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Chapter 845: Yuan Bronze Essence, Zhenwu Coffin

"Not a real dragon!"

At this time, Gu Changqing spoke suddenly and made a surprising and relieved news.

"How can you tell?"

Although the news was encouraging, everyone was scratching their heads and didn't know where to start with Gu Changqing's words.

After all ... things like true dragons have only been heard in legend. In this world, who has ever really seen a true dragon? Not to mention distinguishing the true and false of true dragons.

"Of course I can't see it."

Gu Changqing smiled, stretched out his hand and held up a piece of jade pendant, "I can't see it, but ... 'The Lord of the Reincarnation' can see!"


When they heard this, everyone stunned and shook their heads wryly.

The moment they saw the true dragon, everyone was filled with horror, and they did not even remember that there was still a "reincarnation master".

"The essence of Yuan copper? Gold gasification dragon?"

After being prompted by Gu Changqing, the crowd took out their "master **** props", identified the "true dragon" in front of them, and got a shocking answer.

"My God! This is the material for making the magic soldier!"

Luo Shengyi opened his mouth wide and screamed.

What is the concept of magic soldiers?

A man of high stature spends countless time and effort to make a precious artifact.

A magical soldier with the power equivalent to the Dharma.

Although the user has insufficient power, the number of times to drive the magic soldier is limited. However, a magical soldier is still an amazing treasure that can change the trend of the world.

The nine bronze dragons in front of them, although not magic soldiers, are only materials for the soldiers, but they are also extremely precious.

With one heart, Mr. Lu, the number one in the list.

He doesn't have magic soldiers, because ... he can't find the materials to make them.

Chong and live, the second list.

He also has no magic soldiers. It is also because there is no material for refining the magic soldier. Although Chonghe is a reincarnation, he can find six ways to exchange materials for the Shenbing, but ... he can't exchange it.

Luolong Luohan heard the abbot, third in the list.

He also does not have a magic soldier, also because there is no material for refining the magic soldier. Although Shaolin has a magic weapon "Ananda", but ... it is Ananda's, not empty news.

Through such a comparison, we can know very clearly how precious these "Yuan Copper Essences" are.

Nine Yuan Bronze Dragon! Nine magic soldiers!

If this news spreads to the world of the Lord, all the legal heights in the world will go crazy.

"It's a pity ... there are dragons, but no dragon spirits. They have been placed for too long, their spirituality has dissipated, and they can no longer train a true magic soldier."

Seeing the final appraisal given by the Lord of Reincarnation, everyone sighed again.

Such a fetish, just put it here, just so dissipates the spirituality, it ’s ... violent heaven!

Emperor Zhenwu, since you are so rich, why don't you keep it well and leave it to us, those who have fate!

The grievances of everyone's hearts are almost breaking through for nine days!

"We should be grateful. Fortunately, spirituality dissipates. Otherwise, do we still have a way to live?"

Gu Changqing chuckled, "The spiritual soldier material, after the golden gasification of the dragon, is not much worse than the true dragon. If the spirituality is not lost, we will be crushed to ashes as soon as we enter."

"This is also true!"

The crowd returned instantly, staring at each other, laughing dumbfounded.

"We all say that wealth is moving. Although we don't care about property, waiting for the treasure is equally exciting."

Jiang Yanwei smiled and shook her head.

"When the treasure is in front, the Fa body cannot sit still, let alone us?"

Xiao Meng laughed, "Everyone, even if the spiritual essence of Yuan Tong disappears, and you can't train a true magic soldier, you will still be able to make a superb soldier who is only a little less spiritual than the magic soldier. This is still a treasure!"

The treasure is in front, and naturally cannot be ignored.

Everyone stepped forward and collected these Yuanlong Bronze Dragons with their "master **** props".

Although the dragon shape is a hundred feet long, in fact, the true Yuan copper essence is not so large.

"One person, the rest is stored in the team space, everyone share it!"

