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Chapter 938: Beast Emperor's mighty, terrifying

"It's just a sea snake. Where is the dragon?"

Zijin gourd laughed and continued: "However, even sea snakes are difficult for you to deal with. This is the strongest beast emperor on earth."

"The Beast Emperor!"

Liu Ziqing took a breath of air.

Legend has it that Hong, the first person in the world, also intended to attack sea beasts and relieve humans from the threat of sea beast attacks. However, he encountered another octopus beast emperor and had to retreat.

Humans are terrestrial creatures, but the ocean is the world of sea beasts.

Hong, the first person in the world, entered the ocean, went deep into the water, and greatly reduced his strength. Naturally, he could not deal with the king of the sea beasts who had the advantage at home.

"Hit or not?"

If entering the ocean to fight the East China Sea Qinglong, Liu Ziqing naturally has no chance. Then there is no need to fight.

But ... what if we draw the East China Sea Dragon?

The wisdom of the Beast Emperor is no worse than that of humans. If there is danger, it will certainly not be able to be led to land. However, Liu Ziqing's real strength is only a high-level **** of war. In the eyes of the beast emperor, there is no danger.

So ... seems to try it out!

Having made up his mind, Liu Ziqing took a deep breath, took off the two swords made of hedgehog bone spurs, and pierced the Donghai Qinglong agitating the waves.

"Well ..."

Sword light is like a dragon, with a burst of shouts from the air, setting off a burst of sound explosions, sprinting away at a speed of nearly ten times the speed of sound.


Two Jianguang stabbed fiercely at Donghai Qinglong, bursting into a loud roar.


The flying sword made of two hedgehog bone spurs hit the scale armor of the Qinghai Dragon of the East China Sea.

No trace was left, it just broke like this!

Although these two flying swords are only used to practice swordsmanship, they are temporarily used. However, it was broken without leaving any trace.

This made Liu Ziqing startled!

How scary is Donghai Qinglong's defense?


Provoked by a weak insect, Donghai Qinglong suddenly became furious. With a roar on the sky, the huge body suddenly rushed up.


There was a loud noise, like a bomb detonated on the sea floor, and the tumbling water rushed several hundred meters high.

Between these huge waves, a kilometer-long, immense, giant dragon rushed up like Tengyun driving through the fog.

The speed-breaking sonic boom is deafening like a thunder blast.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Ziqing only felt that the top of his head was dark, and the behemoth had rushed to the sky above him.

There was a stinky smell from the huge mouth of that fangs, as if it was just above the head!

"The speed is so scary?"

Even though Liu Ziqing was ready in the morning, he was still taken aback.


A blue rainbow rushed up, Liu Ziqing drove the blue rope sword, quickly broke through, and fled madly.


There was a fierce roar behind the ground, the ground shook and the rocks were splashing.

The volley of the East China Sea Qinglong swooped past Liu Ziqing, and he was heavily bombarded on the ruins of the East China Sea. Blasted a large area of ​​abandoned buildings.

"Ah ... what's the situation?"

"Donghai Qinglong? And ... is that the Shushan swordsman?"

"The Shushan swordsman is fighting the East China Sea Qinglong?"

This earth-shattering movement naturally shocked the warriors who hunted strange beasts in the ruins of the East China Sea.

Everyone was speechless for a long time when they saw the blue rainbow flying through the sky and the huge behemoth.

That's the Beast Emperor!

Just one paw crushed countless warriors.

Such a horrible guy can't even provoke it!

"It looks like the Shushan swordsman can't beat Donghai Qinglong, he's running away!"

Qinghong flew through the air, and once shot down, the East China Sea Qinglong rose into the air again, and chased toward the Qinghong.

Seeing this situation, the warriors have understood that Shushan Swordsman is still no match for the Beast Emperor.

"The Shushan swordsman is still too arrogant, Donghai Qinglong, that's the beast emperor! Even the first person in the world, Hong, can't deal with the beast emperor!"

"The Shushan swordsman is still a teenager. When he is young, he is a little bit clueless! I hope he can learn from this loss!"

"I hope he can escape! Donghai Qinglong is not so messy!"

The warriors in the ruins of the East China Sea were talking.

At this time, Liu Ziqing ... was really fleeing!

"This thing can fly!"

Riding the Qingsuo sword flying all the way, Liu Ziqing heard the fierce roar behind him, and saw the blue dragon flying in the air, chasing the relentless Donghai Qinglong, his heart was shocked.

How could a sea snake still fly?

Is there any truth to this?

"Since it is called the East China Sea Dragon, anyway, it also hangs a little bit with the dragon. The Beast Emperor is already on the planet, and the star status is now. Can it fly, is it strange?"

The laughter of Zijin Gourd seemed to bring a little bit of sorrow and joy, "boy, this is an exercise. There is great terror between life and death, and it can best inspire human potential. Take this opportunity!"

"Life and death? I have a pair of purple and blue swords, and I'm afraid of him?"

After the distraction, Liu Ziqing has no problem with dual purpose. Between the swords and flying swords, another sword was released again.

The purple sword screamed, turned into a purple rainbow and cut it out with a fierce sword against the East China Sea Qinglong.

"Bai Hong Guanri!"

Jian Guang is like a rainbow, Jian Xiao is shocking. Fengrui's incomparable sword gas tore through the sky, and stabbed Donghai Donglong fiercely.

With the sharpness of the purple and blue swords, even if the defense force of the East China Sea Qinglong is strong, can it still stop the purple sword?


The purple stab sword stabbed the jaw of Qinghai Dragon of the East China Sea, stabbed on the thick cyan scales, like gold and iron fighting, bursting out numerous Mars.

The purple sword is indeed extremely sharp, and it can indeed pierce the scale armor of the East China Sea Qinglong.

But ... it just pierced the scale armor.

As if stuck by a needle, Donghai Qinglong roared with pain, but was not hurt at all, but became even more furious.

"No, right? This is a pair of purple and blue swords!"

The purple cricket sword with high hopes is just a needle in Donghai Qinglong? Say good all invincible? Say good things are not cut?

"The sharp sword again ~ ~ also needs to have enough strength to work. The purple and green double swords can pierce the scales of the East China Sea Qinglong, but the strength of the sword is not enough to cause more damage. It's up! "

Sharpness is not an attack, but a characteristic of the Ziqing Sword.

Enough force is needed to make this sharp work. There is not enough power, it is useless to be sharp!


Behind him, the East China Sea Qinglong gave out a screaming roar, and a stinking breath rose up.


Donghai Qinglong took a sigh of breath, opened his huge mouth, and sprayed a black ink from his throat, exuding endless stinky venom.

It's like a downpour!


Liu Ziqing's complexion changed greatly, and he quickly mobilized his whole body strength, poured his brain into the Qingsuo sword, and desperately fled.

The poison of Donghai Qinglong, Liu Ziqing has no intention to try the power in person!


Within the envelope of this venom, everything seemed to be corroded like a strong acid.

The mountain below was drenched by venom, and the whole mountain melted like this!


Liu Ziqing's complexion was pale, her hair was upright, and she ran a bit faster!

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