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Chapter 1075: Pit Man's No. 2 Method

"Fate is wonderful!"

There have been several studies of destiny. Li Yu, this avatar, can see through the destiny line without relying on the power of the body.

"Causality, destiny, luck, merit, really influence each other and are interrelated."

Merit can increase luck, merit can not cause and effect. Air transport is a branch of destiny. If air transport increases, destiny can be changed. There are causes and effects in changing destiny. Cause and effect entanglement can lead to some good or bad situations.

At a glance, Li Yu found that Qiao Mubai's luck fell sharply.

In the original fate, Qiao Mubai found nothing in winning the treasure, returned to Zongmen disappointed, and then ... "the invisible sword of freedom" fell from the sky and fell directly into his hands.

Now, Li Yu has changed her destiny, and replaced "Benefit" with "Great Freedom Invisible Sword" with Du Bai. This led to a change in Qiao Mubai's fate.

"The way of destiny affects the whole body."

Li Yu found that his fate had changed so much that Qiao Mubai's fate had changed a lot. After losing the magic weapon "Clever Invisible Sword" of Pure Sun, Qiao Mubai showed a crisis and calamity.

"That being the case, the poor will give you another destiny!"

With a flick of his hand, it seemed as if he pulled an invisible silk thread, and Li Yu changed Qiao Mubai's fate again.

"In addition to the" Great Freedom Invisible Sword ", Tianjianmen has two other pure-yang flying swords. One is a sword with thick virtues, and the other is Jinguang Cave Xiaojian. Jinguang Cave Xiaojian will be the Penglai School , There is no cause and effect, it is just right to exchange for Qiao Mubai. "

With this fiddle, Li Yu changed Qiao Mubai into a "Jinguangdongxiao sword".

"The phase of the disaster is gone! Luck is back!"

After this toss, Li Yu found that it was a bit messy to sort out the lines. Entanglement of cause and effect is really a mess.

"Tianjianmen's cave sky is in crisis, you need to be careful."

Qiao Mubai told him, and then drove Lu Guang toward the "Tianjian Hall" which was still there.

"The Heavenly Sword Hall is guarded by a sword array. Except for Master Jindan who can try his luck, who of us will die? Let's find some opportunities in the periphery with peace of mind!"

Ying Jue Xiaoxuan bowed his hand and turned away.

The sky of Tianjian Cave is broken. Where is the opportunity and where is the Jedi? It's really unclear, only luck.

Shi Xuan smiled, found a place casually, and drove up Guangguang and rushed over.

At this time, Qiao Mubai was flying towards the Heavenly Sword Hall, passing by a collapsed mountain, suddenly a void crack spread silently.

The void cracks in the sky of Heaven Sword Cave have long been stable. This sudden crack in the void was too strange and too sudden.


Even if Grand Master Jindan hit a void in the void, there was only one way to go. In an emergency, Qiao Mubai could only fold down the light, and rushed to the mountain that collapsed below.

At this moment, Qiao Mubai had done his best to avoid the cracks in the void, and the speed of rushing to the collapsed mountain was naturally very fast.


With a bang, Qiao Mubai crashed directly into the shattered cliff, causing the crushed rock to collapse and dizzy.

Coincidentally, he banged into a cave where the prohibition was broken.

"Well ..."

A sword howl sounded, and a platinum flying sword condensing the western platinum atmosphere was screaming.

The sharp sword energy is as if to break even the void!

"Chunyang Feijian! It's over!"

Unexpectedly, he fell into a cave house and inspired the attack of Chunyang Feijian, which left no room for resistance.

Qiao Mu is desperate, why am I so unlucky!


Qiao Mubai, who was closing his eyes and waiting for death, suddenly found in horror that this pure Yang Feijian was ... suddenly ... it fell into his hands like this, opening the central restraint directly and directly ... Is it?

"I ... I ... have such a good thing?"

Qiao Mu was stunned!

A magic weapon will be delivered to you automatically after a fall. Is this the bridge in the story? Is this really the case?

Holding the pure golden magic level "Jinguang Cave Xiao Sword" in his hand, Qiao Mubai just felt like dreaming.

"Fate is so wonderful!"

Li Yu stroked his palm and laughed, "What is the magic weapon when you fell down? You originally had the magic weapon from the sky and fell directly into your hand!"

After tossing Qiao Mubai, Li Yu began to look for experimental subjects again.

"Shi Xuan also has a catastrophe on his head? The catastrophe was covered by luck, and the trip was unsurprising and fruitful."

Merit and luck can prevent disasters and disasters, and it really is.

Shi Xuan's "destiny protagonist" naturally didn't need Li Yu to move. He was the man covered by the "river map". The river map is destiny. Shi Xuan is naturally the "Bell of Destiny".

"A few unlucky eggs can still be tossed about."

Li Yu looked up and saw an unlucky egg with bad luck on his head.

This guy is the owner of a small gate called "Excalibur Villa" named Li Huaiyuan. Originally, he was a **** placed by the Emperor Yu Yutian.

But ... now even the Emperor of God is dead. This **** of Li Huaiyuan also intends to deal with Shi Xuan in accordance with the previous orders of the Emperor. It is naturally bad luck to test whether Shi Xuan practiced Yinyang Avenue.

"You're all so unlucky, you can't bear it anymore. It's just ... you can't stand it so well! Anyway, you're dead, and it's okay, no?

Flicking his fingers made Li Huaiyuan's "Death Star" brighter.

"Next time ... you must be strangled carefully to drink water!"

Li Yu laughed for a while ~ ~ This kind of destiny reminds me of a movie ‘Death Comes’ I watched that year. The power of destiny is really interesting! "

Li Huaiyuan, who was flying in Tianjian Cave, suddenly felt a chill behind him.

"Huh? What's going on?"

As Master Jindan, very sensitive to breath, this chill is absolutely unusual. Li Huaiyuan stopped quickly and let go of the soul-sense, searching carefully around.

"Well? There's a sharp edge over there ..."

In places such as Tianjian Dongtian, the master chill can be made chill and sharp, and it must be the magic weapon flying sword.

"Hahahaha! I found a magic weapon flying sword here, and the old man was really lucky!"

Laughing a while, Li Huaiyuan flew towards the place where the sharp spirit was born.

Then ... he was dismayed to find that a young man who had just entered the air-breathing period had a first step and took the light-blue magic weapon Feijian in his hand.

"What a reason! Go to death!"

Li Huaiyuan was furious and waved a sword. He shoved at the young man during the deflation period and severely cut it off.

In his opinion, a mediocre youth during a deflation period, wouldn't it have been crushed to death?


At the moment the sword was cut, a void crack suddenly appeared on the way of Fei Jian. The sword was slashed on the crack in the void.


Fei Jian burst instantly. A fragment of a flying sword, so immortal ... just bounced back and shot through Li Huaiyuan's head.

"Uh? A master Jindan ... ran away and killed him? He gave me all his net worth?"

The casual boy blinked, only to find it incredible!

Destiny is so wonderful!

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