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Chapter 1258: Vicious Admiralty

"You recruited a big dragon?"

The resident of the Jinhu Roar in the West Desert heard the news report from Tiemu, and his face was shocked. "It's really a big dragon? Actually there is a big dragon to rely on? How is this possible?"

Da Silong, in the West Desert Department, has a detached status and ranks with the patriarch.

Such characters are welcomed wherever they go. How can it be their golden roar?

"This man has been practicing in Motu. There is also a famous name in Motu called Jinzhong Laomo. It is said that he came from the Jinzhong tribe. After the tribe was destroyed, he left the Ximo and has been practicing in Motu."

Tiemu continued to report, "He must be the big dragon. I tried to use the gold armor, he did not even move, just let out his breath, so that the gold armor was scared to move. Except for big dragon, who Have this ability? "

"Is that so? If it is true, then we will find the treasure in the Golden Roar! But it can't be careless. You need to watch carefully."

The chief Jin Rou nodded, "Take him back to the tribe! If it is really a big dragon, as long as he is not mischievous. Our Jin Roar is very welcome."


Tie Mu bowed down, and hung up the messenger.

"Admiralty? The name ... where seems to have been heard?"

Patriarch Jin Hou put down the messenger, frowning and thinking.

Off the South Gate.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Yu, Tie Mu, and others stepped out of the South Nanguan and headed for the western desert.

The terrain of the Duannan Pass is high, and the lower it is toward the west desert. At first glance, the western desert land seemed like a huge pit.

"Xi Mo ... this is the West Sea!"

Standing on the flying boat, seeing the depressed terrain below, Li Yu shook his head with a sigh. "The purple sea is about to rise. This vibrant land will soon become a dead land."

The Golden Roar is also a medium tribe, and flying instruments are naturally indispensable.

Flying all the way through the air, across the vast western desert land, and rushed past the station of Jin Roar.

It took a full half month, spanning hundreds of thousands of miles, not far from the station of Jin Roar!


At this time, behind a mountain in front of the sky, a warship suddenly burst out.

The big banner was launched, and a **** giant axe burst into the sky on the dark banner.

On the huge battleship, stood rows of fierce warriors holding huge axes. Thousands of flying wing monsters roared around the battleship.

"Ha ha ha ha! Golden Roar! I knew you would return from here. I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

On the blood axe battleship, a strong man wearing a **** robe and holding a **** giant axe, pointing at the flying boat of the Golden Roar, holding an axe and laughing wildly.

"Blood Axe! Lord Blood Axe!"

Seeing the blood axe battleship in front, Tie Mu exclaimed, his face was pale, and anxiously looked at Li Yu, "Master Jin Zhong, this is the **** axe department of our golden roar. The blood axe lord is one This is a weirdo. It's over! It's over! We're dead! "

"Blood Axe?"

Li Yu turned his head and looked at Tie Mu, a cold light was revealed in his eyes, which made Tie Mu's heart tighten, like falling into an ice cellar.

"Next time, don't finish this trick. Be careful to put your life in!"

Glancing at Tie Mu coldly, Li Yu brushed his sleeves, stepped out of the cabin, and boarded the deck of the flying boat.

"Master Admiralty, I ..."

Li Yu was stunned at first glance, sweating coldly, Tiemu's face was horrified, and she wanted to cry without tears, "Although I want to test your strength, but ... I don't know if I will run into the Blood Axe Lord! "

Wiping cold sweat, Tie Mu followed Li Yu in a panic and rushed out of the cabin.

"Master Admiralty, what should I do? What to do?"

Seeing the murderous blood axe warship in front of him, and especially the majestic Lord of the Bloody Axe, Tiemu shuddered.

The most powerful thing is that the dragon is to control the alien beast and manipulate thousands of alien beasts to fight. Above the battlefield, it is the place where the big dragon is soaring. Fighting alone is never a specialty of Da Silong.

In the presence of the **** axe lord, Da Silon is no different!

"It's just a bunch of ants. Just let it go."

The figure shrouded in the black cape was as arrogant and lonely as ever. What was said ... also scared people to death.


Tiemu was stunned!

Killing monsters are all ants? Lord Admiral ... You are too much of this, right?

"I've been in Motu all the time. I'm the old Admiralty of Motu."

Li Yu glanced at Tiemu lightly and slowly raised his right hand.

Motu? Admiralty Admiral?

As soon as Tie Mu knew it, he knew it.

Motu ... it's not Ximo! But no one cares if you are a big dragon, and no one plays war with you. Everything is about killing each other.

Being able to become the old Admiral of the Admiralty in Motu and changing the color of the monks in Motu, naturally, Admiral Admiral is more than just a dragon.

"Get out, or die!"

Raising a finger to the battleship of the Blood Axe Department, the sound of arrogance and coldness revealed endless ice cold, which made people feel like falling into an ice cellar.


When the Blood Axe heard this, he suddenly frowned and smiled angrily, "Haha! Someone dare to speak to this seat? The blood axe comes out, and the blood flows into the river. My blood axe is so fierce that it is actually Ignored? "

The **** axe in his hand was raised high, and the **** axe shouted, "Children, kill them! Shred their flesh and blood, torture their souls, and let them mourn forever in the blood **** totem!"


Blood-stained figures rushed up from the battleship, wielded the **** axe, and killed them towards the flying boat of the Golden Roar.

"court death!"

With a cold snoring, Li Yu raised his right hand, just a wave.


Golden sky blooms ~ ~ A brilliant golden bell rushes out of the back of Li Yu's hand and hangs high in the air.


A mighty bell rang, and Jiuxiao heard, shaking the world.

The mighty sound waves swept out, shattering everything in front of me!

The first is the Samurai of the Blood Axe from the rush. Shocked by this sound wave, one by one burst into the sky with blood mist.

Followed by the flying axe of the blood axe, also turned into blood mist in this sound wave.

Finally, the whole blood axe battleship, together with the above Blood Axe Lord, shook into powder.

In one blow, the High Blood Axe Lord and the Thousands of Blood Axe Warriors, even the same Blood Axe battleship, shattered into powder.

"Master Admiralty!"

Tie Mu shuddered in shock, and "killed" kneeling to the ground.


With a cold hum, Li Yu shook his sleeves and turned into the cabin.

Since it is the "old Admiralty", then there must be a vicious and horrible "Old Devil". With this shock, presumably the Golden Roar did not dare to play any tricks!

The next journey was smooth.

A few days later, a huge lake appeared before the crowd.

The vast land by the lake, the towering mountains, verdant and green, and the vitality. This is where the Jin Roar is stationed.

"Master Admiralty, we are here."

The flying boat fell on a huge mountain by the lake.

There is a huge black stone hall on the mountain. At this moment, the square in front of the hall was full of people from the Jin Roar.

"Welcome to Grand Admiralty!"

Stepping out of the flying boat, a crowd of Jin Roar tribes in the square bowed to Li Yu.

The mighty and mighty power of the Golden Bell Old Devil has scared the Jin Roar into fools! I can only serve it honestly, for fear of another Zhong Ming, shaking everything in the Jin Roar into powder.

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