great, countless people go to the edge of the western wasteland to find treasure every day.

"So it's very reasonable to discover ancient truths in such places."

Incarnation into nothingness, silently stepping into the West Famine, raging energy storms and cracks in the void are not a problem for Li Yu at all.

Before falling into a cave house shrouded in void and never explored, Li Yu had selected a place for pit people.

"This is a cave house of an ancient corpse expert. A well-developed zombie has something to do with the six reincarnations, and it makes sense."

In Yu Yutian's practice world today, for many years, I have known some ancient secrets. Nether religion must know the existence of this corpse master from various ancient books.

As long as you move your hands and feet casually, you will not believe that you are not hooked.

"Jin Jia Tian Jun? Is the ancient Jin Jia Corpse King? The four immortal celestial beings, there are nine true legends, six ways of reincarnation, it is also very reasonable. It can be said that this Jin Jia Tian Jun also has the idea of ​​opening up a land government!"

Li Yushi Shi Ran stepped into the cave house of Jin Jia Tianjun, completely ignoring the prohibitions such as "yin, dark, mystery, and death".

"Well? There's another spirit treasure that has been robbed three times?"

Lingbao is a higher level than magical treasures. It is an extremely powerful treasure made by the immortal characters, and it also gave birth to spiritual wisdom, which can be transformed into a spirit.

"You guy, you can only be considered unlucky."

Li Yu wants to pit people, naturally it is impossible to let a deep insider existence exist.

Reaching for a hand, a bone seal was flying out of the cave. This is the soul treasure of Jinjia Tianjun, the ghostly seal of bones.


There was a sound in this great seal, a panic and trembling sound. This is the spirit of the ghostly seal of the bones.

"Don't be nervous, just send you a fortune."

With a flick of his sleeves, Li Yu's ghostly seal was put into the resource library by Li Yu.

"The Way of the Bone Ghosts is just a trail. The poor way sends you a way of 'six reincarnations'. This is good fortune!"

In a volume of colorful clouds, the ghostly seals of the white bones instantly disintegrate. Together with the Yuanling spirit, they are reshaped according to the "six reincarnations".

After a moment, one side was pale, with six mysterious runes inscribed above it, revealing a great seal of sentient rebirth, reappeared in Li Yu's hands.

This reincarnation not only engraved the "six reincarnations" of Jiuyou Dharma, but also a spiritual treasure that has survived three robberies and has endless power.

Not only by means of open cycle power to the government of India, with communication jiu World. But also by the government transmigration India bestowed the shade of God.

"Preparatory work has been completed."

Waving a throw, these parties freshly printed reincarnation, and thrown into the depths of his hole. Li Yu's face smiling out of his hole.

"Reincarnation Indian government bestowed the shade of God. Just accept Chifeng, you have the power equivalent to the angel, but also no disaster no robbery, may enjoy millions of years life yuan have this opportunity, I do not believe you still we resist. "

Upon acceptance of Chifeng, then the consequences ...... see Li boss mood.

Of course, if nether teach people really do not move the original mind in the face of this temptation, Li Yu also praise loudly, it really is a religious seed.

Able to resist the temptation of people, if not violent death fall, the future must be one of the big shot. Fulfill some harm done?

"The rest is a primer of!"

Li Yu looked up at the monks who were looking for treasures on the edge of Xihuang, with a smile on his face. "A lucky man accidentally fell into a void crack ~ ~ It was not dead, and he also won Treasure. Then, in a battle, the treasure had to be exposed. The Nether Religion just got the news. This is a reasonable plot. "

A wave of his hand was stretched out, and a void crack spread out, penetrating through the cave of Jinjia Tianjun and the outer area of ​​Xihuang. Then he took a magic weapon-level bone-blowing sword from Jinjia Tianjun Cave House and threw it to the entrance of the cave.

"A little bit of something is added to this bone-blade blood-sword. A breath of six reincarnation is enough to fish."

With a flick of his fingers, Li Yu put a breath of six rounds of reincarnation on the bone-blood-stealing sword.

"The next step is to make a lucky one ... oh, unlucky, it fell into this void crack."

Li Yu looked up at the edge of Xihuang, and quickly selected a suitable candidate.

West edge.

Another killing broke out.

This kind of team that hunts for treasure, because of uneven distribution of loot, is very common.

"Jin Chan, a ghost, I am the grandson of Qi Sanshan, the elder of the Sanshou Alliance. How dare you kill me?"

A middle-aged monk with a dark complexion, holding a wound on his chest, roared, drove up and turned and ran.

"Poisoner? If I hadn't seen the opportunity, I wouldn't have been secretly accounted for by your poisonous Biphobe fire? If you want to kill Laozi, Laozi will also kill you!"

An old man with five short statures and a body full of countless crickets, drove up a ray of light, and chased up toward the Yin Man.



With a scream, a glimmer of light flashed around the Yin Man, disappearing instantly.

"Crack in the void? Qi Shanhai fell into the crack in the void? Haha! It really was bad retribution!"

The old ghost of Jin Chan suddenly laughed at this situation.

Li Yu was also laughing.

"The bait has been lowered, waiting only for the fish to hook."

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