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Chapter 1257: Admiralty Admiral comes to vote, do you accept or not?

"I'm really not playing!"

Out of the border between Motu and Ximo, outside the majestic Diannan Pass, Li Yu displayed a bell-shaped golden rune on the back of his right hand.

This is the totem.

This is the totem made by Li Yu.

With this totem, it was convenient for Li Yu to integrate into the West Desert, and it was convenient for him to study the method of "creating sentient beings."

"Totems need incense and worship, people need worship, not just a mark."

Li Yu raised her right hand and looked at the golden bell totem on the back of her hand, smiling, "Why must we worship? Fear is the same!"

In the wild days, the original totem spirit was never born of worship, but because of fear, because of awe.

This is why Li Yu "plays" with people in Motu.

The name "Old Admiralty" has been widely spread in Mexico.

This is fear, this is awe.

Using this "fear" and "awe," Li Yu turned the "Yu Huang Bell" into a totem, imprinted on the back of his hand.

In this way, Li Yu reveals a unique totem breath of Ximo, whoever sees it will think that this is a monk of Ximo.

Entering the Dangnan Pass with great swing, Guan Cheng was often surrounded by totem monks from various parts of the West Desert.

"It's time to find a tribe, 'Join'."

In order to study the "secret of dragons" and the ways of creation, various experimental materials are needed.

Li Yu can't rely on himself to catch strange beasts all over the mountain and collect medicines everywhere. A big tribe must provide him with materials.

"The Golden Roar has fallen badly this time."

"Yeah! I heard that too. The tribe's Silong tried it out, and actually encountered a big devil, Dust, and all the blood dragon sacrifice of dozens of Silong who participated in the trial. What a tragedy!"

After wandering in the city of Guannanguan for a while, Li Yu finally heard a useful message.

"Jin Roar? Dozens of dragons?"

Li Yu's eyes brightened and he found the goal of "commitment".

Although the Golden Roar is not the top big tribe in the West Desert, it can also be regarded as a medium tribe. Sloan is a key component of a tribal combat power. With dozens of Sloan dead, the Golden Roar naturally needs to recruit Sloan.

There are endless battles between the various ministries in the West Desert. Naturally, there are also some dragons whose tribes are destroyed. This Sloan is popular everywhere.

"Then go to the golden roar!"

After inquiring in the city, Li Yu quickly found the Jin Roar's stronghold in Duannan City.

This is a shop. A flag was standing in front of the shop. On the flag, a golden giant roared to the sky.

This is where the Jin Roar is stationed at the Duannan Pass.

Some special minerals and medicinal materials of the Ximo are very popular in Mexico and even in the southern region. Broken Nanguan City has also become a lively border market.

"What do you want, this guest officer?"

Li Yu walked into the shop of Jin Roar, and a young girl in the desert welcomed her with a smile.

"I'm a dragon."

At this moment, Li Yu has changed her dress. No longer a Confucian shirt, but a whole body shrouded in a black cloak.

The cloak covered his face, and a low, cold voice revealed an arrogance, daunting.

"It turned out to be Lord Sloan."

The girl in the desert was so tight in her heart that she bowed down and saluted, "Sir, my Lord Jinmu Tiemu is here, and I invite you to follow me."

Regardless of whether Master Slon is suitable for coming, it is not something the girl can handle. She can only take Li Yu into the backyard.

"Master Tiemu, there is a master Sloan visiting."

In the backyard, at the gate of a black stone courtyard, the girl from the West Desert bowed inward and confessed.

"Sloan? Come on!"

A rough voice came from the black stone yard.

"Sir Lord, Lord Tiemu is in there, please."

The West Desert girl motioned for a moment, then bowed back.


It seems that because the "Master Tiemu" did not meet in person, the figure shrouded in a black cloak gave a cold hum, and then stepped into this black stone courtyard.


Just entering the door, on the ground floor of the yard, between the earth and stone tumbling, a head is ten feet long, covered with thick black scale armor, sharp claws like swords, fangs like daggers, fierce and horrifying monsters, suddenly rushed to the ground Rushed out.

"Um? Dismiss Mawei? Or is it a test?"

Li Yu sneered at seeing the giant monster rushing out of the ground, "Take me to test this thing?"

Without any action, not even raising his head, Li Yu stood in the yard like this, as if disdainful of this fierce and terrifying monster.

"Although the seal was repaired, my body is also very scary. In addition to the congenital sacred body, I also integrated an ancestor dragon, who all pretended to be a dragon emperor!"

Li Yu smiled coldly and let out a little bit of dragon spirit.

Is the breath of the dragon ancestors able to resist these beasts?

"Woohoo ..."

Feeling the breath of this dragon's ancestor, this beast transformed by the pangolin was so scared that he shivered and trembled, trembling with wailing.

"Hahahaha! Forgive! Forgive!"

A rough laugh came from the courtyard room, a tall and strong man like the same black iron tower, came out with a big laugh.

"Your Sloan's Secret is truly extraordinary. Tiemu admires it!"

The black strong man stepped forward and bowed his hand. "The wise man took the temptation, and I hope you forgive me."


Li Yu Leng proudly replied, "I am a Clan who is overthrown and is living in the End of the World. I came to Jin Rou specially."

"Haha! Welcome! Extreme welcome!"

Tie Mu laughed and nodded, "His Excellency, with your joining, my golden roaring department is flourishing."

Having said that, Tie Mu looked up at Li Yu again ~ ~ but ... I do n’t know where your honorable name is. "

Although the Jin Hou Department is recruiting Si Long, it is impossible to make no distinction and anyone dare to accept it.

"Looking back at the past. My name ... has long forgotten."

Li Yu pulled up the sleeve of his right hand, revealing a golden bell totem, "I came from the Admiralty Ministry. The tribe has been destroyed for many years. For these years, I have been walking the world in the name of Admiralty.

"Admiralty department? Walk the world in the name of Admiralty?"

Tie Mu frowned and kept thinking.

He has never heard of Admiralty. However, the number of such destroyed tribe is countless in the whole western desert, and it is not strange to know.

But ... Walking the world in the name of Admiralty, why haven't you heard of a dragon named Admiralty?

Huh? Admiralty? Admiralty Admiral?

Tie Mu looked at Li Yu with a shocked expression, "You ... have you been in Motu all these years? Haven't you returned to Ximo?"

The legend of the "old Admiral of the Golden Bell" circulating in Motu also spread to the Duannan Pass. Many people don't believe this old horrible monster.

But ... now the old Admiralty of Admiralty is here?

It turns out that the old Admiralty who made Mo Tu horrified is actually the dragon of Ximo?

"Yeah! I haven't been back for many years! The chaos in Mexico has affected my research on the cultivation of alien beasts, so I can only return to Ximo."

Li Yu's voice revealed a vicissitudes, and looked up to Tiemu, "Your golden roar department needs Silong, and I also need a place to grow other animals with peace of mind. Just a word, no, I will change to another house."

"OK! OK! OK!"

Tie Mu agreed.

If this person is really the old Admiralty, it is simply impossible to ask! However, whether or not the Old Admiralty needs to be further determined.

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