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Chapter 1060: Boss Li's new gameplay

"I have figured out the way of luck, even the way of destiny."

Knowing what's going on, and how it works, Li Yu can also explain the "force of destiny" through his "origin of order."

"The way of destiny in this world is in the hands of 'Hetu.' I know what the power of destiny is, and I don't need to wrestle with 'Hetu'."

In this world, the ultimate goal of mastering the rules of heaven and earth in this world is to perfect "chaos and disorder."

It is already possible to turn the basic rules into "chaos and disorder". However, the congenital five virtues, cause and effect fate, rebirth of life and death, end of destruction, extermination of calamity, fantasy nothingness, etc. These mysterious rules must be mastered before they can be turned into "chaos and disorder".

"So, my main task now is to promote the avatars as soon as possible and to join together as soon as possible. Only when they join together can we have a complete exposure to the 'Thousand Avenues' in this world."

Separated from the time to practice, the body ... the toss still has to toss.

"In many worlds, there is a list of things."

Li Yu looked at Yu Yutian with a smile, and a bad smile came out on his face. "Poor Tao also made a list in this world. It seems very interesting."

Reaching out and grabbing, a floating meteorite in the void fell into Li Yu's hands, and the Xuanhuang Qi brushed, material transformation, and remodeling into a tall obelisk.

"Tiantian Bei!"

The force of order swiped and engraved the "list rules" on this "Tiantian tablet."

"Fairy List, Grand Master List, Genius List!"

"The list of immortals includes all the practitioners from Yuanshen to Yangshen in the world. Tianxian does not enter the list. It is ranked by combat effectiveness."

"The Grand Masters list includes all the masters of Jindan on the list. The monks of the gods above Jindan are not involved. They are also ranked by combat effectiveness."

"The genius list includes the monks in the world's deflation period, ranked by combat effectiveness. The gods and souls above the deflation are also not included in the list.

Tianxian does not enter the list of immortals, mainly because there are only a few in the whole world, there is no need to stand alone.

Yin Shen does not enter the Grand Master's list, because Yin Shen has traveled thousands of thousands, looking for opportunities to promote Yuanshen, no one cares about any list.

Divine spirit is also a reason. Divine spirit monks are looking for opportunities to promote Jindan, and they do not care about the list.

To achieve the effect of the list, naturally can only be set this way.

"Fun things have come! Look at this practice world. Is it true that all practitioners focus on the path and don't care about fame and fortune?"

With a wave of his hand, this huge "Tiantian tablet" turned into a streamer and fell into Yu Yutian.


Changhong Jingtian burst into a loud noise.

In the 100,000 mountains at the junction of the southern and western wasteland, the bright Changhong fell like a meteor and burst into a loud roar.

A dazzling brilliance rose into the sky, and the sky shook.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three brilliances rushed up in succession, revealing three huge golden lists in the sky.

"Fairy List!"

"Guru List!"

"Talent list!"

On the huge list, one after another brilliant names appeared.

For a moment, the world shook!

"What's happening here?"

"Tianji City has a top chart, but now there are three lists?"

"Damn! Even Yuan Shenyang is on the list? Tianji Laogui, you're looking for death!"

The main gates were raging like lightning!

The old sole of Zongmen is displayed in front of all the people in this world, and there is no secret at all. How can this be done?

Only the magic weapon "Tianji Disk" of Tianji Laogui has this function, it must have been created by Tianji Laogui!

As a result, the various factions sought out Tianji City aggressively, and found elderly Tianji to settle accounts.

"Injustice! Injustice! Not me! Really not me!"

The elderly Tianji was approached by the masters of Yuanshen, and his face was frightened. "It's really not me!"

In order to prove his innocence, the elderly of Tianji simply released the "Tianji plate" and let everyone check it one by one.

"Isn't it really a natural old man?"

As a result, a group of masters of the Yuanshen rushed to the 100,000 Mountains and rushed to the "Tiantian Tablet".

"As soon as this list comes out, the world is ever more troubled!"

The real **** of the Penglai School, Jiang Yehe, looked at the "Tiantian Tablet" in front of him and shook his head.

"The indifferent self-cultivation person, once involved in the fame and fortune dispute, is very detrimental to the mind!"

A group of Yuan Shen real people quickly reached a consensus that this "skystone" must be destroyed.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Every spell, every magic weapon, blasted down fiercely at the "Tiantian Tablet".


A dozen Yuanshen real people joined forces, but they were unable to leave a trace on this "Tiantian tablet".

"This this……"

Obviously, this "Tiantian Tablet" is not something that the Yuanshen practitioners can shake.

They couldn't be beaten or smashed. There was nothing they could do, and they had to helplessly dissipate.

"Patriarch, what's going on with that heavenly monument?"

Xu Zhifei secretly smashed the Tong Tian Bei once, but he couldn't hurt the slightest. He hurried back to Penglai and asked Li Yu who had returned from the Seven Immortals World.


How should Li Yu answer? Did you tell him that this is where the grandfather made trouble? Naturally it can only be so vague.

"Uh ... okay!"

The ancestor said, "It doesn't matter." Xu Zhifei had no choice but to retreat ~ ~ So ...

On the day of the early autumn, the sky fell into a strange stone, transformed into the "Tian Tian Bei", and played the "Three Big Lists", shocking the world.

"Talented first, Weizhou Dubai?"

"Du Bai, how can you be so good, how can you top the list of geniuses? I want to challenge you!"

These three lists are single, and the first one to stir up is the genius list.

The monks in the deflation period were all young people. Young people are so upset, how can they bear being crushed by others?

As a result, Du Bai was challenged by a group of disciples from Weizhou before he knew the situation.

Such things are happening everywhere.

Penglai Shixuan did not escape.

"Shi Xuan, you rank third in the list of geniuses? You are the last guy in Zongmen, how can you do it? What skills do you have to rank third?"

hit! Beat into a ball! You can't do it!

"Retreat Pan Yunqi, defeated Liu Zhi, the 100th genius of Fufeng Sword, and officially entered the genius list!"

A few days later, the "genius list" changed, so that all monks who considered themselves "geniuses" could no longer sit still.

"If you defeat the characters on the list, you will be on the list!"

This situation makes the already fiery challenge wind even more hot.

"Good! Good! This experiment was a success."

Li Yu trumpeted the "list", certainly not just playing with it, but verifying his own ideas.

"Sure enough, being on the list means gaining fame and popularity. Fame and popularity are‘ trends ’, and luck will naturally increase.”

Observing the changes in the luck of the characters on the list, Li Yu felt that this experiment was necessary.

Luck, that's how it works!

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