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Chapter 1173: The goods were pitted

Spiritual power inspires Jade Jane, leading the way with Jade Jane. Burning novel

Li Yu and Meng Hao followed Yujian floating in front of them and followed the road between the mountains.

Passing through the misty cliffs, all the way down, after spending more than an hour, the two came to the front of a towering and ancient hall.

"Well? Two masters have been promoted to outside students today? Thank you!"

Li Yu and two just walked to the entrance of the hall, and a chubby young monk emerged from the hall.

This man laughed and looked sincere and kind. "Two masters, come, come, please come here!"

Following the Fat Monk walked into the hall and came to a room in a palace, the Fat Monk took out one item and gave it to the two of Li Yu.

"Two masters, this is the service of an outside student, this is the identity token, this is a storage bag."

A dark green robe, a jade sign, and a small slap bag. This is the welfare of outside students!

"Even with storage bags? Formal disciples are indeed treated much better than escorts!"

When Meng Hao saw these three items, his eyes flashed a little bit of gold again.

After the two put away the things, the fat monk smiled with a smile on his face again and again, "Two masters, the main hall here is the Zongmen Treasure Pavilion. The disciples who are outside the gate are eligible to choose one in the Treasure Pavilion. Instrument. "

"Is there a magic weapon? Great!"

The golden light in Meng Hao's eyes is even more shining!

Since this time, Meng Hao also knows a lot of common sense in the practice world, and is no longer a layman. Wouldn't Meng Hao know such a treasure, a magic weapon?

Of course, in Meng Hao's eyes, the biggest value of the implement is ... value!

"Come! Come! Come!"

The kind-hearted fat man got up and took the two to the main hall.

After passing through the forbidden circle of the legal array with an identity order, after entering the main hall, Meng Hao was blinded by the countless treasures of magic instruments placed in the treasure hall!

"Wow ... so many treasures!"

In the huge main hall, rows of wooden frames were placed. On these wooden stands, there are various flying swords, golden bells, treasure bottles, jade pendants, pearls ...

Pieces of treasure are shining and shining. Wherever you look, there is only a splendid colorful light.

When did Meng Hao see so many babies? When have you seen such great wealth? Suddenly my heart was swollen and bloody, and I wished I had packed it all away!

"Two masters, are they blindfolded by these instruments? Don't you know which one to choose?"

The fat man walked up with a smile. "The two masters and brothers are both dragons of people. It ’s kind to see them today. As a deacon of the Treasure Court, my brother has also studied these instruments, so I would like to introduce you to you. Right! "

"Then trouble your brother!"

I was blindfolded by the magic instrument, and it was natural to hear that the fat man was willing to introduce the magic instrument. Meng Hao smiled and arched a gift.

Li Yu did not care about these dregs at all, but was only a bit interested in the actions of the fat man.

"Two masters, to talk about the power of magical instruments, all the magical instruments in the treasure hall are based on‘ Hundred Poison Soul Eaters ’and‘ Hanming Seven Killing Swords ’.”

The fat monk took Li Yu and Meng Hao to a row of wooden frames on the east side, pointing at the top of a black cormorant and a black sword, and introduced them to them.


Meng Hao looked up at the top of the wooden frame with a sword, and blinked, "Since it is the most powerful, but no one chooses, presumably there should be any defects in these two treasures, right?"

"Sister is really smart!"

The fat man nodded admirably, "It is true. Although this sword is the most powerful, it is very troublesome to sacrifice, and most people cannot use it. This is why the pearl is dusty. If two masters want to choose these two, Instruments, we need to be careful. "

"So it is!"

Meng Hao nodded, bowing his hand toward the fat man, "Thank you for your guidance."

Later, the fat man took the two of them around the treasure hall and introduced various instruments. The advantages and disadvantages were explained clearly to the two.

After this introduction, Meng Hao found ... It seems that the choice of any instrument is not so satisfactory.

"Two masters, there is another treasure in the Treasure Pavilion. This treasure is of extraordinary origin. It was formed by a ray of light from the heavens and was collected by the paternal ancestors. The ancestors once said that if this mirror meets a fate , Will surely run the world. "

Mysteriously, the fat man took the two of them to the deepest row of wooden shelves in the treasure hall.

In the first row of the wooden frame, a dappled copper mirror was solitary. This mirror does not have the slightest glory, but is rather rusty, like an ordinary bronze mirror in the world.

"The fetish is self-defeating. Don't look at this bronze mirror. You can swear to the sky with your breast. This bronze mirror is definitely our most treasured treasure."

The fat man looked at Li Yu and Meng Hao with a smile on his face. "Two masters, don't you want to try? If there is a fate, this treasure will help you to run the world!"

"Is it such a mysterious treasure?"

Meng Hao reached out and picked up the bronze mirror, and looked up and down for a while, but could not see the slightest clue.

"Huh? What is this?"

At this time, Li Yu picked up a gray stone puppet from the corner behind the wooden frame. It seemed that someone had thrown it in.

"Brother, there are still people throwing stones in this treasure hall? It's so outrageous!"

Li Yu picked up the pebble with a big fist, and said to the fat monk with indignation.

"When ... of course it's not a stone! This is a treasure! This is another mysterious treasure of the treasure hall!"

The fat man saw Li Yu picking up the pebble, stunned, and then a mysterious smile, "Master, you can find the hidden treasure ~ ~ It seems you are a fate! Well, you two All destined! "

"This ... I don't want this bronze mirror anymore."

Meng Hao looked at the bronze mirror in his hand and shook his head. He didn't believe a word about what the fat man described as "individual light from the heavens" and "fate".

"I also feel like I am with this stone ... Oh, the treasure is missed!"

Li Yu also seemed to be planning to throw away the pebble in his hand.

"Hey! Two masters, I'm afraid you don't know the rules of the treasure hall! If you start with the magic weapon, then you have chosen!"

At this time, the fat man who had always been full of kindness had changed his face and his expression became cold. "Two masters, you have just become formal disciples, and you are not familiar with the rules. You will not blame you. Think clearly! "

Having said that, a bit of a smile appeared on the fat man's face, "However, the rules are rules, and the brothers are not disrespectful people. If the two masters want to change the weapon, they must hand in a spirit stone Now! After all ... for my brother, he also bears the risk, right? "

"Is this ... pitted?"

Meng Hao blinked, looking strangely at Li Yu. Will we be pitted?

"Extremely what the brother said!"

Li Yu took the pebble in his hand and smiled, "Let's say goodbye! Let's visit our brother when we have earned the spirit stone."

Talking, Li Yu pulled Meng Hao out of the treasure hall.

"Brother Li, why ..."

After going out, Meng Hao looked at Li Yu with a puzzled look. Obviously being pitted, why did you leave like this? If you do n’t go back, how can you be willing?

"Rest assured, I will dig a big hole for him!"

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "He's got a pit on us, he's really courageous!"


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