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Chapter 916: Fierce panyu

"that's fine!"

Seeing the situation of the saints fighting in the void, Pan Yan smiled and turned to look at Li Yu, "You guy, you must be doing a bad idea. You pull me over, just to be a cover?"

"What did you say?"

Li Yu smiled and shook his head. "Of course I was calling you to come ... to meet and talk!"


She stomped her feet and her face turned red.

"Okay, no kidding!"

Li Yu stretched his fingers for three days and September. "Behind them, there is a ground-breaking existence. The guy named Pan Yu has great ambitions. He wants to devour all the universe in this universe and wants to be the only one in this world. dominate."

"If such a guy is allowed to let go, I am afraid that even your world and countless worlds will be hit by him. So, I will attract him with the origin of this world, lead him out, and then kill him!"

"So this is ah!"

Pan Mao sighed, "Dao Brother Dade!"

It's just that ... Pan Yan faintly feels that the reason for "chat in person" seems to be more joyful!


At this time, a sudden loud noise burst out of the void.

"Kaka Kaka!"

There was a sound of shattering sounds of void, a dark, deep, vast and boundless palm, breaking through the boundary film of the Pangu world, and reaching out from the endless emptiness of Hongmeng.

This is a huge arm.

The whole body's dark arms are tens of millions of miles long.

Dark as ink, but crystal clear as jade, smooth lines of arms, the whole body is smooth and delicate like the best gemstone carved, revealing a strange sheen.

On the entire arm, countless lines swirl around, forming countless cloud-like patterns.

Just one arm emits overwhelming power, overpowering beings and all things.

As if this is the root of everything, everything.

"Ah ... the dark sun is coming!"

"How is that possible? How could he wake up?"

"It's over! It's over! The end is here!"

Seeing this arm, the twelve alien saints on the 3rd and September were suddenly horrified and pale, shivering and rolling down with cold sweat.

"Do you know his origin?"

This sudden change also caused Sanqing and others to stop and ask the twelve alien saints in doubt.

"He is a dark day. The creator of our world, the root of everything, the ancestor of all beings."

The saint Jinyang replied with a panic on his face: "He ... he is also the leader of doomsday and destruction. He has been asleep for countless years, and we have tried everything to make him fall asleep and prevent him from waking up. , He still woke up! "

"Once he wakes up, he must devour countless worlds."

Hanyue Saint's face was pale, "This world will be destroyed! Run away! Hope we have a chance to escape."

After speaking, the twelve alien saints turned and ran without hesitation. Flee in the direction of the void, flee outside the Pangu world.

"Run? My child, you saw the great Father, why did you run?"

The breaking sound of the void was louder, and a dark and huge skull emerged from the broken void crack.

There is no hair on the smooth head, just like a gem carved head, there are only a few gaps, which symbolically represent the mouth, nose and ears.

But ... he has an eye!

From the forehead to the nose, occupied by a huge eye!

There is a layer of blood around the black painty eyes. Numerous black streamers in the eyes rotate rapidly, like a black vortex, and a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality is swallowed in every moment.

"Three days in September? Is this your new name? This is the first time? Well, the first few times are meaningless."

"Your birth was originally a tool I put out."

"Everything you have, your flesh and blood, your soul, your law of perception, everything you have, I give it to you. Cheers! Jump for joy! You have received the glory of returning to the Father. "

"Then ... Despair! Cry! Sorrow! This world will be destroyed! Everything will return to its original origin, back to me!"


A violent explosion in the void, a dark and huge body, entered this world! As if the sky above his head, step on the ground, the whole world is full of him!

"What a great world!"

On the huge skull, the thin fissure opened slightly, and a deep, hoarse, full of strange magic sounds rang through the entire Pangu world.

"Such a powerful and plentiful source of heaven and earth, full of vitality and full of opportunity for creation, this world should belong to my Panyu! It can only belong to my Panyu!"

On the huge skull, the dark red eyes look like a dark day.

At this moment, this dark eye looked at the twelve alien saints who fled.

"My children, return to the arms of God the Father! Everything you have is mine!"

In the dark red eyes, a blood-colored vortex was born, and the endless swallowing power was gone.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The twelve alien saints who were about to escape the Pangu world were suddenly shaken, and the whole person burst into a radiance.

Three rounds of scorching sun and nine rounds of moon.

The twelve sages of the alien race instantly transformed into a sun-moon light cluster, and then ...

"Nice and good! Over the years, you have found so many worlds! Although these worlds are not as good as this world, they are also good appetizers."

With a mouthful of breath, following the connection between the twelve saints and countless alien conquered worlds, Pan Yu directly devoured the origins of these worlds.

In the vanity of Hongmeng ~ ~ countless worlds conquered by aliens, at this moment, we all ushered in the end. The world collapses and everything becomes nothing.

Only pure source power remained, swallowed by Pan Yu.

At the same time ... alien creatures spreading across countless worlds have similarly turned into a radiance and blended into Panyu's body.

First and foremost are all aliens in the Pangu world.

At this moment, both the aliens on the battlefield in Akasaka and the aliens living in the territories occupied by the aliens burst into pieces and melted into the body of Panyu.

The aliens who invaded the Pangu world ... was extinct by Panyu himself!

This sudden victory did not make people happy.

Seeing that huge figure, everyone including Di Shun, was pale and frightened.

This is equivalent to the existence of Pangu!

What can we use to resist such terrible characters?

One bite ate up the hundreds of millions of aliens who invaded this world. Even if the Pangu tribe fight hard, they can't cut him a cold hair, right?

"Such a horrible existence?"

Sanqing son-in-law and Dragon Mother are already stunned!

Even if they are all saints, but ... saints are just snacks swallowed by Pan Yu!

The power gap is so large that it can't be beaten at all!

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