System Supplier

Chapter 1206: How to fall in love with a flower

"This time ... it's a fortune!"

Qiankun's bag is filled with countless spirit stones, countless elixir, countless medicinal materials, countless magic weapons, and Meng Hao suddenly feels like a rich man overnight.

Xunkeng people, is really a shortcut to get rich!

Meng Hao was not too worried about the banned by the ancestors and the elixir of the heavenly elderly in his body.

This kind of thing may be a trouble for others. But ... Isn't there still Brother Li?

"Brother Li, are there any restraints and erysipelas on my body, can you lift them?"

Xun Menghao didn't talk to Li Yu and asked directly to Li Yu.

The friendship between the two of them is not polite.

"It's just a trivial matter."

豫 Li Yu smiled, stretched out his hand, and used the power of the system to extract from the body of Meng Hao a gold, silver, and white intertwined, like the splendor of a gun.

把 "Take out your three-colored spear, and I will fight against the ancestors of the patrons. Although ... this power is a little weaker. Also, your three-colored spear can really have a bit of power."

Based on the principle of not wasting anything at all, Li Yu naturally wanted to make the most of the prohibition formed by the patron saint's power of beheading.

"Can this still happen?"

Xun Menghao was surprised to release the remaining two three-colored spears.

Although I have harvested countless magic weapons in the "Baoshan" of the patron ancestors, and there are several pieces of the soul-cutting treasure, but ... the three-color spear can play even greater value!

"Two long rifles? The power of this ban is very weak. If they are divided into two, these two long rifles are fakes. Are you planning to sell them again?"

Li Yu smiled and agreed with Meng Hao's idea very much. He waved his hand to mobilize the power of the system and put the restraining power of the patron ancestors into two spears.

"Isn't this just in case? I sold a spear to Elder Wu Yunzong, and when he found out he was fooled, I ... can sell him another one!"

Meng Hao answered with a smile.

"Well! That's good! Such long-term customers need to be taken seriously."

豫 Li Yu nodded, then turned to look at Meng Hao, with a serious face, "The patron's ban has been lifted, but the erysipelas on your body is not erysipelas."

"Not erysipelas, what is that?"

Naturally, Meng Hao would not doubt Li Yu's judgment, so he asked Li Yu quickly.

"That is the seed of the other shore flower. The other shore flower blooms in seven colors, and the flower has become a fairy for a thousand years. This is a parasitic demon flower. Now, the other shore flower has taken root in your body. You give birth to it, you die ... it still lives. "

豫 Li Yu said indifferently, "until the other side of the flower devours you, the flowers bloom in seven colors, and become a fairy. It blooms at dawn, and the day of Malu becomes a fairy. This poison ... there is no cure!

"No cure?"

Meng Hao smiled and didn't feel the slightest nervousness. "Brother Li said that there is no cure for the medicine, but he didn't say it was unsolvable. Presumably, there must be a way for Brother Li?"

"Brother Meng is really smart."

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "The other parasite flower parasitism has no way to solve it. The other parasite flower parasite is both a disaster and an opportunity! When it grows to bloom in seven colors, it swallows you and can become a fairy. You swallow it , Naturally can become a fairy! "

"Please ask Brother Li to make it clear."

This is either it swallows me, or I swallow it, Meng Hao naturally knows the dangers. One is not good, then it becomes the fertilizer of the other side of the flower.

"There are two ways. One is that you are entangled with the other side of the flower, fight all the way to life and death, endure hardships, endure endless pain, and good luck, you fight hard, and when you cut the spirit, it is also possible to Cut the spirit sword, cut off the other shore flowers. "

Li Yu smiled, "This method has only succeeded since ancient times. That's your fifth generation of demon monsters. He is also parasitized by the other shore flower like you, but cut off the other shore flower. However, he Way ... you can't learn. "

"Oh, I don't know what this senior is like?"

Since some people can succeed, Meng Hao, who is extremely persistent, can't believe he can't do it.

"Is his method?"

豫 Li Yu's face was very weird. "He can't actually do anything! He can cut off the other side flower, because the other side flower that is parasitic in him is a neurosis, but ... I fell in love with him!"


Meng Hao was stunned!

Oh my god! Is there such a thing?

I fell in love with the host's other shore flowers! What a wonderful flower that parasitizes on the fifth generation Fengfeng!

"The other side flower is a demon flower. When it grows up, its spiritual intelligence is not worse than that of a person! The other side flower is in love with the host, although it is a bit weird, it is not impossible!"

Li Yu smiled and shook her head, expressing her admiration for the five generations of demon monsters!

I actually can make the wicked Pei Anhua fall in love with him! What a great cause!

Li Xian, "the mother of the other side of the flower", is the other side flower cut out by the fifth generation of the demon.

五 This five-generation demon monster not only made him fall in love with him, but also made this evil demon flower fall in love with him.

Because he likes lotus, "the mother of the other side of the flower" Li Xian, actually ... digs out the hollow thoughts and tries his best to change the race and turn into a lotus, and he wants to stand with the five generations of Fengyue.

However ...

Five generations of demon monsters are not neuropathy! Falling in love with a flower, it takes multiple tastes!

And still a parasitic flower in the body, want to devour him to achieve his own demon flower!

Therefore, the five generations of Feng Yao found the right opportunity and did not hesitate to cut out the other flower parasitic in the body!

As a result, Nan Tianxing appeared a 10,000-year-old woman, "the mother of the other side of the flower" Li Xian.

"Brother Li, you still say the second method!"

Even though Meng Hao was confident, he didn't believe he had the charm to make Pei An fall in love with him. At this point, he could only throw himself into the ground, sighing!

"The second method is simple!"

豫 Li Yu waved with a smile ~ ~ A colorful glow covered Meng Hao's whole body, "You have already merged Yinglong Yaodan, and then merged another flower, shouldn't it resist?"

Meng Hao is a "monster" in the future!

The demon monster is weird and changeable, and its strength is inexorable, but it is a self-contained system.

I further said that the strength of the other side of the flower, in the future will also become a fairy tale of Meng Hao, also incorporated itself.

Li Yu now just advances this process.


Xun Menghao only felt that something was broken in his body. Vaguely, he seemed to hear an extremely angry roar!

The vitality pervaded the body, as if it were a clear spring, which constantly penetrated into Meng Hao's body.

After this clear spring fully integrated into the body, the colorful glow disappeared, and Meng Hao suddenly developed a strange feeling.

He seemed to ... heard the sound of grass and trees.

The flowers, trees and trees growing on the ground around him appeared one by one in Meng Hao's induction, as if they could control these flowers and trees at will.

"Merge the power of flowers on the other side. From then on, you will have the power of the flowers on the other side, and you will be free from poison."

豫 Li Yu reached out and patted Meng Hao's shoulder, "So ... you should learn to practice alchemy! The perfect method of foundation building requires the skill of alchemy!"

"Thank you Brother Li!"

Solved a big confidant, and got the magical power of plants and trees. Meng Hao was overjoyed and nodded again and again, "Yes, to perfect the foundation, we must learn the method of alchemy. We ... it's time to go to the southern region!"


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