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Chapter 1061: Spiritual events

"Huh? This list ... can actually increase luck?"

As time passed, the hidden role of this list was noticed by seniors of various factions.

Because, during this period of time, the chances of the disciples on the list to get an adventure increased greatly. One by one became fortunate and fortunate. Practice has also become smoother!

"Tiantian Stele turned out to be a treasure of luck? This has to be taken seriously!"

The battle for luck is also a battle for practice. The disciple's Qi Yunchanglong is the Zongmen Qiyun Changlong. As a result, the major gates were somewhat repelled from the beginning and became very supportive.

Various factions have opened up decisive battlegrounds for the monks on the list to challenge. The list challenge turned out to be a major event in the practice world.


Ghost Religion cannot participate!

"Why can't we participate? We are also monks, we ..."

"You are deities! Not monks!"

The cold reminder printed Yan Luodijun speechless for a while.

In fact, all their power comes from shackles. Not just monks, not even Shinto monks.

The nether religion that pits into the fire pit can only engage in the promising career of the goddess of the dynasty.

"Du Bai, this battle is about glory, you must go all out!"

On this day, Weizhou faction ushered in a peak matchup!

Du Bai, the No. 1 genius, should be aware of the "Luxury Sword" of the Louvre faction, No. 2 in the genius list.

Ying Juexiao is more than ten years older than Du Bai. He has been deflating air for many years and has reached the peak of his body.

However, such strength actually ranks second, which makes Ying Juexiao very unwilling.

This battle is the battle of rectification of the name that should be known.

"Du Bai, come to war!"

Ying Juexiao stood on the ring, and a long sword with star light in her hand trembled slightly, and a sword gas rushed up.


Jianguang burst into the sky, burst into a loud roar.

"Sword gas thunder! Sword gas thunder!"

Seeing this sword light rising into the sky, I heard this sound like a thunderous thunder. The countless monks watching the battle all around screamed in horror.

Sword thunder, this is a sword skill realm that many masters in the soul period cannot reach!

Ying Juexiao actually practiced the sword gas thunder sound technique? No wonder he dares to challenge Du Bai! It turned out to be prepared.

This time ... I am afraid that Du Bai's title of "No. 1 in Genius" cannot be maintained.

The monks who lost in the challenge will inevitably lead to a sharp drop in fame and popularity. Naturally ... luck fell sharply.

"Fame is only a foreign object, and it is the foundation itself. Du Bai, you don't have any burden, just let go and fight."

As a master of Du Bai, Fairy Mingqin is one of the few masters of Jindan who does not care about fame or luck.

In her opinion, no matter how lucky you are, do you still have to practice by yourself? Can't give up everything.

In fact, Mingqin Fairy is right.

Luck is just the icing on the cake, and self-cultivation is the root.

However, the morale of the monks on the list has greatly increased, and their adventures have continued. This has led many ancestors, families, and practitioners to pay great attention to luck.

Fight against the sword world, prestigious! And luck can also rise, and adventures continue, this kind of good thing naturally cannot be ignored.

"Disciple understand!"

Du Bai was naturally grateful for Ming Qin's concern.

"It's my own mind. Fortunately, luck and fame are all foreign objects. I'm not stuck with things, how can I be burdened with fame?"

Du Bai's cold face had no expression on his face, didn't care about other people's discussions, and ignored the cheering efforts of his colleagues.

"Du Bai, you have been promoted for less than ten years. And I have been polished for thirty years during the priming period, and I have been trained as a whole, and my sword skills have been practiced as sword thunder. What can you fight with me ? "

Once on the court, Ying Juexiao hit Du Bai's confidence with the "attack of heart attack".

"It doesn't matter if you practice high or low. You haven't been promoted to the spirit for thirty years, and you are still ranked below me. This only shows that you can't!"

How can Du Bai, who is "attacking the mind", not understand, now they are against each other and hit the key to be aware of.


Ying Juexiao snorted and raised the Xinghe Sword in his hand. "I don't know your sword. Is your tongue so powerful?"

"Don't you know if you try?"

Du Bai raised his "Yuehua Sword" expressionlessly, "Yes Brother, please!"

"Look at the sword!"

Ying Juexiao waved his long sword, and the hazy starlight lingered from the "Xinghe Sword".

"Ethereal Sword Song!"

Jianguang is like a drizzle, endless. There was a burst of ethereal fairy music ringing in the sword light. The fairy sound was beautiful and fascinating.

However ... this seemingly faint and soft sword light, but rushing like a thunder, almost like lightning.

Jian Yu was hazy, suddenly covering the entire ring.

"Okay! It's worthy of the Xinghe Sword! Misty Sword Song, it's amazing."

Seeing the sword, the monks on the sidelines applauded.

Even the Jin Dan masters of the two factions of Weizhou Luofu were also nodded in praise of this sword.

During the deflation period, sword skill can be practiced to this extent. Luo Fujian's repair is really extraordinary.

"Is the misty star sword? There are so many tricks. You know, you only need one sword to kill!"

Du Bai's eyes flashed a white light, and the "Yuehua Sword" in his hand waved and cut off!

Make a move!

Go straight, no tricks!

With such a sword cut out, a moon white light rushed up like a string moon, misty starlight, misty sword rain, and was suddenly cut off by this moon life!


The light of the sword flashed before the roar rang.

"Sword Qi Thunder! Du Bai has also become a sword Qi Thunder!"

Seeing the sword's momentum, everyone shouted in horror.

Weizhou Du Bai, is indeed the number one talent list! It has been less than ten years since I was promoted to breathe, and I have practiced the technique of "Sword Qi Thunder"?

"Good job!"

Ying Juexiao wasn't a stigma, when the misty Jianyu was split by the moonlight ~ ~ Xinghe sword burst into another starlight.

Stars appeared in the sword light, as if the stars in the sky fell into the mortal world and appeared on the ring.

The stars and rivers turned, and the vast sky swept out.

This sword, no longer a sense of ethereal softness, has become a violent crush!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Moonlight and starlight are intertwined. The whole ring was bright.

"Dragon fights! Dragon fights!"

"The peak match between the first and second geniuses is truly extraordinary."

"This peerless swordsmanship is indeed the first and second in the genius list."

Everyone who watched the battle was amazed at the sight of the stars and moon on the ring.

"I didn't expect your swordsmanship to be so extraordinary. I still have one of the strongest swordsmanship. Pick me up.‘ Starfall Like Rain ’!”

Jianguang was shocked, the stars dragged the bright flames, fell from the sky, and smashed down against Du Bai fiercely.


Suddenly, a huge roar rang, and the blaze of flames rose up. A huge fire dragon rushed out and slammed into Ying Juexiao severely.


With a loud bang, Ying Juexiao immediately flew out and fell into the ring.


Ying Juexiao was shocked, angry and angry. Than sword, how do you use magic?

"Brother Ying, I'm not Jian Xiu."

Du Bai spread his hands.

Yes! Ying Juexiao is a sword repair, but Du Bai is not a sword repair! Spell is what Du Bai is best at?

Not a sword repair, but practicing sword skill into a thunderous sword, is indeed the first in the genius list!

Deservedly, people ’s expectations rose, and luck increased.

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