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Chapter 1072: Head to Xihuang, looking for pit people ... Oh, the opportunity of the avenue

What happened to the Emperor?

The nine unicorns are not ordinary beasts, but chaotic aliens with natural magical powers. Rotated by nine exclusive beasts ... he is dead!

As for how he died ... Yan Luodijun said: It's too miserable, this emperor can't bear to say!

From then on, all monks below the Jinxian Dao ancestors in the heavens, who had mounts, killed them all, male and female.

As for why, no one said.

"Six reincarnation? Book of life and death!"

When Emperor Yan Luodi struck the Emperor into the beast road in one hit, the ancestors of Jinxian Dao jumped out in shock.

"The book of life and death has appeared? Isn't he hiding for countless years, intending to fade the body and reinvent it? Isn't he reincarnate? Or ... he has been reincarnated and rejoined the road of life and death?"

At this moment, Jinxian Daozu who wanted to fight the idea of ​​life and death, one by one.

"Asshole! Who is pitting me? Who is pitting me?"

In the depths of the Jiuyou Great World, a roar of anxiety broke out in an inexplicable space.

"The old man has hidden for countless years, just to bury the Dao Patriarch and take away his avenue of death. Now that they have done such a thing, they will definitely think it was my shot! I will surely guess that I have been reborn and rebuilt, and I have renewed it. Together. "

"Asshole! This is really not me! It really isn't me!"

Carrying a black pot that can never be cleaned, the ancestors of life and death were angry.

"Who did this come out of? The power of the six reincarnations, even if I saw it myself, I would think it was my hand. If it weren't for the existence of two birth and death ancestors, I would have thought he was also the birth and death ancestor. ! "

The path of rebirth of life and death has two acquired avenues of life and death, as well as several acquired avenues such as rebirth and Liudao.

"Except for someone in the world who has joined the Tao of Death, no one else has joined the Avenue of the Accompanied. So there are not a few things that come together to evolve the samsara. Who is it? Is it too imaginary? He uses false ways to make it come true. Anymore? "

Suspicious in his heart, the ancestors of life and death were silent, and silently calculated, in this chaotic situation, they wanted to find the plan that was most beneficial to them.

"Bad life and death intervened? What did he do?"

Perdition Great World, Persecuted Daozu sat beside the lotus pond, frowning and looking in the direction of Jiuyou World, his mind was not a thought.

As for the **** emperor hanging up, this kind of guy who came to the door to hold his stinky feet was not in the eyes of the silent ancestor. This half-step Jinxian of Houtian Avenue can receive hundreds of them in minutes if he wants to.

"Does life and death mean my idea? My avenue of extinction is exactly the opposite of his way of life and death. His idea is justified. But ... if he wants to make an idea, why should he be exposed?"

For the sake of a **** emperor, I have exposed my calculations for many years, which is too brainless.

If it wasn't for the idea of ​​destroying the road of silence, what would he do?

For a moment, Silent Daozu's brain was pained, and he couldn't find the clue.

The ancestors of Jinxian Dao, who are concerned about this matter in the whole heavenly world, have sore heads that they can't figure out.

"This is just an experiment of mine. It is to verify my understanding of the way of life and death. It is not targeted at third parties, please do not over-interpret it."

The avatar Li Yu shrugged his shoulders, stepped out, and came to Xihuang in an instant.

This is a desert on the outskirts of Xihuang.

In the ancient Jinxian war, Zheng Yu killed the Yujing Taoist in the Avenue of the Innate, and battled the Xinghe Taozu with the Tao of Holy Virtue, and then chopped down Xinghe Taozu's friend Taishi Mozu together.

A breath of innate killing air spread over, leaving this vast land with no grass and no vitality.

"So, in the depths of the Xihuang Valley, the end of the three Golden Immortals battles of that year also left the imprint of Yujing Taoists' innate killing sword formation and the immortal sword formation."

In addition to the killing sword formations of the Yujing Taoists, there is also the "Tai Shi Tian Mo Ling" inherited from the avenue of Taishi Mozu, and the "Sword of Shenghe Shengde" of Xinghe Dazu.

"Tai Shi Mo Zu's" Tai Chu Avenue "," the good and no evil returns to the beginning ", and the Tao of the Virtue of the Xinghe Tao Zu are the" Tai Chu "and the" Sheng De "Avenue of this heavenly world. It is naturally worth studying."

As for the Yuxian Taoist's Xunxian Sword Formation, Li Yu looked up outside the void and shook his head again.

"Tongtian, this isn't your ghost, you ca n’t believe it! This is clearly what you want to make the **** sword formation achieve forever in this world! Yujing must be the spirit of the **** sword formation!"

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Li Yu.

Shi Shiran stepped into the western wasteland, the endless energy storm and void cracks had no effect on Li Yu.

Even if now only the avatar of Tianxian Realm is coming, this avatar of Li Yu has been able to call some power from the ontology.

A brilliance rushed out from the top of the head, with Taiji Yin and Yang in the center, the five elements in the middle, and the periphery with the gossip. This is the "Tai Chi Gossip Diagram", the foundation of Li Yu Avenue!

After adding some insights from this world, there is something new in this Taiji gossip chart.

Gossip flow ~ ~ The power of fate is surging, Li Yu immediately found a route that is least dangerous to himself. The five elements then divide, breaking down all energy and matter. Taiji yin and yang fish swim, and the order controls everything.

Even without the power of the body, you can easily step into the depths of the West Wilderness.

"Xinghe Beppu? Is there only a beacon of space, but Beppu is not here? Then only the body can get it!"

Sitting side by side in the chaotic floods, Li Yu, who is studying the evolution of heaven and earth, grabbed his hand and grabbed a sword of virtue from the void, glanced at it, and the way of virtue was in his eyes.

"I have created the virtues for the emperor of Zhongzhou. What is this thing to do?"

After a bit of analysis, there is essentially no difference between the current method of virtue and the "method of well-off" that he created, and he just throws the Xinghe Shengde sword back.


The soul and soul are one, and what the main body does, the avatar naturally knows the same. The avatar Li Yu shook his head and walked to the next step.

"Tai Shi Mo Zu's‘ no good and no evil returns to the beginning ’, I still know how to research it.”

Step by step into a dilapidated void, in the middle of broken tiles, Li Yu appeared "Tai Shi Tian Mo Ling".

"The lingering Lingbao has not been chopped down by the Yujing Taoist, should he think you are not worth it?"

Reaching for a grasp, Taishitian Mo Ling fell into the hand of the avatar Li Yu.

"Om ..."

An extremely demon blast burst instantly, the heart demon eroded the heart, the blood demon phage, Yin, dark, obsessed, dead, cursed, bloody, horrible ... Endless magic air was pressed down to the avatar Li Yu.

The avatar Li Yu only entered the realm of heaven and earth, which is countless times worse than the "Tai Shi Tian Mo Ling" who has survived three robberies.

Seems ... very dangerous?

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