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Chapter 1218: Isn't it ridiculous to pit people?


"The Blood Fairy Legacy was stolen?"

"Find out that person! Find three feet in the ground!"

"There is also the blood **** who can't let go!"

The Blood Fairy Trial is over. I fell in love with Fiction Net ... The three great families of the Southern Region and the five major gates did not have this inheritance.

None of the three families and five ancestors in charge of the Southern Region have been inherited by the Blood Fairy. On the contrary, it has passed on to a disperse practitioner who does not know the origin. How did the top powers in the Southern Regions swallow this breath?

"So ... I'm wanted?"

After the trial of the Blood Fairy Inheritance was over, Li Yu left the dry well near the Blood Demon Sect, and just came to a city of monks outside the Blood Demon Sect. He actually saw his wanted order.

"Who made this image? It's so sublime! It's totally inconsistent with the image of this wise man!"

In the image displayed on the wanted list, Li Yu's face was grinning, and the face of a city businessman was simply not in line with Her Majesty Yu Huang's radiant and unparalleled glorious image!

"The three-color pike pit was used to deceive the elder Zi Yunzong and was shamed by his elders!"

"Use fakes to cut the soul and take part in the Baizhenge auction. Let the monk of the West Desert Cloud Heaven spend a lot of money to buy a fake. The treasurer of Baizhenge resigned and retired."

"In the blood fairy trial place, sell fake blood gods, lie to the three worlds and five disciples."

"This son is so ferocious, insidious and deceitful that everyone can take it!"

"Three worlds and five major gates jointly issued a wanted order, wanted in the southern region!"

Seeing the text on the wanted notice, Li Yu froze, "Wanted to be in southern China? Should you be so cruel? More importantly ... why is Meng Hao's kid less charged than me?"

Li Yu is "everyone wins." Meng Hao actually demanded "live and catch," all "co-convicts." Why is there such a big difference in treatment?

Of course, Li Yu is well aware of the reasons for this differential treatment.

Meng Hao has a blood fairy inheritance. After the capture and capture, the torment of the bleeding fairy inheritance is the key. Naturally, "everyone wins."

"It's fun!"

Li Yuyi shook his sleeves, swaggered away and turned away, there was no meaning to hide his tracks.

"Wanted, hunted down, this kind of thing is the first experience of poverty! It must be very interesting!"

Since we are going to practice after joining the WTO, this experience is well worth the experience. If you do n’t see him, Meng Hao was chased and killed from the beginning to the end. Has he been killed as a “monster”?

There is no hidden track, and even the track is intentionally exposed, so the hunt is coming.

"Boy, stand still!"

Soon after leaving the city of monks, Li Yu was chased up by five monks.

"A kid in the early days of building the foundation actually offended the top forces in Nanyu? I don't know where you have the courage."

Five monks surrounded Li Yu, all of them fierce and murderous.

"What nonsense with him? Kill him directly and take his head for a reward! Worth a million spirit stones!"

Each of the magical instruments rushed up, and the five monks released the magical instruments, and they were about to shoot.

"and many more!"

Li Yu was “panicked” with a frightened look, “Do n’t you want to know, why am I wanted? Why do they have millions of spirit stones?”

"Hey! It's too late to ask for forgiveness! Those of us as casual repairers, if we want to live a long life, have learned a rule. That is, what you shouldn't know, don't listen!"

A middle-aged man, headed, looked at Li Yu with a sneer, "Whatever your grievances with the three families and five cases, we just need to take your head to receive the reward!"


With a long sigh, Li Yu looked like a "confession", "Since I'm dead, I don't need to hide the secrets of the treasure."

As soon as he gritted his teeth, a golden orb appeared in Li Yu's hand. "This is why I can sell the blood **** in the place of the blood fairy inheritance. This is the treasure of creation. Everything in the world can be created. I do it for this treasure. "

"Good fortune?"

The monks' eyes were straightened when they saw the glittering golden ball in Li Yu's hands.

No wonder he can sell the blood **** in the place where the blood fairy passed down, no wonder he can make fake goods that the elders of Ziyun Zongyuan infants are fooled, no wonder he can make fake soul-cutting treasures.

It turns out ... he has a good fortune!

"right now……"

Li Yu turned his head and glanced at the five monks around him, his face was "crazy", "Now, you know the secret! Even if you kill me, you will not receive the bounty. Even if you send the good fortune to the treasure, you will Killed by three families and five families! What are you ... planning to do? "


This "secret" is too big!

No wonder three families and five ancestors will offer a reward of millions of spirit stones, which turned out to be for this "good fortune".

If you don't know the existence of the "Creation of Treasure", whoever kills Li Yu will search for the wealth on Li Yu's body, and then take the head to receive the bounty of the millions of spirit stones.

So ... together with the "Creation of the Treasure", I just delivered it to my own house! Three families and five cases won the "Creation of the Treasure" and it was almost effortless!

"Brother, what do we ...?"

Several Sanshous looked at the middle-aged monk headed together, and the look in his eyes ... was both greedy and fearful.

"What to do? Of course ..."

The middle-aged monk blinked a few times, gritted his teeth, and waved the flying sword in his hand, "robbed the treasure of good fortune, and then ... slaughtered him!"

After waiting for the treasure to be in hand, as long as you hide for a few years, after the strength grows, how can the three families and five cases?

"Ah ... for your life! I will give you the treasure!"

Li Yu screamed, throwing away the "good fortune" in his hand, then turned and ran.

"Good fortune!"

Seeing Li Yu throwing a golden ball, five monks chased after a while, and then four people turned and chased after the "Creation of the Treasure" ~ ~ Only middle-aged monks were left unwilling move.

"Stupid, how do you know if what he threw out is real or fake?"

The middle-aged monk yelled and chased Li Yu with his sword.

"Good baby! Good baby! Really can create all things! Look, these spirit stones are just made by me."

A monk lifted the "good fortune" and laughed with surprise, "Brothers, we are rich ..."


A sword light flew, blood splattered, and the head fell to the ground.

"Fortune Treasure" changed hands instantly. A monk snatched the "Evil Treasure" and turned to run.

"Fifth child, you actually killed the second brother for such a thing? Brothers, revenge for the second brother!"

"Boss, don't chase it. The fortune is true! The second brother was killed by the fifth child!"

"Huh? Actually ... is it true?"

Hearing this shout, he was chasing Li Yu's middle-aged man's figure, and quickly turned the light, and rushed towards the direction of "Creation to Treasure".

"Oh! Take your time!"

One "good fortune" makes brothers look at each other and fight each other. Li Da Hang goods said that this is a trivial matter!

Waving his sleeves, Li Yu turned and flew away, but no trace was found.


"The treasure is mine!"

Jianguang Huohuo, the head is rolling! In the end, the "brother" is the strongest and won the "good fortune."

"Ha ha ha ha! With this treasure in hand, this place will be invincible!"

Grabbing the "good fortune", the "big brother" was bleeding all over, but still laughing loudly.


With a click, the so-called "fortune treasure" piece shattered into pieces.

"Ah ... my treasure! My treasure!"

A scream of sorrow echoed in the sky, and it never subsided for a long time.

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