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Chapter 939: Sword Qi into Dan Dan to cut green dragon

"Liu Ziqing was hunted down by Donghai Qinglong?"

For a moment, all the big names in the world knew the news.

After the world changed, many satellite bases have been abandoned. But humans have also rebuilt satellite bases and launched new satellites.

At this time, countries all over the world have deflected satellites and filmed the situation where Liu Ziqing and the East China Sea Dragon fought.

This is the only opportunity to observe the Beast Emperor's shot, and it is also a good opportunity to analyze the strength of the Beast Emperor. Naturally, countries around the world will not miss this opportunity.

As for helping Liu Ziqing ...

This is the Beast Emperor! Who dares to provoke the most powerful creature in the world?

Except for Hong and Thor, everyone else is trying to die! To save a Liu Ziqing, fill his life? No one will do it!

"Liu Ziqing, a jerk, even the beast emperor dares to mess with me! What a mess!"

Thor was annoyed and annoyed, he lifted a five-foot knife, turned and stepped on a triangular fighter.

"Early fledgling, naturally bold!"

Hong Haha laughed, raised a spear, and walked towards another fighter plane. "The East China Sea Qinglong came ashore, and we took this opportunity to kill this guy."

"Looking at his speed of escape, he should be able to hold on to us, right?"

The two fighter planes rose into the air and rushed towards where Liu Ziqing and the East China Sea Qinglong fought.

On the other side, Liu Ziqing was sweating on his forehead.

Royal sword flight also consumes power!

Flying all the way, fled from the East China Sea to the Huguang area, Yu Jian thousands of miles, Liu Ziqing's consumption has been very large.

However ... he still cannot get rid of the East China Sea Qinglong.

"It won't work like this! As soon as I run out of real money, I will die."

You can't escape, and there is no possibility of "kite tactics". The only way is to fight hard!

The Donghai Qinglong has a strong defense. Even with the advantages of the purple and blue swords, after piercing the scale armor, it cannot cause damage to the Donghai Qinglong, let alone kill.

Therefore, you ca n’t do it hard!

"Weakness! Weakness! We must find the weakness of Tokai Qinglong!"

Between the rapid flight, Liu Ziqing's heart has been thinking about how to attack the weakness of the East China Sea Qinglong, thereby reversing the war situation.

Well, chrysanthemum is the weakness.

But ... even if Liu Ziqing endured the nausea that had been drilled from the dragon dung, there was no such opportunity!

The fangs with long teeth were behind Liu Ziqing, and they couldn't get around the Donghai Qinglong at all, and they would be swallowed by Donghai Qinglong.

Ok? Swallow?

Liu Ziqing's eyes brightened, and here ... weakness!

There cannot always be scaled armor in the dragon's mouth. Those soft meats must not stop the sharp edges of the purple and blue swords.


This location is also the most dangerous place.

The more than one meter long Sensen fangs in the dragon's mouth are not only very sharp, but poisonous is almost inevitable.

Just scratch the skin a little ... The melting mountain has proven the consequences.

What's more, will Donghai Qinglong's tongue crush him? Will it spit out a venom to dissolve him?

Killing in from the dragon's mouth must be a life of nine deaths. However, if you don't do this, you will be dead.


The way of sword repair is absolutely decided!

Without the determination to fight desperately, how can we achieve the state of "one sword breaks all methods" and "there is nothing to cut, nothing to break"?

Will is the key to the road of sword repair!

This is the sword intention!

"Even if you are desperate, you need to find a chance."

Fei Ling fled for a while, as if some real elements were insufficient, Liu Ziqing's Fei Ling's speed was a little slower, and Jian Guang looked a bit messy.

Everyone saw this scene through the satellite, and sighed.

The Shushan swordsman born in the sky, like a meteor, has just died away, and it must fall.

as expected!

When Liu Ziqing's speed slowed down, a gleam of cold light flashed from the pair of green longan of Donghai Qinglong.

This little bug that runs so fast is really out of power!

Then ... go to death!


With a huge roar, the East China Sea Qinglong rushed up, opened his teeth and opened his mouth to bite Liu Ziqing!

This huge East China Sea Qinglong is like a train.

The huge mouth opened, as if opening a door.

A door that brings death and destruction!

As for who is dead, then wait and see!

"That's the moment!"

When the East China Sea Qinglong opened his mouth and bite, Liu Ziqing's heart was calm, without grief or joy, without panic.

The mind and the purple and blue swords are integrated into one, the sword is a person, and the person is a sword!

Mind will, true vitality and blood, and the purple and blue swords are completely integrated at this moment, fully integrated as one.

It's a whole, the sword is breathless!

At this moment, at the moment of life and death, Liu Ziqing was able to break life and death, break free of the shackles, and step into a new world.

He's alchemy!

A golden sphere, like a star, appeared in his Dantian.

According to this world, this is the mark of a star warrior!

"Two swords fit together, thunderous sound of sword!"

Lei Yinjian is a sword technique that uses sound waves to attack. It is the best sword technique for enemies with high defense.

Sonic resonance, ignore defense.

Except for a vacuum, any substance can transmit sound waves, regardless of defense!


The thunderous sound of thunder exploded in the mouth of Qinglong in the East China Sea, like a thunderous sky and thunder, and the whole world shivered in this roar.

Yes, tremble!

This is resonance! Sonic resonance!

Donghai Qinglong is also shaking! Trembling all over!

At the moment when the thunder exploded, the violent sound wave resonance caused the brain of Donghai Qinglong to boil like boiling water.

Shock! Crush!


After the brain burst, the horrible East China Sea Qinglong, the world's most powerful creature, issued a final wailing, and crashed into the ground in the eyes of countless people.


The earth shook, the huge East China Sea Dragon ~ ~ fell from the sky, hit the ground with a roar, the dust was flying, and the rubble was splashing.

"Well ..."

A sword howling rose into the sky.

Qinghong is like a dragon by the sky.

On top of this Qinghong, a dark gold robe of Liu Ziqing's Royal Sword volleys, and the clothes are flying, like heaven and earth, sword fairy Linfan!


"Donghai Qinglong was chopped!"

"The Shushan swordsman Liu Ziqing, the sword cuts the East China Sea Qinglong!"

"The first sword in the world! The first sword in the world!"

At this moment, countless people who saw this scene were surprised and happy one by one.

Humans ... a third character appeared to rival the Beast Emperor. And this is the first time that humans have successfully killed the Beast Emperor!

Even Hong and Thor have no such record!

When the East China Sea Qinglong was beheaded, all sea beasts fled wildly along the coast of Shenzhou.

Whether it was sea beasts entering the land and rivers, or sea beasts in the sea, they screamed in panic, and fled away away from the offshore China Sea.

Killing Qinglong with one sword, Haiyan Heqing, and peace everywhere!

"This kid ... so amazing?"

Thor and Hong, who were still halfway, laughed when they saw this scene.

"I'm not alone! Since then, someone can finally help us!"

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