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Chapter 1068: The power of time and space is perfect for watching movies

"The battle in this world is the battle over the road."

Because two opposite a priori roads must be combined, and the range of options is very limited, conflict is inevitable.

"There aren't many people fighting for the mixed luck of the golden doom of the Yuan Dynasty. The mixed golden doom of the Yuanling annihilation also left the body of the innate Lingbao Yuantai. So, I can get a Yuanling out! As for who Being pitted, that can only be weird. "

Reaching out, grabbing a remnant of a fallen monk casually in the heavenly world, and rushing into the golden doom at random.

Of course, just this way it is not possible to let the residual soul merge with the mixed golden doom.

"In the chaotic floods, there are also thousands of worlds to be opened."

Li Yu glanced up and found a large world in the chaotic floods that was being born and still in the state of chaos.

"At that time, the kind of story that traveled to the era of floods, to the chaos of Hongmeng, and made friends with Pangu was very popular!"

Reaching for a hand, he grabbed the golden doom of the mixed Yuan and broke into the vast world that was still in a state of great prosperity.

"The three thousand demon gods of chaos, the original incarnation of three thousand roads. Let the mixed Yuan Jindou breed in this world of Daqian and nourish with innate aura, then the Yuanling and the mixed Yuan Jindou can be merged into one. "

With the birth of such a large world, it is certainly impossible to conceive a true innate spiritual treasure. However, it is not difficult to nourish the mixed golden dou.

"Actually ... I want to perceive chaos. It is a good way to study this kind of world that will be born."

Li Yu stepped forward and came to the next world of Daqian, sitting in the void, feeling the Daqian world being nurtured by this side.

Chaos Hongmeng, the world conceived.

In the chaos of nothingness, the process from "none" to "being" is naturally worth studying.

"Unfortunately, it will take hundreds of millions of years for this thing to really come to fruition. For my research, I can only speed up ripening for you."

With a wave of one's hand, the river of time swept up. The vast world that is being bred here is evolving at a speed of billions of times.

Forty-nine congenital avenues were gradually born in the chaos of nothingness.

None, the beginning of the famous world. Yes, the mother of all things.

The birth of the Innate Avenue is a process from nothing to the original "order" born of chaos.

Then yin and yang differentiated and opened up new horizons. The day after tomorrow was born, everything in the world was born.

The Three Thousand Avenue is order, and everything in the world is material. The intersection of material and order runs through the world.

"Well ... the process of breaking ground just now is not clear enough. Rewind and do it again!"

Reaching out, the long river of time reversed, everything in this world reversed, returned to before the world opened up, and then continued to evolve.

"Rewind, come again!"

"Material birth is a bit slow, fast forward!"

"Well? Is this the way of doom and destruction? Doomsday and destruction actually permeate the entire world. Although destruction is still very early for the entire world. Individuals in the world are always at all times. Destroyed. "

"Pause here, study it carefully! The power of time is really suitable for watching movies!"

Boss Li is watching this world as a movie. He wants to rewind and rewind, and fast forwards.

"The birth process of one side of the world is naturally of great research value. After studying this thing thoroughly, when my avatar has harvested all the rules of the heavens and earth in the void universe, I will be able to finally complete the evolution of" chaotic disorder "through these perceptions. "

Of course, this research process is definitely not a day or two, and this kind of rewinding or fast-forwarding will take a long time to toss.

Anyway, the time avenue is Candle Dragon, fast forward and rewind are all consumed by the power of Candle Dragon, Li Yu naturally does not care about consumption.

As for the candle dragon, would there be any comments?

Poor people have made you, not for fun. I won't let you make the most of it, so why did I spend so much energy? Quit? Then I change to a more obedient time ancestor. "Zhouguang Bell" is still waiting for succession!

What seems like a joke actually has a purpose. How can boss Li, such a greedy and cheap miser, be generous to that extent?

The candle dragon must not only be a coolie, but also take it back when leaving, and it must not be wasted at all.

The crocodile ancestors of that year were really clean and not wasted at all!

Li Yu ’s ontology is here to toss a party that is about to be born, and the clone of Penglai ’s retreat has also made great progress.

"Ontology has been studied for so long, and finally relieved the pressure on my head."

During this period of toss, several avenues have been harvested, and many incomplete avenue laws have also been harvested from the mixed tunnels. Coupled with the study of the birth of one world, there have been many studies on the three thousand avenues of that world.

The three thousand avenues of one heavenly world are naturally only an extension of the three thousand avenues of the entire void universe, and cannot touch the essence.

But for avatars, this is a huge improvement.

"Researching these rules clearly, I can release my hands and feet to improve."

According to the practice route of this world, it takes tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years to reach the level of Jinxian Daozu.

In this world, Li Yu only intends to stay for a hundred years, and certainly can't grind time slowly like them.

"So cheat mode is on!"

With a dazzling figure, Li Yu's avatar rose to the sky from Penglai Island and stood in the air.

"This seat is about to rob. Don't want to die, don't run over to die!"

Stepping out, Li Yu's figure rushed out and rushed into the sky.

"Uh? Patriarch wants to cross the robbery? What is this to play?"

Xu Zhifei looked up to the void, stunned for a while ~ ~ Your elders all exist in eternity. What is this tossing again?

"Are there real people going to robbery?"

Some other Penglai monks who didn't know much about him looked up at the sky, admiring each other.

The Yuanshen passed the calamity, and the yin **** turned to yang, and the yang **** was achieved. This is a great event for us!

"That's ... His Royal Highness? The ancestor of Penglai and Weizhou?"

Shi Xuan was shocked and sighed when he saw the figure in the sky, "It really deserves the reincarnation of the ancestor. It has only taken more than a decade to work on it, and he has reached the level of the Yuanshen crossover!"

"Thunder! It's raining! Pack your clothes!"

There was a strange cry in the sky.

I saw the arrogant void figure, reached out a move, a bang in the sky, a thunderous thunder crashed.

The electric light is like a dragon.

The fierce and overbearing power seemed to shatter the sky. Such a might of heaven and earth, even when watching from a distance, made everyone in Penglai feel shocked.

"Is it just the degree of 72 thunderstorms? It's not enough to watch!"

Li Yu, proud of the void, opened his mouth and sucked, swallowing this fierce and overbearing Thunderstorm, just swallowed it!


"Directly swallowed up the sky?"

Seeing this scene, countless monks from Penglai were frightened directly!

"What is this? There is even more scary to wait!"

Li Yu waved her hands with a smile, raised her eyes to the void, and yelled, "Let the sky roar be more violent!"


The thunder is like rain, and the light is like a dragon. The whole sky is turned into a sea of ​​thunder!

"Master, is this ... pretend to be hacked?"

Shi Xuan blinked, almost laughing out loud!

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