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Chapter 929: Training Yanako Ao

"Mr. Lu, where is this martial arts trial?"

Three days later, under the leadership of Lu Manzi, a instructor in the Thunder Armed Forces Museum, Liu Ziqing boarded an armored vehicle leading to the base of Meicheng City.

"The trial of the warriors at the base of Meicheng is actually a small town surrounded by an iron cage."

Lu Manzi smiled at Liu Ziqing. "That was a small town near Meicheng. The name was no longer known."

With that said, Lu Manzi's face became serious. "Although the beasts released in the warrior's trials are all the lowest-level beasts, they only have the same power as the junior warriors, but you can't be careless."

"Well, I'll be careful."

Fighting experience is his own defect, and Liu Ziqing naturally has a clear understanding.

Soon after, the armored vehicle arrived in a run-down town. Surrounded by a thick metal wall.

At the entrance of the town, there are also some soldiers guarding.

When Liu Ziqing stepped out of the armored vehicle, he saw that there were already many people at the gate of the trial town.

Hundreds of men and women gathered at the gate of the town. Obviously, these people also came to participate in the martial arts trial.

"This is your first battle with a strange beast. Remember, a strange beast is our human enemy. Either it will die, or you will die."

At the door of the trial town, a big middle-aged man stood at the door and gave a final reminder to all those who were about to participate in the trial of the martial arts.

"Every warrior is the precious wealth of our human beings. Without the guardianship of a warrior, there will be no future for human survival and reproduction."

"But warriors are also the occupations with the highest casualty rate! Higher than the military casualties! Because ... warriors are deep outside the base and into the wild battles raged by strange beasts. You are isolated and helpless, all you see is the enemy ! "

"Today ’s trial is to let you know. Warriors are not trained, but killed! Only by fighting hard can you survive and you can survive!"

"The beasts that are put in here will not exceed your strength. However, if you carelessly, if you do not have the heart to die, you ... will also die!"

"Trial, start!"

The door of the trial town slowly opened, and Liu Ziqing and the warriors who participated in the trial stepped into this deserted town together.

"It's still a bit nervous for the first time fighting a strange beast!"

Stepping into this run-down town and seeing overgrown weeds, like a town in the wilderness, Liu Ziqing took a deep breath.

"The first killing is an important level for anyone."

Zijin Hulu said with a smile, "In the first battle, most people could not fully exert their power. So you must take it seriously."

"I know!"

With a long sword in his hand, Liu Ziqing carefully entered the trial town.

This sword is naturally not one of the Ziqing double swords. With Liu Ziqing's current strength, it cannot drive the Ziqing double swords. Now the sword was bought by Liu Ziqing at the Thunder Wuguan with start-up capital.

"Huh! Huh!"

From the weeds in front, a humming sound came out. A pig that was more than three meters long, one meter and five meters high, and covered with black scale armor ... appeared in front of Liu Ziqing.

"Black armored pig!"

This is a common low-level beast.

After the cataclysm, pigs, horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, dogs, cats, these poultry and livestock are the largest number of alien beasts in the world.

"The first battle is about to begin!"

Liu Ziqing's heart jumped involuntarily.

No matter how strong he is, no matter how profound his inheritance, the first battle is always nervous.


Liu Ziqing, who was slowly approaching the black armored pig, accidentally stepped on a dead branch.


The beast's perception is very acute. Upon hearing this sound, the black armored pig found Liu Ziqing instantly.

With a roar, the black armored pig rushed forward.

The three-meter-long body, like an armored vehicle, slammed into Liu Ziqing severely. The two fangs protruding from the corner of the black armored pig's mouth, like sharp blades, flashed the cold light of Bai Sensen.

Ferocious, violent, and mighty!


Liu Ziqing burst into a drink, stepped on his feet, and his body swelled. The sword in his hand was chopped down by the galloping black armored pig.


Blood splattered, and a sword stabbed his head.

This black armored pig was cut off from the back of his neck by Liu Ziqing.

"Badly hit!"

Liu Ziqing stood by the sword, and his heart gave birth to the lofty aspirations to kill the Quartet.


The purple gold gourd roared in Liu Ziqing's mind, "What else are you proud of? This battle is full of mistakes and nothing. If not your strength is better than the black armored pig, you are dead countless times now!"

"Ah? Is it so bad?"

Obviously killing a strange beast with one sword, is it "useless?" Liu Ziqing was puzzled.

"You talk hard!"

Zijin gourd snorted, "The response you just made was quite brutal, without any skill at all."

"With a sword, a stab is always more lethal than a chop! Just now, as long as you use the‘ Baiyun Chuan ’in Shushan swordsmanship, you can pierce your skull with a sword from its eyes. Do n’t look down on Shushan ’s entry swordsmanship!

"Second mistake. Do you not understand the truth of avoiding reality? Why do you cut it from the back of your neck, even if you want to cut it? There is the neck bone. If your strength is weaker, it will be cut continuously. ! "

"The throat, jaw, chest, abdomen, these are all weaknesses. A sword will kill, but to attack the key, not to let you hack!"

"But none of those key points were exposed ..."

Liu Ziqing just replied and was trained by Zijin Gourd for a dog's blood.

"You are a pig's brain! How do you learn the truth of swordsmanship? Without revealing the key points, you create opportunities and let it expose the key points!"

"I cut it with one sword, why bother ..."

"Now these strange beasts ~ ~ You can slash with a sword. What if you can't slash with a sword? What do you do? Wait for death?"

Zijin gourd snorted, "Okay, now I've sealed your strength. You can't smash these strange beasts with a sword. In this trial, you must learn to use swordsmanship, skills, and brain Fight instead of using brute force! "

"Ah? It's sealed ... what if it's dangerous?"

"This level can't pass, what do you want? The old man is not waiting, just go back and find the old master!"

Zijin gourd roared angrily, "The next battle, I won't remind you for a word, everything is up to you. If you don't pass this level, you will die!"


Liu Ziqing knew that Zijin gourd was good intentions, and knew that his words were correct.

With a superb inheritance and a foundation far beyond the crowd, if even the first pass of the warrior's trial can't pass, it is really a waste in the waste.

"The foundation is the foundation, and I can't go far. I can go further only with a solid foundation."

The introduction of Shushan swordsmanship, basic body skills, these must be carefully cultivated!

"Then ... come on!"

Speaking of the long sword, Liu Ziqing stirred up the fighting spirit in his heart, "Patriarch, I won't let you down!"

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