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Chapter 1249: It's time for the poor

The eruption of the Old Road Well was over.

The new generation of Tianjiao in the Southern Region also officially entered the Jindan era.

An ancient sentiment made all Taoists and geniuses promote Jindan one after another, saving more than ten years of water-milling efforts.

This is a grand event.

However ... in this grand event, only two people were the most dazzling.

The first is Li Yu. It is the first time to understand the ancient Daojing, and also to make all of the feelings unveiled to the public.

Realizing the act of selling money does not hurt the slightest glory. After all, this perception is not something you can buy with money.

The second is Meng Hao!

A man alone fought against the men, and under the siege of the Taoists, he was able to promote Jin Dan in one fell swoop. Such demeanor, the crown of the world, eclipsed the Taoists.

"I've always been excellent. I don't need anyone to remind me!"

Meng Hao, who has become a "square wood" again, heard these comments, his face was embarrassed, but his heart was smug.

Following the people from Ziyun Zong all the way back to Zongmen, they had not sat still, and heard another news.

"The Purple Furnace Master's promotion trial started."

"All master furnace masters can enter the Purple Yunxian soil and participate in the trial of the master furnace."

"In this trial, Master Dan Ghost will choose his winner and be accepted as a disciple!"

The bell rang through the clouds, and a mighty voice spread throughout the Ziyunzong resident.

"Purple furnace Dan master trial? Master Dan ghost master apprentice?"

"Go! Go!"

For a moment, the entire Zi Yunzong was a sensation. Regardless of whether they are eligible to participate in the trial, everyone rushed to Ziyun Xiantu together to watch a rare occasion.

"Is Master Dan Ghost accepted?"

There was a flash of light in Meng Hao's eyes, and he suddenly stood up.

The more you delve into Dandao, the more you find it unfathomable. It also allowed Meng Hao to show admiration for the master Dangui who was the first person in Danyu in the southern region.

If he can become a disciple of Master Dan Gui, the road of Dan Tao will definitely go further. Don't miss this opportunity.

Having settled his mind, Meng Hao swept up and hurried to Ziyun Xiantu.

Donglai Mountain.

The first mountain in the east is the sacred place of Ziyunzong.

The towering Donglai Mountain in the clouds stands tall and majestic.

On the top of Donglai Mountain, a huge purple Dan furnace towers high, blooming with endless brightness. The purple light flowed across the sky, reflecting the world, making the entire sky purple.

This is the Purple Fortune Furnace, the body of the Purple Fortune Earth.

"Actually ... so many people?"

When Meng Hao rushed down the mountain to the east, he saw only mountains and people everywhere.

In addition to Ziyun Zong's disciples, there are also families from various countries in the East who come to practice, various ancestors, and scattered repairs. Even Monk Dan Dao from other places in the southern region came to observe the ceremony.

"You can do it. You will surely win the first place, you will surely become a master disciple of Dan Ghost!"

Xu Qing kept cheering on Meng Hao.

"Well! I will work hard!"

Meng Hao nodded heavily and walked towards Donglai Mountain.

"Well? Brother Li, are you here too?"

When Meng Hao walked down the Donglai Mountain, came to the entrance of the Panshan Ladder that reached the top of the mountain and suddenly saw Li Yu standing at the entrance of the Ladder.

"Brother Li, are you going to worship Master Dan Gui?"

Meng Hao was surprised. Isn't Brother Li a peerless expert who has traveled thousands of times? Why are you planning to learn from a teacher?

"I'm here to see!"

Li Yu nodded with a smile, and stretched his fingers towards the winding mountain staircase. "Go! Ascend the mountainside, you can pass the initial test and be qualified to participate in the trial. On the top, you are the master disciple of Dangui. "

"Well! Then I signed up!"

Meng Hao nodded and walked towards the entrance of the entrance.

"This purple furnace trial was conducted by Master Dan Gui for Meng Hao. Meng Hao became apprentice to Master Dan Gui without any suspense."

Li Yu looked up to the top of the mountain, looked at the purple furnace, and smiled, "Congratulations to Daoyou for choosing a good apprentice. This time the cause is over, and the poor road should also leave."

"Taoyou walk slowly!"

The gentle voice of Master Dan Gui sounded in Li Yu's ears, "Tao You entered my practice of Zi Yunzong, but also returned me a method of woodworking. Speaking of it, the old man took advantage!"

"Vote me for peaches and return to Qiong Yao. Everything is because of fate."

Li Yu arched his hand towards the top of the mountain, and turned away.

"A practice, an experience. Zi Yunzong is just one stop of the journey."

Stepping out of the Zi Yunzong, Li Yu looked up into the distance, looked at the middle of the South, and looked forward to the direction of Shengdong.

"The maidservant is practicing six reincarnation methods in Shengsheng Cave. The ugly Mentai guy has been outside the Shengsheng Cave for many years and has recovered some strength."

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "After Meng Hao becomes a disciple of Master Dan Gui, the ugly gate will call Meng Hao forward."

"I don't know if this time, Meng Hao will also kill Ji's children, make a big disaster, and eventually have to flee the Southern Region?"

Reaching out a charm, flicking his fingers, a little light burst out of the air, rushed to the shengsheng cave, and fell to the niece.

"Sir, in a few days, the kid with the demon vein will come and go. You look after it, don't let him die!"

The light fell to the handmaid's hands ~ ~ Li Yu's voice came out.

"The predecessor has a life, and the niece should obey."

Hearing Li Yu's rumor, the maidservant nodded quickly and agreed.

When the glory of the messenger dissipated, the maidservant was silent for a long time, and her expression was extremely complicated.

"A seal of demon ..."

There was a long sigh, and the maidservant's face was darkened. "It's the same as the demon's vein, and it's also the parasite flower parasite. What is your destiny ..."

"I hope you don't follow his old path, nor do we follow our old path. This path ... Too bitter! Too painful!"

A flash of tears flashed in his eyes, and the maidservant closed her eyes slowly. Wang Shengdong fell into silence again.

"There is a maidservant watching, even if Meng Hao beheaded the Ji family's children, they will certainly not die. The water flows, and the poor road does not disrupt your plan. Play like this first!"

In the place where Master Li inherited, Li Yu promised Li Muwan to take care of Wang Ping, that is, water flow. Li Yu can't say a word naturally.

"In the future, there will be destruction of the mountains and seas, and there will be sorrows in the east and west. Now that Po Tao has promised Li Muwan, naturally such things will not happen."

But ... Poor Dao is now rebuilt after joining the WTO. Without unlocking the seal, the strength is not enough!

More importantly, the reason why the poor Tao came here is to become the first step to become "chaos and nothing," so that their bodies become chaos.

"This road, I already have eyebrows! Cutting the spirit three swords is the key to my breakthrough. After playing for so long, it is time to do my own business."

Turning his head to the west and the west desert, Li Yu smiled, "Where ... is the place for poor promotion!"

Otaku welfare, you know !!! Please pay attention to WeChat public account !: meinvlu123 !!

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