System Supplier

Chapter 1217: Are you selling fakes?


"Damn, is he going to be preempted?"

Seeing Li Daoyi boarding the Blood Fairy Altar, Meng Hao's eyes narrowed, he hurriedly stood up, and rushed towards the Blood Fairy Altar.

"Stop them! Only when the old man is integrated into the Blood Fairy Mask and becomes an instrumental spirit can you inherit it."

The blood dragon yelled at Li Dao, the sky's blood glowed, the huge blood-colored dragon's body turned into a blood light, and rushed towards the blood fairy mask.


While the Blood Dragon rushed towards the Blood Fairy Mask, Meng Hao's Blood Puppet also rose up and rushed towards the Blood Fairy Mask.

Li Daoyi wanted to stop, but couldn't stop the blood sacrifice that turned into blood, as if it was an invisible blood, which could not stop it.


Almost irrespective of the sequence, two to the blood light rushed into the blood fairy mask together, burst into a loud noise.

The blood fairy sitting on the stone chair disappeared silently in the loud noise, leaving only a **** mask floating in the air.

"Do you dare to rob me? You are seeking your own way!"

Did not stop the blood puppet, let Li Dao be furious, stared at Meng Hao with a grimace, waved his hand, a golden light shone, and a mighty golden flame swept out.

"I am Zhuji's great consummation, and you are the beginning of the foundation. More importantly, the blood dragon is transformed by my ancestor. Your dog can only be swallowed by the ancestor. Why do you fight me? ! "

With a golden flame, Li Daoyi is like a **** among proud Jinhui.

"Why fight with you? Will you know if you try?"

Meng Hao roared and pointed like a sword, and beheaded at Li Daoyi.

"Breeze Invisible Sword!"

A breeze of wind drifted silently, as if a breeze of evening wind in the setting sun, gentle and silky, only blowing the hairline of the ear.


When this breeze was blown to Li Daoyi, the golden light surrounding Li Dao's body suddenly burst out violently, as if something was hit hard.

"I didn't expect you to have such wind-based spells. Unfortunately, my golden flames will never go out. You can't break my defense. You are dead!"

Li Dao sneered, stretched out his hand and waved, and the flames of the sky were rising, turning into a hundred-foot-long golden fire dragon, banging fiercely at Meng Hao.

The flames are overwhelming!

Although Meng Hao didn't know what was called "the flame of Jin Yan", he also knew that he could not be touched by this thing.

"The wind has no shadow!"

An invisible wind swirled around Meng Hao's body, rising from the wind, helping to shake for nine days. Between the moments, Meng Hao's imperial wind flew, avoiding Li Daoyi's fire dragon.

"With my current strength, it is a lot worse to defeat Li Daoyi, who is a great successor of Zhuji University. Can I only use Fabao?"

A "Baoshan" was harvested from the patron ancestors. Meng Hao had enough magic weapons in his hands, even the soul-cutting treasure. You don't need to be too advanced, as long as you come up with a golden magic weapon, you can easily beat Li Daoyi.


"The blood puppet has the blood **** armor puppet given by Brother Li. By means of Brother Li, the blood puppet will surely win. This Li Daoyi is just used to hone myself!"

Avoiding Li Daoyi's fire dragon, Meng Hao waved a "breeze invisible sword" and mingled with Li Daoyi.

"Sanmei Shenfeng, I have only mastered the Qingfeng Invisible Sword and Wufeng No Shadows. The third method ... No wind, no phase, what is called phaseless?"

The wind was roaring and the flames were tumbling. On the one hand, Meng Hao and Li Daoyi couldn't make contact with each other, but they were always wondering what was the meaning of "the wind is nothing."

"It really surprised me that you have such accomplishments in the wind art. However, you are still far behind. I'll show you what a real spell is!"

Li Dao, a Taoist monk who built a successful foundation, was unable to deal with a monk in the early days of foundation construction, which made Li Daoyi very embarrassed and had to use his best strength.

"The essence of flame is burning! The flame of Jin Yan, burn everything!"

With both hands held up, the flames of the sky were rising, and the fiery flames burned the wasteland, as if even the void was about to ignite.

The flames of the sky swept through, burning everything, irresistible.

"Essence of flame? Essence? That's it!"

Meng Hao's eyes brightened and she smiled. At this moment, he had already realized what is "the wind has no phase."

The wind of freedom, the wind of freedom, the wind of change, the wind of invisible and phaselessness, this is the essence of wind.

Wind is inherently invisible.

"The breeze is invisible, the breeze has no shadow, and the breeze has no phase method. The combination of the three methods is ... the samadhi style!"

A tornado sweeping through the sky swept through! The wind screamed, the sand and the rocks fell, and the sky was dark!

The white clouds were scattered and the blue sky was blown away. The tornado that swept out shattered everything and destroyed everything!

The monstrous flames released by Li Daoyi were smashed by this sacred wind and instantly extinguished.

The violent wind raged, rolled up Li Dao, flung it to the edge of the huge altar, and hit the ground heavily.


Li Dao blasted with blood and fell to the ground.

"Good job!"

At this time, Li Yu was sitting on the back under the Blood God Basis ~ ~ and stepped on the Blood Fairy Altar step by step.


Meng Hao hissed a long breath and turned to look at the center of the altar, where a blood-colored mask floated.

At this moment, there was no dragon shadow on the blood-colored mask, and only a blood-colored roar that roared to the sky was left.

"So, is the blood fairy inheritance mine?"

Meng Hao stretched out his hand and the blood-colored mask fell into his hand. However ... he did not feel the existence of any blood fairy heritage from this mask.

"A little worse."

Li Yu jumped down from the lower back of Blood God Ba, and stretched out his hand, and Blood God Ba became a blood light, and fell into the blood mask.

"Only if all the blood gods are fused together can we inspire the blood fairy inheritance."

Li Yu turned his head to look at the remaining nine-level platform below, and shook his head with a smile. "In fact, those who asked me to buy the blood god, in fact, had already incorporated the blood-colored mask when their blood **** fell for the first time. They have long been disqualified. The blood **** I sold to them will never start the blood fairy heritage. "

"So ... they were miserable? I hope they don't know the truth, otherwise they should vomit blood?"

Knowing this brother Li's preferences and knowing that he was very tireless about the pit people's affairs, Meng Hao heart deeply sympathized with those monks who had been pitted.

I spent a lot of money and bought a fake, and I still don't know that I bought it. It's ... so miserable!

"Om ..."

The blood-colored mask in Meng Hao's hand uttered a trembling sound, the blood light converged, and the blood sacrifice fused with all the blood gods went to sleep.

"Without a face, fire and flames can be heard, and the clouds and blood are raging in the sky. The detainee will send the tower and the blood of the spirits to make nine kills!"

An inexplicable message passed into Meng Hao's mind, this is the blood fairy inheritance!

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