Although they are teammates, the "interest" matters are still "brothers clearly settle accounts", lest this foreign matter affects the relationship of teammates.

Everyone is satisfied with this distribution plan, so there is no problem.

Collected the essence of Yuantong, everyone went on.

Passing through the apse, everyone came to a darkened hall.

The hall was filled with the mighty water and the turbulent waves were tumbling, holding up a huge copper coffin.

"This is the coffin of Zhenwu?"

When they saw this coffin, everyone immediately thought that this must be the coffin of Emperor Zhenwu.

"Cut a trace of evil thoughts to death, and be buried here for a lifetime."

On the outer wall of the copper coffin, everyone found a line of words.

"Evil thoughts to die for? One body?"

Seeing this line of words, and then linked to the task of "Master of Reincarnation", "Mystery of True Martial Life and Death", everyone naturally has association.

"I am afraid that Emperor Zhenwu didn't really die. He just buried his evil thoughts, or suppressed his evil thoughts."

Gu Changqing looked at the copper coffin floating in the water, and frowned slightly, "You must not act lightly here. If the evil thoughts of Zhenwu Emperor come out of trouble, then we ..."

Although Gu Changqing's words did not finish, everyone knew what he meant.

Emperor Zhenwu is also a top-level deity. Even if there is only a trace of evil thoughts, he can instantly crush everyone without residue.

"But ... how will our task be completed?"

Luo Shengyi frowned, his face full of doubts.

To this end, you have not heard the "Master of Reincarnation" prompting that the task is completed, that means that everyone's task has not been completed.

"Are you going to uncover the coffin? Seeing that there is no body of Emperor Zhenwu in it, is the mission completed?"

Zhang Yuanshan also frowned.

Judging from the text on the coffin, this bronze coffin should suppress the evil thoughts of the Emperor Zhenwu.

Not to mention whether everyone has the ability to open the seal of the Emperor Zhenwu and uncover the coffin. Even if you have that ability, after opening it, haven't you completely released the evil thoughts of Zhenwu?

Those "corpses" before must have been created by Zhenwu evil thoughts. Without completely getting out of trouble, you can manipulate the "ghosts". After getting out of trouble, is that ok?

"Huh? Look, the coffin seems to have opened a gap."

At this time, Jiang Yanwei pointed at the left corner of the copper coffin and said in surprise.

"Sure enough, there is a gap."

The crowd looked up and saw a slight gap in the left corner of the copper coffin. It seemed that the coffin had been opened and then it was covered again.

"That is……"

In Xiao Meng's eyes, there is even more unusual.

He saw endless electric light in the left corner of the coffin, and saw a thunderous figure driving the thunder.

"Thunder! Thor once opened Zhenwu's coffin and covered him again."

Thunder God is Ananda's vest. Xiao Meng was very tired when he saw this figure.

"Actually ... we don't have to open the coffin!"

At this time, Gu Changqing suddenly uttered a voice, smiling with a relaxed face, "The Lord of the Reincarnation" asked us to do this task. We sent the coffin directly to the Lord of the Reincarnation and let him see for himself.

"Send it?"

Hearing this, the crowd froze, and then suddenly realized.

Right! If I put the coffin in the space of "lord **** prop", can't I give it to the "lord of samsara"?

Although this coffin is large, it is not ten feet tall and can be stowed into storage space.

"Yes! Just send it over!"

Gu Changqing stood at the door, waved his hand, and an invisible wave swept across ~ ~ The copper coffin floating in the water and light disappeared instantly and was taken into the storage space.


Vaguely, a terrible horror sounded throughout the tomb, screaming violently, shocking everyone, dizzy.

"Just now ... shouldn't that be the true martial spirit?"

The scream was so horrible, everyone was sweating coldly, but thankfully they didn't touch it, otherwise, it was really dead.

"The mission is complete. Will you return?"

At this time, everyone heard the "mission completed" prompt and was relieved.

Sure enough, the things of immortals are not easy to reconcile.


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