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Chapter 846: Everyone has gains

"Gu Changqing, he's on his way!"

When Gu Changqing put the "Coffin of Zhenwu" into the "Storage Space", the "Coffin of Zhenwu" immediately arrived at Li Yu.

"Although there is only one evil thought of the Emperor Zhenwu, he also has all the memories of the Emperor Zhenwu. The most important thing is of course the" Zhutian Seven Swords "inherited from the Taoist" Hong Jun "."

Reaching for a hand, the "True Martial Evil Thoughts" were instantly decomposed, and all the memories were entered into the resource library.

"Is there only three styles?" Tao Chuan Huan Yu "," Tao Sheng Dao Ming "," Cao Dao Dao Me ". Among them," Dao Sheng Dao Mo "is the inheritance of the Zhenwu School, and" Cho Dao See Me "is the heritage of Xijian Pavilion.

Although it is not a complete "Ceptian Seven Swords", these three swords are equally valuable.

Compared with the incomplete inheritance obtained from the “Sanzhai Edition of the Three Qings”, these three swords are all inherited from the other side.

Although the Emperor Zhenwu is not the other side, Dao Zun "Hong Jun" is the world. So far, the only one who has achieved Dao fruit exists.

As a former boy of "Hongjun", these three swords obtained by Zhenwu are the true inheritance of Taoism.

"Nice! This thing is still very valuable to me."

Li Yu nodded with satisfaction.

After inheriting this thing, after a few hands, it was more or less distorted. After all, different people have different understandings of the same thing.

Zhen Wu's inheritance of these three swords originates from Dao Zun.

Although Zhenwu also has his own understanding, compared with the inheritance of Zhenyuan School of Zhang Yuanshan and the inheritance of Jiang Xiwei ’s Xijian Pavilion, he has fewer hands, less understanding of other people, and is closer to the true meaning of Taoism.

"So far, the only one that proves the existence of Daogu. Hongjun's true inheritance is naturally valuable."

Distracted by hundreds of millions, Li Yu let go of the soul and fully interpreted the true meaning of Taoism in the three swords of Zhenwu.

"Sure enough, the inheritance of Zhenwu is closer to the essence than the" Dao Sheng Dao "obtained in the Zhen Wu faction."

Compared with the "Dao Sheng Dao" obtained by the Zhenwu school, Li Yu found that the "Dao Sheng Dao" inherited from Zhenwu contains the meaning of "creation and end".

"Compared to the" reincarnation of life and death "of the true martial arts, it is more in line with" creation and end. "

The true meaning of this sword, including "opening up the world" and "end of the epoch", is the original intention of Dao Zun Hongjun. The pattern of "life and death cycle" is much smaller.

"The remaining two swords are also extraordinary. 'Dao Chuan Huan Yu' is ubiquitous and omnipresent. The true meaning of this sword is to represent the avenue of time and space. 'Come and see me' is even more aware of the true self and seeing my nature That ’s the way. "

Through the interpretation of these three swords, Li Yu has a clearer understanding of the path of spiritual practice in this world.

"This time, the task of setting up the" Tomb of Zhenwu "is the right target."

Originally, Li Yu's goal was on the "tree of the avenue," and he didn't pay much attention to Zhenwu itself. Unexpectedly, this three-style "Zhutian Seven Swords" inherited from Zhenwu also gave an unexpected surprise.

"In addition to these, Zhenwu's memory is also useful, and it helps me to understand the powers of this world."

Of course, this is not the most important. The most important thing is that the "tree of the avenue" can already let Gu Changqing get them.

"Although Gu Changqing's strength is still a bit inadequate, with the" Essence of Yuan Bronze ", it is enough to defend them with a superb soldier."

With an idea in mind, Li Yu started the next step.

Reincarnation space.

After returning from Zhenwu's tomb, Gu Changqing, Xiaomeng, and others began to study how the "Essence of Copper Bronze" refines their own best soldiers.

"This time it's really profitable."

Xiao Meng released the Yuan copper fine stone from the storage ring, with a smile on his face, "We are not even outside scenery now, we can have a master-class treasure."

"But it's not just the Grand Master, many of the big masters who have half-practice have no great treasures yet!"

Zhang Yuanshan shook his head with a smile, looked at the Yuantong fine stone in front of him, his eyes glowed, "After I trained my" Teng Snake Sword "to become the best treasure, the strongest weapon of the Zhenwu School became mine. 'Teng snake sword'! "

"Neither of you are a decent elite yet. I, a casual practitioner, have a superb soldier in my hand, which is even more unimaginable."

Luo Shengyi was very happy.

When he was a small repairman from a small door and a small family, when have you heard of the treasure of the best soldiers? When he even dreamed, he never thought that he would have the best soldiers one day.

Everyone lamented that they had released their "master **** props" and began to refine their own best soldiers.

Only Xiaomeng and Gu Changqing were hesitant and did not immediately start refining.

"Brother, your sword ... how do you plan to make it?"

Xiaomeng turned to look at Gu Changqing, his heart seemed to be tangled and difficult to decide.

"If it was before, I wouldn't have to think about it at all, I would just use‘ Hao Ran Jian Yi ’to make a sword. But now…”

Gu Changqing smiled and pointed his finger at the sky. "In my name, I bear the cause and effect. Since I took this cause and effect at the time, I can't be half-hearted."

"Yeah! Can't be half-hearted!"

Xiaomeng took a deep breath, nodded his head, and his mind was determined, "I have already figured it out! In my name, I bear the cause and effect. Since I took it, there is no way out!"

Having made up his mind, Xiao Meng sat on the ground and began to make his own best soldiers.

"This knife is based on the‘ opening up the sky ’and opening up the world, and it ’s refined with Yuan copper, which represents my beginning of the world.”

The colorful glow rose, the "Essence of Yuan Copper" instantly decomposed and turned into a mass of melt.

The "open sky seal" was formed in the hand, and the breath of "the beginning of heaven and earth" was released. A hand was pressed, and the "open sky seal" was hit in the molten copper.


Vaguely, there was a roar and a blast of light rising from the sky, as if it had cut off endless chaos and broken endless nothingness.

The yin and yang first appeared, and the ground water, fire and wind gushed out.

At the moment when this long knife was formed, it opened up a vision of ground breaking.

When the vision dissipated, a thick knife with a thick back and a thin blade, about four feet long, fell into Xiao Meng's hands.

Starting with a long knife, a blood-connected feeling rushed into my heart, the breath circulated, and the rhyme intertwined, so that Xiaomeng exudes a magnificent, mighty and overwhelming momentum.

"Wow! This is Mang Kong! This is what Mang Kong should have!"

When Xiaomeng stood with his sword and was about to show it off, Ruan Yushu gave Xiaomeng a severe knife.

"Take heart! Get heart!"

Xiao Meng's mouth twitched violently for a while ~ ~ I finally changed my nickname to 'Mad Knife', so you don't need to mention these sad memories, can you? "


Everyone laughed.

Later, everyone also became their own best soldiers.

"Aren't you enough for a knife?"

At this time, Gu Changqing, holding a long blue sword, said to Xiaomeng with a smile.

"Aren't you the same?"

Xiao Meng glanced at the long sword in Gu Changqing's hand, "Is this a magpie? Then you have three less!"

"In our current state, it is difficult to manipulate a superb soldier. The others can only be said later."

Gu Changqing put away the sword in his hand and nodded, "The Lord of the Reincarnation has the task again. This time, we are going to the Western Region."

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