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Chapter 1071: The Emperor God was miserable and ended ... indescribably


When the goddess Luocha was smashed to death by Emperor Yan Luo, the emperor who had been paying attention to this matter was so angry that he said, "Asshole! Why are you gods in the land?

The Emperor of the Gods of the Earth that Yu Yutian appeared, the God Emperor naturally knew.

However, Difu Yin God exists in many worlds, and it is normal for Yufu Tian to appear. These infernal deities only care about the matter of the ghost, and never care about foreign affairs.

But ... now these local government gods, why not say a word, just hit each other?

"Several Yinfu gods in the heavenly wonderland, dare to pretend in front of this seat?"

The ancestors of life and death disappeared for countless years, and the emperors in several layers of **** in the Nine Worlds were infiltrated by all the leaders. Emperor Badu relied on the Goth Phoenix, Emperor Youhai relied on the death ancestor, and Emperor Jiuzang was directly a disciple of Buddhism.

Jiuyou is not the time for life and death to suppress the world!

The emperor snorted, stepping out of the great world of the emperor, "I'd like to see, what skills do you have, dare to intervene in such things!"

The monk who killed the yin and yang way, this is the will of the dao ancestor! Who dares to stop? Who can stop?

The mighty divine light soared into the sky, and the endless rays of light swept the world.

The emperor stepped out, and a will to enslave sentient beings rose up.

"The way of slavery", this is the way of the Emperor.

This is only the day after tomorrow, and the Emperor of God has not yet finally united, it is only a half-step golden fairy.

"Yu Shenxiao has left Yu Yutian to look for a chance to meet. Yu Yutian's strongest existence is just a few immortals. I'd like to see, who dare to stop me? Who can stop me?"

Magnificent, a splendid golden light avenue surrounded by holy light spreads out from the void and spreads all the way to Yu Yutian.

On this sacred golden light avenue, a sacred and glorious carriage, dragged by nine sacred unicorns, keeps moving forward.

On the sacred carriage, a group of heavenly girls danced, melodious hymns floated out.

A group of goddesses with white wings on their backs, carrying flower baskets, danced in front of the car, and constantly swayed out sacred and beautiful petals from the flower baskets.

The golden light opens the road, the flowers are sprinkled, and the divine majesty is extremely luxurious!

"Shinto monks are really good at pretending!"

Looking up at the sky and seeing the sacred and luxurious weather, Li Yu couldn't help but admire, "On pretense, this kind of shinto monk who specializes in fooling believers should be the most professional."

"Master, the dog leg of Silent Daozu is about to reach Yu Yutian. Do you need a disciple to pass him off?"

At this time, knowing that Li Yu, the "Xuan Huang Dao Zu" was studying the avenue in Yu Yutian, the old peacock quickly asked Li Yu through a wand.

"Just ants, don't bother!"

Li Yu smiled and waved, and didn't care about the **** emperor.


The Emperor of God is just an ant in front of the old peacock, not to mention the eternal "Xuanhuangdao". Hearing Li Yu's words, the old peacock ignored the Emperor.


In the void, a splendid avenue swept from a distance and lay directly on Yu Yutian's boundary film.

"This is ... half-step Jinxian? Half-step Jinxian practicing Shinto?"

I just killed the goddess Luo Sha, the proud Emperor Yan Luo Emperor, suddenly saw this scene, and was suddenly scared.

A half-step golden fairy was already in contact with the existence of the avenue.

In front of such a character, Tianxian does not need to be much stronger than an ant!

Killing an alien **** from the criminal realm has caused so much trouble? Ruined! This is dead!

Yan Luodijun was already shaking with trembling and snoring.

"Holy! Holy! Holy!"

The mighty divine light swept through, and the sacred and magnificent carriages slowly pulled under the pull of nine sacred unicorns.

Endless divine light shines on the sky, melodious hymns spread throughout the void!

Among the flowers floating in the sky, sitting on the carriage, His Majesty, the divine majesty, raised his head slowly, and the majesty rose up.

"Here are the gods, and dare to intervene in the emperor's affairs. This is a self-death! The emperor's mercy, give you a way to live. Worship! Surrender! Become my emperor's slave. This is your only choice!

In a word, heaven and earth echo.

The infinite glory rising in the void rises up, the majesty is incomparable!

The half-step Jinxian realm has made its mark on the avenue. Although it has not yet reached the point of "I am the avenue", it can also motivate the power of the avenue!

With the words of the emperor, the endless coercion of the avenue of slavery the day after tomorrow was suppressed against a group of gods on the boundary film.

Taking the emperor's cultivation as a matter of fact, in just one moment, these infernal deities will be enslaved by him and become his slaves!


Boss Li's methods are ordinary people can imagine?

"Om ..."

At this time, Yan Luodijun, who was trembling, suddenly found that a resplendent light burst out on the reincarnation stamp, a huge and boundless, unimaginable power, suddenly blessing himself.


Yan Luodijun only felt a violent roar in his mind. Instantly, the spirits were infinitely elevated and the strength was infinitely elevated.

Six brilliant and mysterious light wheels are slowly flowing among the spirits. At this moment, Yan Luotianzi only feels that all things in the world, all beings in the world, and the reincarnation of all things are under control.

"Six reincarnation! This is six reincarnation! This is the real six reincarnation!"

Feeling this immense power, Yan Luodijun was very brave!

What about half step Jinxian? This is the power of the avenue! This is the true power of six reincarnations! Even if you are a half step golden immortal without disaster, but ... you still cannot escape the control of the cycle of life and death!

As for who is behind them, there is no doubt ~ ~ In the world of the heavens, the six reincarnations are governed by the book of life and death. The person behind must be the ancestor of life and death!

"You think too much!"

Li Yu shook his head with a smile. "This is just a way of reincarnation of Zuo Qiu Emperor's life and death, combined with the" six reincarnation of Tiangong "in Emperor Huangtian's world, plus the" dream path reincarnation "of Momo It's just an experiment. As for whether it is pitting people, that is the details, don't care. "


Yan Luodijun suddenly burst into a splendid radiance, six mysterious light wheels manifested in the void, and the power of the cycle of life and death shook the world.

"Erdan breaks into reincarnation, reborn as a beast!"

The glory of the six reincarnation flashed, and a light wheel engraved with numerous beastly patterns turned to Yan Luodijun.

With the sentence of Emperor Yan Luodijun, the light wheel of the beast's path suddenly burst into a radiance, and fell on the Emperor of God instantly.

With the power of the God Emperor half step Jinxian, there was no resistance to this glory, and he couldn't even dodge, and was hit like this.

This is the law of the avenue!


The God Emperor screamed, fell off the sacred cart, rolled on the spot, and suddenly ... turned into a white horse! And ... still a mare!

Hit the beast by the power of six reincarnation, it is really beast! The Emperor of God became an ordinary mare with no mana.

In the eyes of the nine unicorns pulling a cart, this is "Sister Lin dropped from the sky". How can you miss such good things?

So ... the scene was so terrible that I couldn't bear to see it, I couldn't bear to look directly at it, nor could it be described!


Recommend a friend's book "Unhappy Story Destroyer", unlimited flow of brains, old drivers drive, pay attention to fasten your seat belts!

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