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Chapter 1208: no need to thank me

Deep into the valley all the way, the fog became more dense.

"It's so cold? Are these mists cold?"

The thick mist filled with icy cold air, even with Meng Hao's current body as a body, I felt a whole body of cold.

"There is indeed a reason for the cold power."

豫 Li Yu nodded, and my heart sighed again. This was not just cold, but ... resentment!

Abandoned "woman", that's not grievous!

Keep going, the cold is getting fiercer!

Suddenly facing the cold, the two went all the way, and shortly after, they reached the bottom of the valley.

There is no vegetation, no vitality, only endless ice cold and cold death.

He raised his eyes and looked around, the two eyes fell on, the only area in the bottom of the valley without fog.

There ... there is a cave that looks square!

The cave is not deep, only a deep darkness!

After a while, the cold air permeated from the entrance of the cave. After floating out of the cave, it turned into a cold fog covering the whole valley.

"It turned out that the cold and the fog came from here!"

Meng Hao nodded his head, turned to look at the edge of the hole, and frowned again.

At the bottom of the hole, a dark red rope fell to the ground. The dark red color on the red rope seems to be dyed by countless blood, revealing a strange and thrilling breath.

"Om ..."

Feng Menghao's ancient jade trembled in the hands of Xun Menghao, the light became more and more bright, and became hotter.

Vaguely, Meng Hao sensed that a strong call came from the cave.

"go in!"

豫 Li Yu walked up to Meng Hao, nodded his head, waved a beam of light, fell into the cave, and illuminated the whole cave.

This is a cave about a thousand feet deep.

Through the light released by Li Yu, Meng Hao saw that there was a platform of 100 feet at the bottom of the cave.

The red rope, which seemed to be stained with blood, stretched from the entrance of the cave to the platform at the bottom of the cave, and fell into a two-foot-diameter circular hole in the middle of the platform.

At the edge of the platform, Meng Hao saw a skeleton sitting cross-legged!

Hold in the hands of that bone, holding an ancient jade! The ancient jade exactly the same as the Feng Yao ancient jade in Meng Hao's hand!

At this moment, this ancient jade in the hand of the skeleton is also trembling and glowing! Seems to be resonating with the Feng Yao ancient jade in the hands of Meng Hao, echoing each other!

"Om! Om!"

At this moment, the ancient monster Feng Feng in Meng Hao's hands trembled even more!

"Is that skeleton ... is my predecessor Fengfeng?"

Meng Hao took a deep breath, nodded to Li Yu, then rose up and fell into the cave.

He flew all the way down, and in a moment, Meng Hao had landed on the platform and fell in front of the skeleton.

"Om ..."

封 Two pieces of Feng Yao ancient jade burst into a tremor at the same time. The radiance shone, and the Fengyu Ancient Jade in the hand of the bone soared into the air and fell into the hands of Meng Hao.

"I am the eighth generation demon!"

"I want to set foot on Jiushan and Haidao to rob the road, I will die for a lifetime, I will stay here for a while, but I have a bad relationship with my sister-in-law ..."

"Seal it down to a million feet, suppress the Tianhehaifenmai, and bury it here. The path of sorrow in heaven and earth, but as the demon of Fengyao, don't think twice ... Only the old man is really dirty and often stays here , Turn her demon grievance. "

When the ancient Fengyu jade fell into Meng Hao's hands, a sound of ancient vicissitudes spread into Meng Hao's knowledge of the sea.

"This is the eighth forbidden demon!"

"This forbidden is built with the demon of heaven and earth, its fate is called seal! Seal body, seal spirit, seal fairy, seal god, seal heaven and earth fortune, seal all heavens!"

Huo Hao's voice echoed in Meng Hao's mind.

The sound of was getting louder and louder, and finally it turned into a thunderous roar.

A simple and mysterious rune mark, deeply imprinted in Meng Hao's mind.

"The eighth ban on the demon, the ban on the body, is also called the ban on the body! The essence of this ban is to use the power of space to ban the space and seal everything!"

At this time, Li Yu came to Meng Hao and explained with a smile.

"Forbidden space? Sure enough, it is a supernatural power!"

Meng Hao smiled and nodded, turned and saw the dark red red rope, saw the bottomless round hole on the platform, and frowned again.

"Li Xiong, I learned from this round hole, felt a breath of Bana. ...... they seem a little different."

Turned MENG Hao in the cave looked at each other, feel the four weeks filled with endless freezing cold breath, it seems that there is a faint bitter sorrow, sad, and thrilling.

"This place ...... very strange! I always feel that seems to have any relevance to me, but can not find a clue."

"Ha ha! You feel right!"

Li Yu laughed, hand pointing around, "here ...... is eight generations sealed the demon Bana chopping off place!"


MENG Hao heart started, look ...... very strange!

Seal the demon Bana love with the previous generation, and it is really Gaoshanyangzhi!

"This is the root of red string, that is, eight generations of the seal sealing the demon Bana's. Unfortunately, eight generations sealed the demon in the end still be soft! After all, you want to fall in love with their own a 'woman' shot, no matter who will be soft, right?"

Although the other side of the flower ... should not be considered a "woman", right?

Li Yu turned his head to look at the red rope, looked at the bottomless round hole on the platform, and shook his head with a sigh. "The eight-generation demon monster was softened and did not completely cut off the vitality of the other shore flower. As a result, the other shore flower was divided into two halves . Half of it is love without resentment, and the other half is resentment because of love. "

Pointing his finger deep into the hole, Li Yu said, "Because of the resentment of love and hate, I have taken off the seal and become the 'mother of the other shore' Li Xian. And the seal here ~ ~ only that one is left Love without regrets! "

Because he loves him, even if he is sealed here, can there be no regrets even if he can only die silently?

"Unfortunately ... you haven't died yet, but the person who sealed you is already dead on the way to breaking the thirty-three day seal and breaking the boundless robbery!"

"When Meng Hao inherited the eight-generation demon demon, you already knew that person was dead. So, you incarnate Xun Peng, go to Shengdong, looking for hope for the next life? Can't you come together in this life, just reunite the next life?"

What a pity ... the rebirth hole, there is no way to rebirth! That's just a back road left by the eastward stream for the mountains and seas.

"You want to meet in the next life, but the poor will give you a chance to meet again in this life!"

Bi Anhua's kind-hearted "sister-in-law" really touched the sky. Li Yu likes to create "successful endings" everywhere, and likes to "let the prince and princess live a happy life together".

It's normal for the gang to help the maid.

He shook his fingers, and a little aura of light fell silently into the red rope, crossed the endless abyss along the red rope, and fell into a bronze coffin at the bottom of the Tianhe River.

"The poor way is now sealed and repaired, and the spirit of the eight generations of demon monsters cannot be captured from reincarnation. So, I will give you a method of six reincarnation, and you will find your beloved one from reincarnation."

豫 Li Yu smiled and waved, "Don't thank me!"


The bronze coffin at the bottom of the Tianhe River suddenly opened, and a woman in white rushed out of the coffin, watching the direction in which the red rope extended, and bowed down to worship!

"Senior grandfather, maiden will never forget!"

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