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Chapter 1250: The last 3-color spear

West desert, this is a wild place.

Unlike the orthodox way in the practice domain of the southern region, the practice path of the western desert follows the "totem way".

"Although the way of totems is also worth studying, what is really useful to me is Xi Mo's so-called" Sirong Mysticism. "

Cultivate alien beasts, control them, and manipulate them. This is the "Dragon Secret" of Ximo.

"The study of Dan Tao in the Zi Yunzong made me understand the nature of plants and trees, and deepened my understanding of the way of all things.

Cultivate alien beasts, mutate alien beasts, transform alien beasts into monsters, or even totem holy beasts. This is also a force of creation.

The derivation of all things from the source of matter, in addition to those inanimate things, is more important in the vegetation and even the derivation of various lives.

"Pangu opened the sky, and the son-in-law created man. Although I have created energy life forms, the actual creation of life has not been done."

The seven evil spirits of the Yangshen world are the "creator" who can create the energy life form of "nine fire dragons".

Li Yu also used this method to toss the "spiritual race" in the mortal world, and even created the "thunder dragon" with his own hands.

However, the real "creating life" has not been done.

"No wonder I haven't practiced 'chaos and nothing', because ... I haven't gone to the extreme on the path of material origin, and I haven't fully grasped the material origin."

Li Yu smiled wryly and shook her head.

As far as Li Yu's realm is concerned, mastering the material origin, creating all things, creating all beings, this is what Li Yu can do.

But ... Li Yu has never done this, or even thought so.

Along the way, Caiyi, Xie Ling, Tengqing, and others were created through the power of the system.

More importantly, they ... in essence, none of them are real humans!

Everyone around Li Yu, except Jiang Tingting and Yin Luo, none of them is human!

"The experience of the Earth has bound me to the ethics of the Earth. Is there a subconscious rejection of things like 'creating life' or even 'creating humans'?"

Li Yu laughed abruptly.

The origin of matter creates all things and all beings. Without this lesson, we will naturally make up!

Qi Guang rushed up, Li Yu rushed up into the sky, and flew away in the direction of Ximo.

Between the southern region and the western desert, there is a black land separated. This is called Motu.

Flying all the way, even if it was transmitted halfway through the teleportation array of some monk cities, across the vast southern region, it took Li Yu half a month.

When a dark earth, like scorched earth, appeared in front of Li Yu, time had passed for a month.

"Is this the Motu? You have to go through the Motu to get to the West Desert!"

Li Yu shook his head again. "Before the seal was repaired, the entire Luotian world, no matter how far away, can be reached in just one step. There has been no such a long time!"


At this time, a shock loomed through the earth, which seemed to be a slight earthquake.

"Is this ... to a hole?"

Feeling the direction of this shock, Li Yu frowned, "Does it really start? I hope Meng Hao's kid won't be too miserable!"

In fact, Meng Hao is really miserable!

The Zilu trial was completed, Meng Hao ascended the peak of Donglai Mountain, came to the master Dangui, and officially became a master disciple of Dangui.

"Dandong does not extinguish fire", "Dan Dao regeneration tactics", "Ziyun Danjing", master Dangui taught the whole family what they learned. Meng Hao has benefited a lot.

However, two days have not passed, and something went wrong in Shengdong.

The celestial corpse that fell from the sky at that time also appeared to be moving. Each of the Southern Regions sent people to investigate the movement of the fairy corpse.

Meng Hao also felt that a summon was born in his heart, it seemed that the corpse was calling him constantly.

Therefore, Meng Hao followed Zi Yunzong's team and came to Jingsheng Cave.

The immortal corpse burst into power and involved everyone in the room. Meng Hao was also involved in the body space of the immortal corpse. In the space of understanding the sea, he gained an immortal heritage of the Ugly Gate.

But ... Ji Hongdong, Ji's son, came for this immortality. Can Meng Hao be the first to board, how can Ji Hongdong be willing?

"Do you dare to rob me? You dare to rob me? In this world, our Ji family is heaven! How dare you rebel against heaven?"

Ji Hongdong was so furious that he did not hesitate to start toward Meng Hao.

The Lord of the Ninth Mountain and Sea is Ji Tian! The Ninth Mountain and Sea is Ji's Family, and the Ji Family is Tian here!

God wants you to die.

As Ji Jiazi killed Meng Hao, Ji Hongdong naturally didn't hesitate, naturally he didn't take it into his mind at all, as if he was killing an ant.

"Going against the sky? I have gone through it many times!"

A person like Meng Hao is easy-going and stubborn. If you want to kill me, I will kill you! I care who you are?

Ji Jiazi is not easy to kill! Ordinary means, it is impossible to kill.

Even the roads of the major gates in the southern region have life-saving things from their ancestors. Ji Jiazi's identity is much higher than that of Nanyu Daozi, and his life-saving things must be more terrifying.

Not only is it not easy to kill, but ... after killing, the consequences are serious.

Smashed the sign representing Zi Yunzong's identity, the body of "Fang Mu" was removed, and Meng Hao showed his true body.

"The name Meng Hao ~ ~ bears countless counts, and another count of killing Ji Jiazi, what's the point?"

Taking a deep breath, Meng Hao took out a spear.

Three color spear!

At the beginning, Li Yu built a total of three three-color lances. One handle was sold to Zi Yunzong Elder Wu, and one handle was sold to monk Ximo at the auction.

This is the last one!

"Although it is a fake! But ... it still has the power of a patron ancestor!"

Li Yu integrated the power of the patron ancestor into the three-color spear, so that this "fake" can use the power of cutting spirits, which can be posing as cutting spirits.

At this moment ... Meng Hao only needs one blow!

Only when Ji Jiazi was arrogant and despised Meng Hao, killed Ji Jiazi in one shot.

Otherwise, wait for him to get serious, wait for him to take out Ji's treasures, and even take out life-saving things, Meng Hao has no chance at all!

"Killer, Meng Hao!"

With a roar, Meng Hao raised his three-color spear and shot it out.

Gold, silver, white, and three colors are intertwined, and a huge atmosphere rises.

In this tri-color brilliance, a huge, violent image of a giant tortoise suddenly appeared.


The giant turtle roared, and the tri-color interlaced streamers gushed out like Tianhe.

Unexpectedly, Meng Hao still had such a means. Suddenly, Ji Jiazi was annihilated by the tricolor glory before he could scream.

Ji Jiazi stunned!

Ji's family is heaven! This is already a world breaking! This is a great disaster!

Otaku welfare, you know !!! Please pay attention to WeChat public account !: meinvlu123 !!

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