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Chapter 1207: Where the last generation of Feng Yao abandoned his girlfriend

"Zhao Guo ... it's time to leave!"

He stepped out of the Mountain Sect, and Meng Hao looked up at the world around him, exhaling a long breath, "My world, it shouldn't be here!"

Dapeng shared the same trend one day, spreading his wings to support 90,000 miles!

Free wind, unrestrained wind, it should have a wider world!

Yufeng rose, the figure broke into the sky, straight into the sky.

Suddenly behind Meng Hao dragged two long wind wings, as if the wings of Ying Long.

"Simply practiced" 巽 风 无影 遁 "like this?"

豫 Li Yu shook his head with a smile, "Fusion of Yinglong Neidan is indeed suitable for the spiritual practice of Samadhi."

Leisurely strides, Li Yu also rises in the air, leaving the backer.

After flying all the way, three days later, the two had left the border of Zhao Guo and reached the reckless mountains on the edge of the southern region.


A loud noise rang out from behind.

There was a fierce tremor in the whole earth, and cracks burst on the ground, as if the earth was torn by a huge force.

"Zhao Guo? This is ..."

Xun Menghao was startled, and suddenly found that the whole land of Zhao Guo had suddenly torn from the ground. And ... the land of Zhao Guo actually keeps rising from the ground.

"What's happening here?"

国 Zhao Guo is Meng Hao's hometown. Seeing this situation, Meng Hao was shocked and anxious.

"The old turtle is back!"

Li Yu smiled and stretched his finger towards the patron saint. "The old man of the heavenly machine was a monk who cut the spirit. One of his avatars was swallowed by the patron ancestor, and naturally he would avenge it. A beating of the spirit killed the patron. But it also broke the seal of the old turtle. Now the old turtle is out of sleep. "

Seeing Meng Hao's foggy appearance, Li Yu explained again, "The patron ancestor is just a clone of the patron old turtle. By the way, the patron old turtle was originally the guardian's guardian vein. Beast. However, with your current strength, I am afraid that you cannot overcome it. "

"That's it!"

Meng Hao saw Zhao Guotian's land rising continuously, a huge and boundless giant tortoise, embracing a piece of earth, stepping on clouds and rushing into the sky.

"I'm under Li Xianmen ..."

I saw from afar, the old man with a horrified expression fled.

"Li Xian is a fart!"

The huge turtle head rushed out like a huge mountain. Fangya Sensen's huge mouth opened and swallowed at the old man with a mouthful!

The old man's deity, Xi Tianji, was a high-level monk who cut the spirit, and before he could scream, he was swallowed by the old turtle.

Terrible and mighty!

"Such a huge and horrifying beast is actually a beast of the way that Feng Yao's veins left to me? Feng Yao's veins are really strong! But ... how can I control such a mighty monster?"

Sui Menghao suddenly gave a bad guess to his predecessor Feng Feng.

Did those minds of the first few generations of Feng Yao who had been cultivated as inscrutable? I have n’t even left the method of driving, how can I control such a terrible monster?


With a loud roar, the old tortoise stared at Meng Hao coldly, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he seemed to think of something again, snorted heavily, and turned out of the sky.

A giant tortoise, holding a piece of earth, just soared into the sky, and disappeared.

"It's horrible! A giant tortoise is holding a piece of earth. The whole of Zhao Guo is actually on the giant tortoise's back, it is unheard of!"

Xi Menghao watched the old tortoise flew away from the mountain and was amazed.

"What's this? There are butterflies with wings holding up a world, and a flower wrapping a world, and you will see it when you get higher!"

The future mountain and sea butterfly, that is, a pair of wings holds up the whole mountain and sea world!

Li Yuchao greeted Meng Hao, "Don't watch, let's go! The old tortoise can't run out of this world, one day, sooner or later, you can find it."

"Well! When I become more advanced, I will catch the old turtle back sooner or later!"

Xun Menghao nodded and followed Li Yu to move on.

Reckless mountains, as if boundless.

He flew for several days, and Meng Hao and Li Yu were still in this reckless mountain.

"Oh? There ..."

Between Zheng Zhengfei, Meng Hao suddenly trembled, turned to look at a misty valley ahead, and frowned tightly.

Because, in the valley, Meng Hao felt the power of Fengmon.

"Is it related to Feng Yao?"

Meng Hao quickly took out Fengyu Ancient Jade. The ancient Fengyu jade in his hand became hot, and issued a "buzzing" trembling sound.

"The thought of the past, the original desire to transform the demon, cut in the hand of the eight generations of demon demon, pity it, and leave an inch of incense soil, so that future generations can worship.

An inexplicable message circulated from the ancient Fengyu jade, and Meng Hao was startled. "Here is where the eight generations of Fengyu slayed the enemy?"

"Brother Li, here seems to be related to Feng Yao, I want to go and see."

Meng Hao didn't know anything about Feng Yao's veins. Since he encountered the traces left by his predecessors, Meng Hao naturally went to investigate.

"Go where you want!"

For everything in this valley, Li Yu knows well, and naturally will not stop Meng Hao!

Xi Guang rushed up, and they both got into the misty valley.

"Stop here, here is Wuduzhai. We don't welcome outsiders."

After Li Yu and Meng Hao entered the misty valley, five figures rushed out from the cliff ahead.

This is five condensate monks, and the repair is about eight layers of condensate. But ... the five of them were carrying a huge poison.

Green snakes, tadpoles, scorpions, spiders, toads, and five giant poisonous poisons, showing a toxic atmosphere, causing the surrounding flowers and trees to wither ~ ~ this kind of toxic poison , Even the monks who built the foundation did not dare to provoke easily, it was too difficult!

However ...

These five venomous creatures just came to Meng Hao and Li Yu, and suddenly a panic screamed, as if they encountered natural enemies, they ran away and ran away.


I just returned a pair of five monks with high spirits, stunned by this situation.

"Seniors are angry! Seniors are angry!"

Qilian's venomous poisons were so scared that they turned around and ran away. The two men in front of them were absolutely incapable of instigating them. Several monks in Wuduzhai quickly sue for mercy.

"We only stay here for a little while and leave in two days. Don't worry about it."

Li Yu sent a few monks of Wuduzhai and walked into the valley with Meng Hao.

"Brother Li, the poisons just fled in a panic. Did you shoot?"

As he walked, Meng Hao turned to Li Yu and asked.

"I didn't shoot."

豫 Li Yu smiled and looked at Meng Hao, "You have fused the other flower, and have the power of the other flower. Once the other flower comes out, it is easy to avoid poison. Which poison can poison the other flower?

"That's it!"

Meng Hao nodded, and suddenly his face changed again, and he stretched his fingers to the depths of the valley in front of him.

"Go and see!"

豫 Li Yu smiled and nodded, but a deep smile in his heart, "That's where your previous generation of demon monsters abandoned their girlfriends, of course, the atmosphere is weird!"

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