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Chapter 1050: Peerless Opportunity of Ghost Religion

"I ... didn't die?"

Falling into the fissure of the void, Qi Shanhai was desperate, thinking he was dead. However, he passed through the void crack intact and fell under a cliff.

"There are also very few stable void cracks in the void cracks. I was so lucky to have penetrated a stable void crack?"

Qi Shanhai laughed, "It's so lucky."

Looking up to the surroundings, Qi Shanhai was a big joy again. "This is a place that has never been excavated. There must be an ancient cave house."

Along the cliff, shortly after, Qi Shanhai saw a quaint and delicate cave house.

"Jin Yuanshan, Tianjiafu?"

In front of the cave, a huge stone tablet is engraved with six shining characters.

Even though time has passed by millions of years, the spiritual power has dissipated severely. However, these words still revealed a vast and magnificent breath, making people tremble.

"Ancient Xianfu! At least it is also the fairy house of the Supreme Master Yuan."

Qi Shanhai was shaking with excitement. But ... he also knows that with his own cultivation of Jin Dan, there is no way to touch the cave.

After all, the prohibition in ancient times was not a joke.

"It seems that I can only tell Grandpa and let him explore this cave."

Such as Baoshan returning empty-handed, this makes Qishan Hai feel very depressed. Even if the elders in the family are notified to come for treasure hunt, what is better than swallowing them alone?

Feeling gloomy, Qi Shanhai could only turn around and leave.

"Om ..."

At this time, a trembling sounded, and behind a huge stone monument, a pale glow rose into the sky with a hint of red light, and a huge force surged out.

"Ah! Did it trigger a ban ..."

Qi Shanhai was pale with fright, and his feet were soft.


Guanghua instantly fell in front of Qi Shanhai, a sword sounded, Guanghua converged, and turned into a three-footed sword full of white snow and jagged teeth.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

A sound of swords sounded, as if calling to Qi Shanhai.

"this is……"

Qi Shanhai was startled, and then there was another ecstasy!

"The magic weapon confessed the Lord! This is the magic weapon confessed the Lord! Hahahaha! I really have good fortune! There will be blessings if we do not die!"

In the process of hunting for treasures in the wild west, there have indeed been many cases in which such magic weapons actively recognized the Lord.

Because ... the magic weapon that has been left in the Dongfu for countless years. Because there is no master sacrifice for many years, it is very difficult to maintain your own spirituality by relying on your own hard work.

After finally encountering the arrival of a monk, it was natural to find a way to follow it. Actively confessing the Lord is a good choice.

Even if the master fails, after the master hangs up, change another master. It is also common for the magic weapon to change for several owners.

"Ha ha ha ha! I finally raised my eyebrows and exhaled!"

Reaching out and grabbing the Bone Sword, seeing the Bone Sword actively release the restraint center, let him be branded with the spirit, Qi Shanhai laughed loudly.

With this magic sword, even if it has not been sacrificed yet, after mastering the central restraint, it can exert four or five layers of power.

The magic weapon is equivalent to the real person of Yuanshen. The four or five layers of strength of the real person of Yuanshen are enough to sweep the world.

"Jin Chan, I won't let you go!"

Qi Shanhai lifted up the Bone Sword, followed the previous void crack, broke out of the void, and returned to the edge of the Xihuang.

"This guy ... didn't hide it at all? Just mention the magic weapon and kill it?"

Li Yu ’s response to the Qi Shanhai was also a bit unexpected, but this is more suitable for playing the role of bait.


Under the hands and feet of Li Yu's unmarked traces, a disciple of the Nether religion just watched the scene where Qi Shanhai looked for the old toad of Jin Chan to avenge himself, and stabbed his sword with a spirited sword.

"Six reincarnation breaths? There are six reincarnation breaths in that bony sword?"

Finding the Six Ways of Reincarnation is a public task of the Nether Church for many years. Even with the news, there are huge rewards. So, the disciple of the Nether religion immediately passed the news back to Zongmen.

"Is there news of the Six Ways of Reincarnation? The edge of Xihuang? Suspected of a bone sword unearthed from the ancient cave house with six breaths?"

One stone provoked a thousand waves, and several Yuanshen masters of the Nether religion could not sit still.

"Looking for the six ways of samsara, this is our long-cherished wish for nether teachings. This cannot be lost."

Yan Luo Tianzi and Hades emperor sent two men to kill Xihuang. According to the information provided by the disciple, the two quickly found Qi Shanhai.

"Ha ha ha ha! This is Hong Fu Qi Tian, ​​there is a magic weapon sent to the door to recognize the Lord. With the power of the magic weapon, the world is Jin Dan, who is my opponent?"

Qi Shanhai held the bone-blowing sword and laughed and displayed in front of a group of nuns.

Xihuang Tianji City, a city built on the outskirts of Xihuang, is the home of the Sanshou Alliance.

Qi Shanhai, the grandson of the elder Qi Changshan, is even more unscrupulous on the site of the elder league.

As for the cave house that cannot be opened yet, Qi Shanhai has planned to wait until the magic weapon refining is completed, then go to open the cave house, and swallow all the gains by himself.

At this time, Yan Luo Tianzi and Ming Emperor came over.

"Sure enough, there are six reincarnation."

Seeing the Bone Sword in the hand of Qi Shanhai, Yan Luo Tianzi and Ming Emperor looked at each other and nodded with a smile.

"With this magic weapon in hand, this seat can already run rampant ..."

Qi Shanhai is pretending to be ~ ~ Suddenly, a dark top of his head is found, and a dark ghost claw comes down from the sky, grabbing him in one hand.

"Ah! Who are you? How dare you strike me? My grandfather is Qi Changshan, the **** of the Sanshou Alliance ..."!

Before the words were finished, Qi Shanhai only felt a violent boiling in the spirit, as if something was stirring his spirit madly.

The great earthquake caused Qi Shanhai's eyes to turn white, and he passed out instantly.

"Jin Yuanshan, Tianjiafu. A stable void crack that leads directly to Dongfu."

Nether teaching acts very directly.

A real Sanshou Yuan Shen, a real person who has gone through two days of calamity, where will Yan Luo Tianzi look? After catching Qi Shanhai, he immediately launched the soul-searching technique to find the required information.

"That is the cave house of the ancient Jinjia Heavenly King. There must be six ways of samsara."

Erasing the memory of Qi Shanhai's spirits, he threw this guy who had been made a fool, ignored the screams of a group of female nuns, and Yan Luo Tianzi and the Emperor drove away from Guangxi towards Xihuang.

Following the stable void crack found in Qi Shanhai, the two passed through the void and came to the gate of Dongfu.

"Sure enough, it is the cave house of Jinjia Tianjun."

Seeing this cave and feeling the breath, Yan Luo Tianzi and Ming Emperor were very happy.

"Om ... um ..."

Just walked to the entrance of Dongfu, they were about to study the ban of Dongfu, and suddenly heard a trembling sound, and a mighty force of samsara rushed out of Dongfu.

The heavenly human path, human path, **** path, hungry ghost path, Shura path, beast path, six light wheels revealing endless mysteries, manifested in the sky above the cave. The light wheels meet and flow endlessly.


Feeling this breath, Yan Luo Tianzi and Pluto exclaimed.

This is a peerless opportunity!

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