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Chapter 1076: Fate is so amazing

"Oh, you're cheaper because of this toss."

Li Yu saw the charming and charming fairy Fairy Hu Shan, she was walking lightly in lotus style, and she was walking in Tianjian Cave. She was graceful and beautiful.

Li Yu's tossing just now, Qiao Mubai rejoiced in the "Golden Hole Xiao Sword" joy, and Li Huaiyuan's dying fear was not absorbed by the Seven Love Fairies, and was included in his own "Magic Avenue".

"Obtaining the" Mind Avenue "of the poor road really makes you feel lucky. Forget it, anyway, it is also the subject of the poor road, so I won't torment you."

At this moment, Hu Shan, the seven love fairy, re-drilled her "seven emotions" with "The Avenue of Heart Demon", and even promoted the lower grade Jindan to the upper grade Jindan.

Dan Cheng has no regrets. There was no possibility of upgrading. But ... boss Li can do it, so he can't.

"You can make the poor and even the golden immortals. What can you do to train Jindan?"

No longer paying attention to the seven love fairies who absorbed the "emotional power", Li Yu focused his eyes on Du Bai. "You are a poor Taoist representative chosen by the Taoist. There is no magic Taoist fairy in this world. Expectations are high! "

The Taishi Demon ancestor took a "Taichu" road, and really blinded the name of "Taishi".

"Returning to the beginning without good and evil, the only way to prove the truth is the truth. The path to the demon of the poor is Tongtian Avenue."

For the study of magic road, Li Yu is already very deep. He has a profound understanding of the "Tai Shi Tao". After all ... when it was still "Binger of Glacier Swordsman", Li Yu researched "Yuanshi Tianzun Xiaomeng" again.

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, "the only one in the first place" was Tongtian Avenue everywhere. No matter good or evil, no matter the immortals and demons, they can rebel against the innate, and the evidence is "too beginning."

"Very faintly feel that there is my chance here. Where is the chance?"

Over the years, Du Bai worshipped in Weizhou and practiced the "Tai Su Yulian Cleansing Scriptures" only because ... the appearance of this practice is pure white light! Congenital Taisu purifies the light.

This world has Tai Su Avenue, and there is also a Tai Su Dao ancestor.

The "Susu Yulian Purity Sutra" of Weizhou School also hangs a little from Taisu Avenue. However, the essence of Du Bai is still "freedom law". Too vicious, just a cover.

"The‘ Zi Fa Fa ’can drive too vegetarian and energetic, so that I can cultivate myself so that no one can see the roots. It ’s truly a true story of the Lord of Freedom.”

Du Bai's cold face gave a faint smile, raised his eyes and looked for the opportunity of Tianjian Dongtian.

Nothing was found around, Du Bai could only move on.

"Red Maple Mountain? One of the Twelve Peaks of Tianjian?"

After a while, Du Bai saw a broken black mountain ahead. A broken stele remains at the foot of the mountain.

At this moment, only half of the Red Maple Mountain is left. The top half of the mountain has been turned into gravel and scattered around.

There is no vitality on the entire Red Maple Mountain, only a hall that has collapsed in half, and other places are in ruins.

"It's a chance, just go and see!"

If Tianjian Cave can gain something in the sky, that's really luck. If you can find the caves and relics of the ancient monk Tianjianmen, it is an opportunity. If you can't find it, you can only miss it.

Du Bai glanced forward and stepped on the broken Hongfeng Mountain.

"Well? There is still a ridiculous Master Jindan here?"

Soon after boarding Hongfeng Mountain, Du Bai saw a master Dan Jindan who had been stripped cleanly beside a gravel cliff.

"No, you can only kill Master Jindan. There must be only Master Jindan. How can a master Jindan strip his enemies so clean? There is nothing left but a suit. This is obviously a low-level master Cultivate yourself! "

Du Bai opened his mouth and shook his head for a while. "Well, Master Jindan, who has just fallen short, is still very useful to me."

With a wave of his hand, Master Jindan, who had been stripped clean, was immediately accepted into Yujian.

Bai Guang surging, Du Bai began to refine the practice of Master Jindan.

"Shenjian Mountain Villa Li Huaiyuan? This is a rare top-grade Jindan sword repair in casual repair. The thunder and thunder of swords and the light of the sword are different. Li Huaiyuan's sword skills are truly extraordinary. These sword charms are just for my use."

Du Bai was very satisfied when he saw the refined Jin Dan and sword art falcon. "This is a good harvest. But ... how did this top-quality Jin Dan die?"

"Uh? One sword cut into the crack in the space, and the flying Feijian fragments bounced back and died? This is ... unlucky!"

Seeing the picture in white light, Du Bai was speechless for a long time.

Master Jindan, who died so badly, are you the first one?

Finding a hidden place, sitting on the ground, absorbing the refined sword amulet and the power of blood, Jin Dan kept it still.

"This Jindan is very useful. I can use Jindan's powers outside of Dan, and I can use it as a hole card."

The top grade sword repairs Jindan, and its lethality is terrifying. Unexpectedly, it is not impossible for a Jindan master to overcast.

Du Bai absorbed the extracted power, stood up, and walked towards the broken hall on Hongfeng Mountain.

"No wonder no one is here."

Walking to this broken hall, Du Bai found that this is just a temple where disciples of Tianjianmen practice swordsmanship ~ ~, and also maintained the guardian of Jindan level sword array.

For Master Jindan to come here, they look down on here. For monks to come here, they can't get in. No one came naturally.

"I just happened to have a golden dan, could this be God?"

The method of outside the Dan, driving Li Huaiyuan's Jin Dan, mobilizing its sword energy, Du Bai cut out a sword, a Geng Jin sword gas broke out.

Fengrui's sword light flickered, changed into two, changed into four ... Sixteen sword qi were instantaneously turned out.

This is Jianguang differentiation!

Jian Qi circled around the gate of the broken hall and cut off the restriction on the gate.

"Jianguang differentiation is really extraordinary!"

Du Bai put away Jianguang and stepped into this broken hall.

The hall was broken and there were collapsed stone pillars. Apart from that, the only complete thing was a plaque hanging high in the middle of the hall.

Just saw that plaque ...

"Well ..."

A sword rang, and a dreadful sword sentiment fell from the sky.

The sword is powerful, tearing the sky, and God blocks God, and Buddha blocks Buddha.

In between, Du Bai only felt a sword light cut out. The mountains are cut off, the earth is cut off, the void is cut off, the stars are cut off, everything that is blocked before Jianguang is cut off with one sword.

Unrestrained, free, free from all fetters, free from all shackles, free and easy!

"Freedom invisible sword energy!"

When this sword intention rushed into the mind, Du Bai's "free and eternal" spiritual will reacted with this sword intention. Sword intention turned into a sword skill, integrated into Du Bai's mind.

"Is this my chance? Freedom is invisible, and it really fits well with Freedom Law, as if it is tailor-made."

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