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Chapter 1190: The patron ancestor is also a pit

"Chen Fan, Xu Qing, Meng Hao, Li Yu, come to the hall!"

One day after half a month, four inside students received rumors at the same time teaching He Luohua.

"Are the secrets to be opened?"

After receiving the notice from He Luohua, Li Yu smiled and stepped out of Dongfu.

After a short while, four inner gate disciples came to the Dongfeng Hall together.

"The ancestors of this gate were deeply immersed in the decline of the spirit cut, and they retreated in the cave at the bottom of the mountain for a long time. They left the blood spirit of the cut, allowing the younger disciples to enter the retreat and realize the Tailingjing."

He Luohua waved four blood-colored jade and waved into the hands of everyone.

"With this blood jade, you can enter the retreat of the ancestors and not be forbidden to attack. Whether you can understand the Tai Ling Jing depends on your chance!"

He waved a ray of light and fell on the statue of the ancestor in the hall.


The statue of the ancestor Wu slowly moved, revealing a huge hole deep into the ground.

"Quickly enter!"

As soon as He Luohua waved, a group of inner disciples quickly jumped into the hole.

I walked through a layer of blood-colored light curtain, and everyone came into a huge underground space.

The white space is filled with a pale mist, and there are looming pavilions and various flowers and trees.

However, the pavilions and pavilions have decayed, and the flowers and trees have long been dead.

"We came to the place where our ancestors were retreating, to understand the Tai Ling Jing."

豫 Li Yu turned his head and glanced at the other three, and smiled, "We are holding the blood jade, and we are not subject to the forbidden attack from the ground. Let's find the place where we can feel the Tai Ling Jing first!"

I reached out and held up the blood jade, and a little **** aura arose. There was a faint sensation with a place in front.

Li Yu nodded toward the crowd, stood up, and flew towards the place where the blood jade felt.

After a short while, Li Yu followed the induction and came to a broken attic.

"It's no wonder that no one knows the Tailing Sutra for so many years. The original opportunity to appreciate the Tailing Sutra is related to the Patriarch."

Li Yu lifted his eyes and glanced around, saw a quaint stone hall in the middle of Dongfu, shook his head with a smile, "At this moment, this clone of the patron ancestor is dying! Where is the power to drive the Tailingjing? This world? "

Alas, this problem is nothing to Li Yu.

"The Tailing Jing is hidden in the forbidden. As long as the blood jade triggers the prohibition, even if it is hidden deeper, how can I hide it from my eyes."

A little flash of aura flashed, the blood jade ignited instantly, and a **** aura arose, imposing a restraint on the ground.

Is just a slight fluctuation that ordinary people can barely detect, but it is very obvious in Li Yu's eyes.

"Is the Tailing Sutra there?"

豫 Li Yu let go of the divine thoughts, and instantly plunged into the slightest banned fluctuations.

"Tai Ling Jing!"

A golden light shone and a verse circulated among the spirits of Li Yu.

Wu Tailing has already got her hands after condensing.

"With the Tailing Jing Condensate and the perfect foundation building method, I can rebuild my path in this world, and I can build the perfect foundation."

There was a smile on Li Yu's face, and he looked up at the direction of the others. He shook his head for a while. "Chen Fan and Xu Qing must not be able to perceive Tai Ling Jing! As for Meng Hao, he has bronze mirrors and can copy countless blood jade. "

Sure enough, Meng Hao picked up the bronze mirror, put in a superb spirit stone, and began to copy blood jade!

He copied fifty pieces of blood jade in one hand, and Meng Hao sat on the ground, ignited the blood jade with spiritual force, and began to realize the Tailingjing.

A piece of blood jade burned out, and then picked up another piece! One after another, continuous, continuous.

The continuous blood jade spiritual force rushed up, and the underground restraint continued to motivate. At first it was very weak, but under the continuous blood jade spiritual power, the ban fluctuation became more and more obvious.

"Tai Ling Jing!"

When fifty pieces of blood jade were completely burned out, Meng Hao finally clearly felt the scriptures of the Tailing Scriptures.

"Is this the Tailing Jing? Sure enough, the mystery is infinite!"

Meng Hao sensed that the Tailing brand imprinted in her mind was condensed, and her heart was very happy, "Sure enough, the method that Brother Li said really works! One piece of blood jade is not enough. I can copy many pieces. How can I feel Tailing? through."

When Meng Hao ignited the blood jade and realized the Tailing Jing, this burning blood jade turned into a **** aura, and flew into an ancient stone hall in the center of Dongfu, and merged into a dry body.

With the integration of blood, this human body, like a dead body, slowly gave birth to a vitality.

"My old man leaned on his ancestor, and he almost died?"

The dry body exhaled a stale gas, and slowly opened his eyes. "If it hadn't been for some blood-stained jade, the old man would have no chance to wake up!"

The leaning ancestor rolled his dry eyes and glanced through the underground cave. Li Yu, Meng Hao, Xu Qing, and Chen Fan, all of them fell into the eyes of the patron ancestors.

"In this generation, there are only four inside disciples?"

Seeing the four disciples who entered the talented area of ​​Dongfu, a bit of joy appeared on the dry face of the patron ancestor. Feng Yaozong is about to become extinct! Haha! Yes! Without Feng Yao, my husband is free! "

"It's just that the old man is sealed here by the old **** who has sealed the demon sect. Without unlocking the seal, then he can only go to jail for a lifetime! He must think of a way!"

The ancestor of Daoshan Shan grinned, "The Tailing Sutra will surely cause countless monks to come to seize it. As long as these monks enter the underground cave, the old man has swallowed up their strength, and the seal can be broken by the method of cutting spirits!"

He raised his eyes to the four Li Yus in Dongfu, and the ancestor of the mountain gave a strange laugh, "You are all disciples and grandchildren of the old man. Borrow your hand to help the old man. Shouldn't it be a pit to you? Surely not?

With a wave of his dry arm, the ancestor of the mountain slaps him on the ground, and draws a trace of strength from the blood jade, inspiring some restraint underground.


Suddenly, the underground palace shook, and endless golden light shone.

Steeped in the golden light, nine quaint steles rose from the ground. The golden texts ~ ~ shined on the stele.

"Tai Ling Jing?"

股 This movement naturally shocked the four men Meng Hao in the underground cave. All of them rushed up, and the four rushed to the place where the stone monument rose.

"It turned out to be the Tailing Sutra? Great, we have n’t seen this true law for many years by the mountain sect. Once this monument comes out, it is hopeful that the mountain sect will be rejuvenated. Let ’s take the stone monument to the palm teacher!"

Xu Qing looked at these steles with surprise, and reached out to get them.

"do not!"

豫 Li Yu and Chen Fan stopped at the same time.

"These treasures, once in this world, will inevitably lead to countless people coming to fight, I am in danger by Shanzong!"

凡 Chen Fan looked at the nine stone monuments and shook his head for a while. "We printed a copy and left the original version in the underground cave. This is safe."


Xi Menghao looked weird when he saw these nine stone monuments. This thing is obviously fake! The patron ancestor released these false Tailing Jings, who is it going to pit?

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