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Chapter 928: Ronghua rich and wealthy

"Villas and startup funds are in your name!"

In the office of curator Jiang Wu, after signing an agreement to join the Thunder Wuguan, Jiang Wu put the villa and funds into Liu Ziqing's name.

"Gongfa and equipment require you to complete the martial arts trial before you can pay it formally. However, your start-up funds can already purchase some initial equipment. It is not difficult to complete the martial arts trial with your strength!"

Jiang Wu smiled and nodded towards Liu Ziqing, "In fact, if you can show your true strength, the martial arts trials are very easy. However, you haven't seen blood, you haven't really killed yourself, but you can't carelessly. "

"Thank you for your guidance!"

Liu Ziqing thanked him seriously.

The curator's words are indeed good words. His strength is not bad, the difference is the combat experience, and the difference is the life and death fight experience.

If in the battle, you are scared by the **** and fierce situation, you will not be able to show your strength at all.

"Well, three days later will be the end of the month, and this month's martial arts trial will take place at that time, when you come to Thunder Wuguan to report it."

With that said, the curator handed over a badge inscribed with a thunderbolt, "This is the emblem of our Thunder Armour. Put on him, and you have been a member of our Thunder Armour ever since!"

"The thunder is invincible!"

Wearing the Thunder badge on Liu Ziqing's chest, the curator Jiang Wu stood upright with a serious face and shouted a slogan!

"This is the spirit of our Thunder Armory. Fighting is on the front line! Fighting is in the toughest places! Fighting in all places where we need our guard! We ... are invincible!"

"The thunder is invincible!"

Liu Ziqing also answered aloud.

The purpose of this world, whether it is a martial arts hall, an army, or another group organization, is to defeat strange beasts and protect the survival of humankind.

Although there is competition among various organizations, there are even some contradictions. However, the fundamental goal of any organization is the same.

This is why Liu Ziqing joined the Thunder Warrior at ease.

After all, from a military family, even if he could not join the army for some reason, Liu Ziqing would not be willing to stand on the opposite side of the army.

"It's time to see my villa!"

After living in a low-rent apartment for many years, Liu Ziqing finally has his own house.

After leaving the Thunder Wuguan, Liu Ziqing returned to the low-rent apartment.

Although there is nothing valuable at home, some valuable items, such as parents' relics, must be taken away.

"Ziqing? Didn't you go to school today? Why do you not study seriously when you are young?"

Just entering the staircase, neighbor Wang Dazhen just went downstairs.

Seeing Liu Ziqing come up, Wang Dayi stopped him, "Zi Qing, your parents went early, Dalai also watched you grow up. You are just like my own child. Child, you ca n’t go on like this, do n’t study hard What should you do in the future? "

"Thank you, Grandma!"

Liu Ziqing knew that Wang Dazhen was also kind, but ... he didn't need to rely on reading to find his way!

"Then you go back to school! Go!"

Wang Dayu stopped at the entrance of the stairs and refused to let Liu Ziqing enter the door.


Now Liu Ziqing has no choice but to show the badge of Thunder Wu Guan, "Dear, look, this is the badge of Thunder Wu Guan, I am a warrior!"

"Thunder badge? Warrior?"

Wang Dazhen was shocked when he saw the Thunder badge on Liu Ziqing's chest, and his mouth grew up. "My God, Ziqing, you are still a martial artist when you are still so young? Really!"

"Oh, thank you for your care over the years!"

Liu Ziqing took out his mobile phone, pressed it on his hand for a while, and smiled, "Dasao, that's a little bit of my heart."


At this time, Wang's cell phone rang and he took out his cell phone and looked at it, "Mr. Liu Ziqing will transfer you two million Chinese yuan!"

"Ziqing, you ..."

Two million! Wang Dazhen has never seen so much money in his life! Seeing this message, Wang Dazhen's hands were shaking.

"Ma'am, you have cared for me a lot these years. That's a little bit of heart. Don't quit!"

After the death of his parents, Liu Ziqing often received the care of Wang Dazhen. Now that he is well developed, naturally he must show his gratitude.

"Good boy! Good boy!"

Wang Dazhen wiped the corners of his eyes, and his voice was choked. "Ziqing, it's really promising! Your parents will know how to do this, and they will be very happy!"

"Ma'am, then I'll go up first!"

After saying goodbye to Wang Dayao, Liu Ziqing returned to his home and put some important things into the purple gold gourd. He looked at this old nest again, and felt for a while.

Becoming a warrior, it really is a peaceful step, and he is in a strong position!

"Old Liu family child, is already a warrior!"

"Really? Liu Ziqing is a warrior?"

"Ziqing's child has been extraordinary since he was a child. You see, it's really promising!"

When Liu Ziqing walked down the stairs, he saw the neighbors nearby and walked out of the house one by one. He looked at Liu Ziqing and praised him.

At this moment, they forgot Liu Ziqing's mischievous past, only to see the glorious young genius in front of him.

"Uncles and sisters-in-law, I have moved to Linjiang District. In the future, if anyone is in trouble, just call me!"

Saying goodbye to a lot of neighbors, Liu Ziqing walked out of the low-rent apartment and arrived at the Warrior Villa area of ​​Thunder Wuguan.

At the gate of Linjiang District, a row of soldiers with live ammunition guarded the gate.


As soon as Liu Ziqing came to the door, he was stopped by the guards.

"My name is Liu Ziqing, and I am a new warrior."

Liu Ziqing quickly took out his ID card and handed it to the guard.

"Sixteen years old? Warrior?"

Holding the ID card and swiping, I saw the information displayed ~ ~ several soldiers guarding the Linjiang community were shocked.

"Please! Please inside!"

After returning to God, the soldiers quickly opened the door.

"Thank you!"

Withdrawing his identity card, Liu Ziqing officially entered the military community.

According to the information given by Thunder Wuguan, Liu Ziqing quickly found his "new home".

It's a three-story villa with a garden.

Around the villa, there is a stream surrounded by small bridges, rockery pools, beautiful.

"Living in such a big house alone is empty!"

Holding the ID card and brushing the door, he entered the villa and saw that beautifully decorated room. Liu Ziqing suddenly felt a sense of emptiness.

A few days ago, the otaku who was reading a novel in a narrow low-rent house became a warrior everyone envied in a blink of an eye.

Sure enough, he did not bully young people!

"Boy, Ronghua Fugui is like a cloud of sight. Only your own strength is your root. Don't be proud of your youth, don't be blinded by Ronghua rich fans. You are just getting started!"

Zijin gourd reminded in time.

"Disciple understand!"

Strength is everything!

Only by constantly improving yourself can you reach the peak that is out of reach!

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