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Chapter 1189: Li Yu in terror

Wang Tengfei lost!

He lost to Meng Hao, and to the "humble generation" who was not regarded by him at all, which made Wang Tengfei, who was proud, completely complacent.

After the end of the inner gate trial, Wang Tengfei was locked in Dongfu, and he went out without a face.

After Meng Hao was promoted to the inner door, after Li Yu showed that the seventh floor of Ningqi was repaired, he was also promoted to the inner door.

"From today on, you two are my disciples of Shanzong Neimen!"

In the pavilion of the patron saint, He Luohua, the teacher who taught He Luohua, looked at Li Yu and Meng Hao with relief, and nodded with a smile. Earth, let you go in and realize the Tai Ling Jing. "

"Thank you for teaching!"

Did n’t he enter the inner door just for the Tailing Jing? Li Yu and Meng Hao were very pleased with the news.

"Let's go down!"

After Zhang Luo taught He Luohua to warn everyone, he released them.

"The treatment of the inner door is really different from the outer door!"

After being promoted to the inner gate, each person got an exclusive cave house on the top of the mountain, and the aura was more than ten times more abundant than the outer gate cave house.

丹 "Elixir" is an elixir that is completely standard for inner disciples. Spirit stone and magic weapon are also abundant supplies.

Meng Hao saw the treatment of the inside door, and was very emotional.

"The Mountain Sect has fallen. There are not enough resources to support all disciples, so we can only focus on cultivating inner disciples."

豫 Li Yu smiled and pointed his finger at the other hill on the left. "There is still someone watching you over there! Go and meet your sister Xu Shi!"

Standing on the hill on the left, a young girl in a long silver dress stood on top of the mountain, as if looking towards Meng Hao.

"Brother Li laughed!"

Xi Menghao bowed his head in embarrassment, arched his hand towards Li Yu, rose from the wind, and flew away in the direction of Xu Qing.

After three days.


There was a huge roar in the sky, and the mighty spiritual power trembled in the void.

华丽 A gorgeous flying boat came out of the sky. Above the flying boat, a big flag flew high. A huge golden "king" on the flag was shining brilliantly.

Standing on the deck of the bow of a flying boat, a middle-aged man in a green robe stood with his hands on his shoulders.

The sun fell on the middle-aged man, and it actually showed a distorted ripple scene. It seems that this person's existence has turned into a black hole, distorting the void around him.

Aside from the man in Qingpao, there was also a beautiful and unparalleled girl in white.

Behind the two of them, two rows of heavy armored warriors stood neatly on the flying boat, each one expressionless, showing a cold breath.

"Where is this big man driving?"

I was so horrified that all the disciples of the patron saint were horrified, one by one dare not show up, for fear of hitting the big man.

"Meet your son!"

The middle-aged man took a group of heavy armored warriors and bowed down to a certain mountain on the back.

The prestige is magnificent, and the momentum is astonishing!


The gate of the cave on the top of Laoshan suddenly exploded. Wang Tengfei relaxed his sleeves, stepped into the air step by step, and boarded the gorgeous flying boat.

"So Brother Wang is so scary?"

A group of disciples at Gao Shanzong were stunned.

"Zombie ants, will always be ants!"

Wang Tengfei stood at the head of the flying ship and looked coldly at Meng Hao at the inner gate of the mountain, sneer, "Even though my son is frustrated for a while, but my current height is beyond your lifetime. Here, you are still just an ant! "

With a wave of his sleeves, Wang Tengfei followed the girl in white and turned into the cabin.

"There are a lot of adults, and I don't care about you. But the old man doesn't give you a lesson, you don't know the heights and heights!"

The middle-aged man standing at the head of Feizhou's ship, snorted coldly, raised his eyes and looked at Meng Hao.

I glanced over and looked like a sword!

Xun Menghao only felt a loud noise burst from the spirit, as if the whole world was pressing down on him.


Li Yu's figure appeared immediately in front of Meng Hao, blocking this divine attack that was deified into the eyes.

Wang Tengfei, a guardian, used the power of Jin Danqi's consciousness to attack Meng Hao in his eyes. Even if Meng Hao was unfortunate, he would inevitably have a deep imprint on his heart, and the path of cultivation would be cut off , Never go in!

With the strength of Jin Dan's realm, this kind of poisonous hand is directed at a little monk who condenses on the sixth floor. This is too much!

"Dare to use the gods to understand the poisoned hands, then don't blame the poor and teach you a lesson!"

Even if Li Yu sealed the repair, the essence of the spirit was still unimaginably high. Facing this gaze, don't stop or obstruct, let the power of consciousness in the gaze cut into the mind.


As if an egg smashed into a stone, the middle-aged man's eyes turned into Li Yu's spirit, which burst instantly and a burst of blood spewed away.

"you you"

The middle-aged man looked at Li Yu with horror, his face was pale. Quickly stirred up spiritual power to drive Feizhou, fled without a glance.

"Brother Li, you"

Xun Menghao stared at Li Yu in front of him in a stunned state of mind, both grateful and shocked.

兄 What kind of character is Brother Li? How could he stop the man's consciousness attack and hurt the man?

"Thank you Brother Li for saving!"

Meng Hao was very grateful to Li Yu for his rescue, and he quickly thanked him.

"Among my spirits, there is a mark left by the elders. Wang Tengfei, the man who defended the way, attacked my spirit and touched the marks left by the elders, and was shocked by it! Master Jin Dan, I do n’t He hurt him! "

Li Yu casually made up a reason and confused.

解释 This explanation is not for Meng Hao! It is to teach He Luohua to the patron who is concerned about this scene.

When Wang Tengfei hit the door at that time, Li Yu and Wang Tengfei pointed at him, let Wang Tengfei defeated.

This scene, naturally cannot escape the eyes of He Luohua. He Luohua already knew about Li Yu's extraordinary origins.

In such a situation, Shan Yuzhang, a disciple of extraordinary origin ~ ~, can give him a lot of help, but also hope that Shanzong will continue. Otherwise, Wang Tengfei would not be able to worship the Patron Sect so easily.

"It turned out to be the spirit mark left by the elders to protect him."

He Luohua nodded his head, and his heart sighed again. "Although I know that such a disciple of extraordinary origin, worshiping the Zongmen is for the Tailing Sutra. However, depending on the current situation of the Shanzong, he cannot sustain it without the help of external forces!"

"Enter the ancestor's retreat and feel the Tai Ling Jing. Over the years, many disciples have entered, but no one can really realize the Tai Ling Jing. Even if he is given a chance, it is not a big deal!"

The ancestor of the leaning mountain was deeply immersed in the decline of the spirit, and he had never been born for many years.

Li Yu ’s origins are extraordinary. Even if he does n’t realize the Tai Ling Jing in the end, there is a certain amount of incense. There are difficulties in relying on the mountain sect, and maybe it is a way of life.

He Luohua sighed and turned into Dongfu.

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