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Chapter 917: I took you to pretend

"Brother, this Panyu ... is so vicious."

As a ground-breaker, Panyu was very disgusted at this act of devouring the creatures born in his own world. Not to mention, Pan Yu has devoured countless worlds.

This is simply the public enemy of all Pangu.

"and so……"

Li Yu smiled, "So, I must kill him!"


Pan Yu saw the horrible Pan Yu, and looked at Li Yu with a worried expression. "Dao Brother, this Pan Yu is very powerful. Even if you and I join forces, we may not win him!"

"Oh, you think too much!"

Li Yu smiled and waved his hand, "I never thought I would go to the market and fight hard."

"Uh? What does my brother say?"

Panning for a moment, full of fog, wondering what Li Yu meant.

"I lead him over, just let him fall into the pit."

Li Yu smiled and shook his head. "I have been busy in this world for so long, how can I do nothing? If he doesn't devour these aliens, I can't say that I really can only fight with him."

Turning his head to look at Pan Pan, Li Yu smiled and said, "Beauty, go, brother, take you to pretend!"


Panyu was stunned and couldn't understand what Li Yu was talking about.


Magnificent light swept the world, black and yellow rushing, yin and yang flowing, a splendid golden bridge across Tianyu.

Above this golden bridge, Li Yu and Pan Mao walked side by side, coming slowly.

Seemingly slow pace, it seems to ignore distance and space. It seems ... these two figures are everywhere, everywhere, and nowhere.

"That is……"

At this moment, everyone in the entire Pangu world is watching these two figures together.

One is a boy in fluttering white clothes, and the other is a bright girl.

Two people of ordinary size are as large as the whole world.

"What is there?"

Qingming saw the pair of men and women walking in the light and light wind, and was shocked to open her mouth.

"That is ... the master of the heavens and the world, the Supreme of endless time and space."

In the mind of Qing Ming, the wooden emperor slapped Li Yu fiercely.

"Old man, what kind of character is this? It looks like it's not worse than that black giant!"

Ji Hao also asked Pangu.

"That's all ... the equivalent of Pan Gu!"

Pan Gu sighed, and my heart was depressed again, asshole! This is Lao Tzu's house! Who made you **** come in? Don't even say hello!

Well, Pan Gu himself knows that with his current state of remnants, no one can find anyone even if he wants to say hello!

"Is that what they shot just now? These two are the same figures as Pangu?"

Sanqing and son-in-law were horrified for a while.

Suddenly came the existence of three pangu great gods. After the fight, the world ... Will there be a little residue left?

"The Lord is here!"

Unlike Sanqing and his son-in-law's shock, Longmu saw Li Yu appear and suddenly yelled, "The Lord is here, this black bald head has no chance to be crazy!"

"Respect the Lord?"

Sanqing and son-in-law were surprised. This man is the lord of the dragon mother? Is it the Supreme of Chaos Yuanlong? That would be too much trouble!

With the killing of Chaos Yuanlong to destroy the nature, I am afraid that this world will not even have a little residue left!

"You ... two groundbreakers?"

Pan Yu turned her head to look at Li Yu and Pan Yan, and in the dark red eyes, sheer blood burst out, "Haha! There is such a good thing? I swallowed you two, and swallowed the origin of this world, I You can advance to a higher level. "


Li Yu looked at Pan Yu and shook his head with a smile. "What gives you the illusion, makes you feel that everything is in your grasp? More importantly, although you only have one eye, can't you see it? Am I stronger than you? "

With a loud bang, Li Yu let go of her breath.

The vast and boundless power makes the entire Pangu world tremble, as if even the entire world cannot accommodate Li Yu's existence.

everywhere! omnipresent!

However, no matter whether it is a long time or a space node, there is no Li Yu.

One is ten thousand, and that is eternity.

More importantly ... Pan Yu was shocked to find that the distance between him and Li Yu seemed to be gone.

It seems that the dimensions of size, distance, height, height, up and down, length, width, and height no longer exist!

"you you……"

Pan Yu was stunned!

How could anyone really reach that level?

After spending countless hours and devouring countless worlds, isn't Pan Yu the only one who wants to achieve chaos? Do n’t you want to go back to where you are and trace chaos?

At this moment ... there is even a "chaos" standing alive in front of him!

Pan Yu has been shocked!

"Why do people say that there is one sand and one world? The chaos is infinite, and the dimensions of length, width, and height can be ignored. After a leaf, a sand, a world, it is just a hand."

Li Yu turned his head and talked with Pan Mao. It seemed that he did not care about Pan Yu's existence at all.

"My brother has reached such a high level? This is the origin of chaos! We were born of chaos and will eventually return to chaos. Is chaos the true meaning?

Pan Yu looked at Li Yu with a shocked expression on his face. She had also studied chaos and had some feelings about the distance, but did not expect that Li Yu had already reached this level.

"That's just part of the chaos."

Li Yu smiled, gathered her breath, looked up at Pan Yu, who was still in a daze, "Now, do you know the gap between us?"

"Gap? Even though you took a step forward in the chaos realization, how could you have such deep power? I let you see what is the strongest power!"

Suddenly, Pan Yu waved his arm, carrying the horrific force that had accumulated from devouring countless worlds, and patted him fiercely against Li Yu.


Under this blow, it seems that the whole world is broken! The void collapsed, the vitality of the heavens and the earth was annihilated, and everything went to nothing.

Seeing this blow, everyone in the entire world was horribly pale.

"Sure enough, there isn't even a little residue left!"

Sanqing and son-in-law smiled together bitterly. However, in the face of this level of power, they have no way to even intervene.


Facing this majestic blow, Li Yu stood against his shoulders and yelled at Pan Yu, "Bold rebellion, creating a heinous sin, but still rebellious? Or not kneel!"

This shouting frightened everyone in the world!

Listen to this ... Even Pan Yu is just this man's slave?

"Miscellaneous! I am the **** of creation, devouring the supreme invincibility of all realms. You should treat me as a slave ... uh? I ... how do I ..."

Pan Yu was about to yell and scold, but suddenly found out that he was ... involuntarily and involuntarily, and he really knelt down!

"No ... impossible! How could I be a slave to others! I'm dignified ..."

Before I finish speaking ~ ~ Li Yu waved his sleeves, that fierce and mighty Panyu, so involuntary and struggling, fell into Li Yu's hands.

The concept of size can be ignored!

Pan Yu's huge concrete, just like a toy doll, was pinched by Li Yu.

"It's a shame to let the domestic slaves suffer for the misfortune of oversight!"

Li Yu stood with his hands on his shoulders and smiled with a smile on his face.

"Brother ... is this ... pretend to be?"

Panyan blinked his eyes and asked, seemingly understandable.


Li Yu smiled stiffly, speechless for a long time.

When you see me pretending, you just shout "666". What are you talking about? I really don't know how to cooperate!

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