System Supplier

Chapter 1077: Extreme treasures can be made!

"Da Zi Zong's invisible sword spirit fits perfectly with my Zan Fa method, and it's fitting."

The sword art of the big free invisible sword qi flows in the heart, driven by the "ideal and only me" artistic conception of "freedom law", which is as smooth as the instructions of the arms.

One breeze, one chopped all the shackles, unrestrained, only I am free, only my eternal sword strength rises to the sky.

Although confined to cultivation, the power of sword power is not to mention arrogance, but the sword is very pure and won the true meaning of "great freedom".

"Well ..."

Attracted by this sword qi from Du Bai, an invisible sword light broke through the void and turned into a pure white sword, which fell into Du Bai's hands.

"Pure Sword of Feiyang Sword? Freely invisible sword?"

Suddenly he felt a sense of joy and intimacy coming from the "big free invisible sword" in his hands, and Du Bai laughed abruptly. "A magic weapon to invest?"

Pure Yang magic weapon, similar to the strength of Yang Shen real person. In addition, Du Bai also has a top-ranking Jindan's foreign Dan. If the two are combined, even if the power of the pure magic weapon cannot be fully used, there is no problem for Master Jindan.

"It really is a chance."

Du Bai smiled and turned out of the broken hall.

"You didn't have this opportunity originally. Poorly said that if you have a chance, you must have a chance."

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "It's not bad. I can maintain my heart, I don't have any crooks, and I don't want to cultivate you."

The investment in Du Bai can only be regarded as a long-term return, but it is temporarily useless.

In the realm of Li Yu now, the system host really can't show much value, it is all about choosing the host to complete the system task.

"Even I think the system host is worthless. Why does the system arrange such tasks? Also, I want to find a host for each world?"

In Li Yu's opinion, the existence of the system is higher than his current state. Even if there is a real master behind the system, what value does this host have for that existence?

Where is the value?

"Okay! The higher the realm, the more you know, the more confused you are!"

Up to now, Li Yu hasn't figured out what the so-called "Zhutian Wanjie System Mall" is. After choosing so many hosts, what are you going to do?

Even ... in a sense, Li Yu himself can be regarded as a "system host"?

"The‘ he ’of the main world, the sound that does n’t exist on the timeline, what ’s the use of another‘ system host ’. There are three major mysteries now.”

Li Yu shook his head helplessly, "In any case, improving strength is the most critical. There is a day when the mystery will be revealed. With enough strength, we can deal with all changes."

Tianjiandongtian's toss can already come to an end.

Once again verifying the way of destiny, Li Yu can already be sure that his own understanding of destiny does not deviate from the "Fate Avenue" of this world.

"I have also studied causation more deeply. I have also studied the realm of Taoism in Xiaomeng's world. The causes of all effects, the roots of all causes and effects. However, we need to verify this in this world."

The cause and effect avenue of this world is the Lord of the Ruri Buddha.

"So, you have to find someone to toss."

Li Yu is definitely not able to play causal games with Lord Liuli, but ... Yu Yutian is not bald ... Oh, Buddhism?

After all, Li Yu followed the Daomen route, and did not study the Buddhist monastic methods deeply. The strongest is the "Immortal Monk Inheritance" from Emperor Huangtian.

Except for the belief incarnation of the "Midaya the Great," there is no higher Buddhist power.

According to the situation of the candle dragons, the fairy king is equivalent to the ancestor of the golden immortal who merged the congenital avenue. Red Dust Fairy is probably the Golden Fairy of the Accompanied Avenue. The Emperor is probably just half a step away.

Half-step Jinxian ... It should suffice for the practitioners who "want to devote themselves to Purdue sentient beings".

"The profession of thief baldness, I really can't find a hot-blooded boy! The four minds are empty, really not what hot-blooded boy can do."

Stepping out, Li Yu's figure left Tianjian Dongtian in an instant and came to Xihuang Tianji City.

Falling down on a mountain peak outside Tianji City, Li Yu let go of the spirits, looking for a suitable flicker ... Oh, a buddhist person.

"Buddhism means to disciple the disciple ... The most famous is the Fahai monk. Shengsheng has made you lose your wife's ions, destroy your family, and feel the pain of red dust. In the end, your heart is as dead as a Buddhist monk.

Li Yu really couldn't do such a thing.

"So play tricks."

Li Yu stroked his chin. "The fake traversor has been made, so ... make a fake rebirth!"

"The world has not changed, but you have been born again. In this world, you vow to protect everything you have lost, and to the peak of the heavenly world. Let the former enemies tremble under your might!

But ... wouldn't it be different from the purpose of Buddhism?

"Then there is nothing to do with the four Buddhas. Come on ... to defeat the Buddha!"

Crossing and rebirth, this setting is completely the protagonist template!

"Huh? Zhang Fugui? The Zhang Fugui who bought a brand in Qiqing Fairy Casino for a million soul stones?"

Suddenly, Li Yu saw Zhang Fugui, the "second-generation immortal" again, and his eyes lighted up immediately. "Very well, it's you!"

A flick of his fingers, the illusory power drawn from the "too vain way" fell silently into Zhang Fugui's body.

"Hahahaha! This boy is killing the Quartet today!"

Zhang Fugui, who had just won a sum of money from the casino, went out with a laugh, and then ... stepped on the air with one foot and fell to the ground.

"My son!"

Several relatives screamed in horror, and quickly lifted Zhang Fugui up. However, at this moment, Zhang Fugui, in addition to breathing and heartbeat, was completely unconscious and completely unconscious.

Feared in horror, hurriedly helped Zhang Fugui and rushed home.

At this moment, Zhang Fugui is undergoing the reincarnation of the Third Age.

"I used to have a sincere love in front of me ~ ~ but I didn't cherish it. When I lost it, I regretted it. The most painful thing in the world is this."

"If God can give me another chance, I will say three words to that girl: I love you! If I have to add a deadline before this love, I hope it will be 10,000 years!"

"Extreme treasure ..."

"Zixia ..."

Then, the sight in front of me turned into a modern city. Born, read, graduated, fell in love ... until you hang up by accident.

The picture jumped and became a Xiuxian family in Yuyutian's practice world. He became Zhang Fugui again.

From birth to falling down at the casino door, then ... all the way back. Master Jin Dan's father fell down in a battle and fell from this path. The servant absconded with the property. The former fox friends and dog friends treated each other coldly.

Because of the enemies he provoked, his sister, the only loved one, and in order to save him, he ended up with the enemy.

In the difficult struggle to survive, Zhang Fugui eventually died.

"So it is ..."

Zhang Fugui opened his eyes slowly, and the endless vicissitudes revealed in his eyes, as if through millions of years.

Suddenly, the ear was itchy. Zhang Fugui took it out, and then ... took out a small purple-gold stick like an embroidery needle with the five characters "Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick" inscribed on it.

"The moment I saw it, I knew that the dull life had left me!"

"This life ..."

Zhang Fugui squeezed his fist tightly and squeezed the "Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick"!

"I want this day, I can't cover my eyes anymore! I want this place, I can't bury my heart anymore! I want all sentient beings to understand what I mean! I want the heavenly gods and Buddhas to disappear!"

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