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Chapter 1069: Patriarch, are you cheating?

The Yuanshen crossing the calamity is the Yangshen.

The Yangshen stage has to spend four or nine days. Four calamities, each time nine. When the four robberies passed, the Yuanshen entrusted the void and promoted heaven and earth, that is, heaven.


The thunder was like the sea, like the raging ocean.

This is the first robber of the "Nine Xiaotian Thunder Robbery".

Jiuzhong Tianlei, one is higher than the other.

From the beginning of the seventy-two thunderbolts, to the thirty-six thunders of heaven, and then to the nine gods thunder.

"Crossing the calamity can also harvest the general outline of the Thunder Law of the heavens, and it is also very good to understand the way of calamity by the way."

Li Yu smiled all over her face, and unconsciously reached out and grabbed it, and the sky filled with thunder and sea.

Then ... in the horrified eyes of countless people, grabbed this group of thunder and swallowed it.

"Eat ... Eat Apocalypse? Patriarch is Eating Apocalypse?"

Seeing this scene, the master Jindan and the real **** of Penglai sent a shiver.

We have to be prepared for death and death, and we must fight hard and tremble. You do this ... we are under a lot of pressure!

"That's right! That's right! Disha Seventy-two Thunder really has some way. Come, continue!"

The first three heavy thunderstorms are the seventy-two thunderstorms, but their power is constantly increasing. Opening the mouth to swallow the thunder and thunder ... naturally pretending.

Even if you want to temper the body and soul with the thunderbolt, you don't need to swallow it.

"Boom! Boom!"

Nine heavy thieves dropped one by one and then ... one heavy one was caught by Li Yu and eaten.

While tempering the body and soul with the thunderbolt of thunder, they took some thunderbolt and passed it to the ontology, allowing the ontology to analyze the thunderbolt, and to harvest the general outline of the thunderbolt law, and by the way realize the way of hijacking.

A few moments later, the first scourge was officially passed. "Zhu Tian Lei Fa General Outline" has been reached, but the way of hijacking is only a part of understanding of thunder.

"Not enough? Then come again!"

Li Yu laughed, and then triggered another disaster.

"Ah! Is this ... a series of crossovers?"

The Penglai disciples below just wanted to "congratulate the ancestor for success", before he had time to yell out, and suddenly saw the great changes of the sky, and the wind roared in the sky, and suddenly found that the ancestor was about to end the robbery again.

This is the second disaster "Tianfeng Broken Soul".

The wind blew into the six gates from the yamen, crossed Dantian, wore Jiuqiao, the flesh was drunk, and the body resolved itself.

"Huh ... huh ..."

The wind roared in the sky, and the wind was surging.

Storms swept up, as if the void would be blown away by the wind.

However, this is only appearance. The real Tianjie has already fallen on Li Yu.

Three sacred winds, no phase breeze, nine yin winds, six (combined) storms ... various "winds" manifested on the top of Li Yu's head, and poured into the body along the top door.

Decompose, annihilate, dissipate ...

Under this "fantastic wind", it seems that it is necessary to blow away the flesh and soul and dissolve all the foundations of Li Yu's existence.

"Interesting windstorm!"

Li Yu's previous contact with the "Heavenly Calamity" was almost always a thunderstorm. He rarely saw such a "wind disaster". I realized it carefully and found that it was really mysterious.

"There is a kind of 'weathering' power in nature. Even the mountains and mountains can finally dissipate under the long-term weathering. Now this 'wind calamity' is the outbreak of the force of weathering."

This is both a robbery and a chance for the monk.

Through this "weathering power", remove its own impurities, pure body and spirits, and finally be pure and clear without dust.

"Wind is also a natural disaster! In this natural disaster, in addition to the 'General Principles of the Winds of the Heavens', there is also the meaning of disaster."

The body and spirit of Li Yu, an avatar, has long been pure and clear, and it is no longer necessary to purify it with the "wind storm".

"It's gone!"

As soon as the thought was born, the various "fantastic winds" that had been infused into the body disappeared instantly, and all of them passed to the ontology side, allowing the ontology to analyze the true meaning in it.

Within a few moments, the number of nine heavy winds has passed.

The sky and the wind cleared, and the sky and the sky cleared!

"The ancestor has passed the second calamity? Congratulations to the ancestor for two consecutive calamities, and the sun is immortal!"

Seeing the strong wind dissipating, the world was clear, and a dusty figure stood in the void, and all the Penglai disciples quickly congratulated them.

"Hey! It's still early!"

Since we are going to cross the robbery, we will go through it all at once, just to study the sky robbery.


There was a loud noise in the void, and the endless flames rose up and overwhelmed.

The third calamity has been triggered.

This is a fire disaster.

The real fire of the sun, the cold fire of the shade, the glazed fire, the fire of the red lotus industry, the Nine Nether Fire, the five elements of real fire, the Qiqing heart fire, the invisible **** fire ... and all kinds of flames descend from the sky.

Nine fires burn the heart, this "nine" is not nine. Nine are extremely numerous, representing many.

At this moment, various flames fell on Li Yu.

Burn the body, burn the soul, burn everything.

This is also a calamity, but also an exercise.

Like the previous wind robberies, this fire robbery is also burning the impurities in the body and spirits. However, in addition to incineration, fires also have a calcining effect.

Exercising and tempering will make the body and soul more pure and stronger.

"It's no wonder that many people in this world are terrified of the sky and can't avoid it. This kind of exercise is really not something ordinary people can handle.

Mortals become immortals. From the day after tomorrow to the innate, they naturally go through four or nine days, the heavens and the five are in decline, and continue to be polished and tempered.

If you can't carry this temper, you can only die.

"Since you want to exercise, exercise harder!"

Opening your mouth and sucking it, like a black hole, the sky's flames were pulled by this huge suction, and turned into a fire dragon, which rushed into Li Yu's mouth continuously.

"Patriarch ... Addicted to eating!"

"Tian Jie is so delicious? How does it taste?"

A group of younger students are looking forward to ~ ~ That expression seems to have a kind of ... Patriarch, also give us some food!

This made a lot of masters of Jindan and Yuanshen twitch fiercely, delicious? If you touch a little bit, you will fly away. Do you want to try?

I swallowed the fire, and let the body study the "General Outline of the Fire Law of the Heavens" and the true meaning of the fire.

Then ... Li Yu spurred the fourth Tianjie.

The fourth calamity is water calamity.

Xuanming true water, Tianyi true water ... all kinds of water are manifested in the disaster.

Ablation! Dissolve! Water is also a disaster and a disaster!

With all kinds of water coming in, erosion, penetration, dissolution, corrosion ... various magical abilities erupt in the body in an instant.

"No, right? This kind of robbery ... if you are an ordinary monk, you can't survive it!"

At this time, Li Yu found out that it seemed that his own calamity was ... too great?

To Li Yu himself, this is nothing, but to ordinary monks, this is a complete death.

"Tiancai is still targeted? The better the seedlings, the more important it is to cultivate them? However, with this cultivation method, 10,000 good seedlings may not survive one!

Li Yu shook his head. He also understands that for "Tiandao", it doesn't matter if there are hundreds of thousands, as long as one can be selected.

"I don't need your" cultivation "!"

It was swallowed again, and the sky was swept away.

The four days of calamity have already been passed, so light and light, so relaxed, is simply a myth of the practice world.

"Patriarch, you are cheating!"

Xu Zhifei's mouth twitched, "You are an eternal being, isn't it just like eating and drinking?"

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