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Chapter 1174: Bronze mirror and stone beads are both treasures

"This stone is really interesting!"

After leaving the Treasure Pavilion, Li Yu and Meng Hao followed the instructions on Yujian and went to the residence of the disciples. Burning novel

Along the way, Li Yu threw the pebble in his hand and smiled.

"Brother Li, is this stone ... anything special?"

Meng Hao looked puzzled.

"In fact, this is really precious!"

Li Yu looked at the pebble in his hands, and she felt a little bit stunned.

Meng Hao's bronze mirror, not to mention the five lords of the parrot of unknown origin, is a vast ancestor, Luo Tian world's first surrender "ghost", the refined "strength war armor".

There are two accessories on this "detached armor", namely two beads. One is in the hands of Dong Hu, who has the ability to improve the first-order cultivation.

The other one remained unknown. In the future, even if the "monster demon" Meng Hao surpassed Luo Tian world and even killed Luo Tian, ​​he did not find another bead. In other words, Meng Hao didn't care about this bead at that time.

"It turns out ... another bead has been thrown in the patron's treasure chest to eat ashes!"

Li Yu glanced at it. Even if the seal was repaired, his vision was not bad. Immediately saw through the function of this bead.

Two beads, the white one is a first-order repair for the wearer who promotes the "detached armor." The black one in Li Yu's hand was a first-order cultivation to suppress the enemy.

"Nine broken lenses, plus the bronze mirror and two beads in Meng Hao's hands, this is the complete form of the detached battle armor!"

Having figured out the ins and outs, Li Yu turned his head to look at Meng Hao and handed the stone beads in hand to Meng Hao. "This bead should be integrated with your bronze mirror, let it be for you!"

"Beads? Bronze mirrors? Isn't this really a treasure?"

Meng Hao took out the rusty bronze mirror from the storage bag, opened his mouth wide, and stunned.

"The fat man didn't tell a lie. This thing is really a **** of light, you really have a destiny."

Li Yu smiled and nodded towards Meng Hao. "I've heard of this before and I didn't expect it to be here. You met it and it was a chance."

"Brother Li ... Thank you!"

Meng Hao took the stone beads and put them into the storage bag together with the bronze mirror.

In Meng Hao's mind, it has been confirmed that Li Yu must be extraordinary.

Not only do you know the treasures, but you don't care. Except for its extraordinary origin and seeing more babies, there is no other possibility!

"You're welcome?"

Li Yu shook his head and stretched his fingers to the front. "Let's go, the outsider's residence is coming! Let's settle down and talk!"

In the direction indicated by Yu Jian, the two went all the way.


There was a sudden scream in front.

Turning out from behind the cliff, looking up, I saw a disciple on the mountain road lying down on the ground with a **** flesh. He was stepped on his chest and stretched out his hand to take away the storage bag at the waist.

When the robber left, the flesh-out disciple turned around and climbed up from the ground, staring fiercely at the direction of the robber's departure, "A surprise attack? You wait for me!"

After that, the man turned and left.

"What is this ... what about a rogue?"

Seeing this scene, Meng Hao was stunned.

Why can't any sect gate be so lawless? Do n’t you say that your family is like a family, you ca n’t treat it like a hatred, right?

If you go on like this, who of Zongmen will have a sense of belonging to Zongmen?

"Well! I'm the most annoyed about this kind of robbery, and there is no technical content at all!"

Li Yu shrugged and said, "We are scholars and we can't act so rough in the future. Otherwise, it will be too shameful!"

"Brother Li is absolutely speaking!"

Meng Hao nodded again and again, feeling that Li Yu's words had come to an idea. just……

"Well? Brother Li, don't you think it's strange? This mountain monk is so lawless and has no rules? Fighting with the same door, what future does Zongmen have?"

"I asked someone the other day. This is not only a robbery, but also a place dedicated to killing, which can't help but fight.

Li Yu shrugged his shoulders. "It is said that this is the rule left by the Patriarch. Who knows what is going on? Perhaps the Patriarch's brain was cramped!"


Meng Hao also felt that the possibility of this patron ancestor's brain cramps is not small.

Walking all the way to the residence of the disciples, the two saw a lot of robberies.

Regardless of whether it was robbed, robbed, or even bystander, it was taken for granted. In addition to not killing people, even broken hands and feet are very common.

It seems that this is the rule of Shanzong.

Li Yu and Meng Hao came along, and many people paid attention to them. But when they saw Yu Jian floating in front of the two, they knew that this was a newly promoted outsider disciple. There was no oil or water at all, and no one regarded them as targets.

This made Meng Hao nervous all the way, a little relieved.

According to Yu Jian's instructions, the two found a remote bungalow by the cliff. The two old stone houses are the places where Li Yu and Meng Hao settled.

"Brother Li, you said that this bronze mirror and stone beads are both treasures. I wonder what's different?"

After settling down, Meng Hao picked up the bronze mirror and stone beads and asked Li Yu.

"Any magic weapon requires magical power. Now there is no difference in the gods. The only reason is that there is not enough spiritual power."

Li Yu smiled, "Whether it ’s spiritual practice or activation of magic weapons, you need enough spirits. So, we have to do some preparations! Let ’s not rob, it ’s too shameful for scholars! Only when we plan for them can we meet our identity Well!"

"Make sense! Make sense!"

Meng Hao agrees with this very much. "However, after we first arrived, we need to familiarize ourselves with many parties before we can pit people ... Oh, we plan. What does Brother Li think?"

"Know yourselves and know yourselves, you can't fight a hundred battles! Brother Meng really knows the art of warfare!"

"Where and where! Brother Li is full of clever ideas and insights!"

Alright ~ ~ Two puddles full of bad water are touted to each other here.

Time is just when the two of them "step on" ... Oh, slowly passing by in the familiar environment. In an instant, seven days passed.


A loud bell rang, and the entire patron Sect Waizong was shocked by the bell.

"It's time to distribute elixir!"

"Ha ha ha ha! It's another day to release Dan! Today, this block is going to kill the Quartet!"

"The elixir is mine! Who dares to rob him, I chopped him!"

At one time, the entire waizong resident seemed to have heard the clarion call, and all the disciples of the outside gate rubbed their fists, their faces were fierce, and they were about to fight a battle.

"Let Dan?"

Li Yu and Meng Hao stopped for a while and walked out of the door.

"The morning glow is like blood, today ... the blood will flow into the river!"

During this time, "step on the point", the two also knew that this "day of releasing Dan" was a day of **** killing.

The elixir was given to elixir by the elder Zongmen, it was not a chance, but a ...


When I uploaded the chapter today, I saw a reader saying "The author's writing has collapsed." Thank you for your interest in this book before explaining it.

Li Yu ’s seal repair is not to play again from scratch, but to understand life and realize himself.

The author will not let Li Yu rebuild to the top, with millions of words.

This is just a short journey.

Spoiler, you do n’t need Li Yu to reach the “Daoyuan” realm in this world, as long as you are promoted to cut the spirit and enlighten yourself with the three swords of the spirit!

Each time the protagonist is promoted, the author has a specific plan, and each promotion is written in a reasonable and well-founded manner.

The outline at the end of the link has been compiled, each step is appropriate, and it will certainly not collapse! Everyone can read it with confidence!

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