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Chapter 943: Onlookers Liu Ziqing

"This trial will definitely have someone attacking."

Luo Feng turned his head and looked at the other trainees. He knew that many of them would be driven by their interests to sell his news.

"So, I will act alone."

Driving the shield with spiritual power, carrying Luo Feng flying all the way, plunging into the mountains of Western Australia, avoiding everyone's eyes.

"It is said that Shushan Swordsman is also a spiritual teacher, but his flying speed of the sword is much faster than that of flying on my shield. Whenever I can reach his level!"

Luo Feng thought of the video on the Internet that the Shushan swordsman beheaded and killed the East China Sea Qinglong, and his heart gave birth to a longing.

"It's also a spiritual teacher. If others can do it, why can't I?"

Feeling secretly excited, Luo Feng dived into the mountains and began his own trial.

After Luo Feng's trial students left, it didn't take long for another fighter to break through.

The fighter plane landed, and a pair of men and horses came out of the fighter plane.

Walking ahead is a middle-aged man with a shady face.

He is Li Yao.

An advanced God of War from the beginning of the great changes in the world.

"Luo Feng, you are dead!"

Li Yao held a scarlet sword and clenched his teeth, "My son of Li Yao, you dare to kill? No matter what your reasons are, even if my son wants to kill you, you can only die well . If you dare to resist and dare to kill my son, then you must pay your life and no one can protect you! "

Turning his head to look at the team behind him, Li Yao waved his hand, "Assemble the high-power laser cannon, choose a suitable location, and install the laser cannon."


A group of men quickly lifted several huge metal boxes from the fighter.

"This kind of high-power laser cannon that even the Beastmaster can seriously damage, I don't believe you can still stop it. Luo Feng, you must die!"

Li Yao sneered, and led a group of men to follow Luo Feng.

This scene fell completely in Liu Ziqing's eyes.

"High-power laser cannon? This is a strategic weapon! Li Yao, this guy has got such a big killer?"

Liu Ziqing frowned when he saw the metal boxes being carried by the group of people.

Human society has long had a ban. This weapon can only be used against strange beasts, and it is forbidden for anyone to use it in battles among warriors.

Now, Li Yao dare to take out this weapon to deal with Luo Feng, which violates the ban signed by "Hong" and governments.

"There are rivers and lakes where there are people. There must be fighting among warriors. However, using such things is not appropriate."

Luo Feng, who is very optimistic about "Hong", naturally takes care of Liu Ziqing, but this "good seedling" cannot be let out.

"Fight on your own, even if you beat Luo Feng a half-dead, I won't step in. But the laser guns are all taken out, and of course I can't ignore it!"

Liu Ziqing stretched out his hand to take out a long sword made from the dragon tooth of the East China Sea Dragon, and he was about to take it.

"Well? That's Luo Feng? Is he going to start off first?"

Liu Ziqing was about to take a shot, but found that in the wilderness, a figure flew close to the ground in the almost tall grass, and the target was aimed at Li Yao and his party.

"Let's see how capable this Hong-looking guy is."

Putting down the flying sword, Liu Ziqing planned to go to the theater. As long as Luo Feng is not in danger of life, he is too lazy.

In the wilderness.

Luo Feng was like a latent poisonous snake, close to the ground, and slowly approached Li Yao's team.

"Li Yao, you want to kill me, how can I let you go?"

A flying knife from the waist flew out of the air, silently swept through the grass on the ground, and kept approaching Li Yao's team.

One hundred meters, eighty meters ...

Until twenty meters!


Luo Feng's eyes were cold, and the dark flying knife rushed out instantly, like the same black lightning.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The six black streamers, like black lightning, burst out from the ground, but in a blink of an eye, the six-handed flying knife hit Li Yao.

The attack was unprepared and caught off guard.

I have to say that Luo Feng's blow was perfect.

"Can you sneak attack like this?"

Liu Ziqing was amazed at this blow.

For a long time, Liu Ziqing's royal swordsmanship has been an upright kill. This hidden assassination method also made Liu Ziqing's eyes wide open.

Liu Ziqing's heart also had an idea, it seems ... it can be done like this in the future!

However ... the results of this blow were surprising.

When the six-handed flying knife hit Li Yao in an instant, Li Yao flashed a black light all over his body.

From head to toe, Li Yao covered his body with a black film.

The four-handed flying knife hit Li Yao's face, and the two-handed flying knife hit Li Yao's throat.

However, this mortal blow did not penetrate through this thin black film at all.

"How can it be?"

Luo Feng was shocked, "This black film ... is it the legendary black **** suit?"

"An enemy attack!"

With a roar, Li Yao rose into the air and leapt 50 to 60 meters high. An eye slit appeared on the black film on his face, searching for enemies everywhere.

A bird's eye view from a high altitude.

Li Yao soon saw Luo Feng walking in the grass!

"Luo Feng!"

Seeing this murderer's enemy, Li Yao's eyes exploded and he gritted his teeth, "Go to death!"

The **** long knife in his hand waved, leaping down from the air, and slashed at Luo Feng with a heavy knife.

"Want to fight close to a spiritual teacher? How can I make you wish?"

With a change of heart, driving the shield under his feet, Luo Feng leaped into shape, instantly exploded ten meters, and easily opened the distance!

This is the kite tactic of the spiritual teacher!


Seeing Luo Feng pull back, Li Yao did not change his mind at all, and the long knife in his hand was still severely chopped down!

"It's out of reach, why aren't we doing the same ..."

Luo Feng's heart froze, and he felt a little uneasy about Li Yao's unreasonable move.


Between the flashes of black light, Li Yao's arm with a knife suddenly surged more than ten meters long.

This sudden surge of more than ten meters of arm, holding a long knife, split it with a knife!


Luo Feng was shocked!

This situation is really weird and totally unexpected!

The long knife is here, so it's too late to dodge!


In a hurry ~ ~ Luo Feng could only set up the long knife in his hand, blocking Li Yao's sudden blow.


A loud roar!

A huge force came, Luo Feng felt only a numbness in his arm. The whole person was hit by dozens of meters directly like a flying tennis ball, and fell heavily to the ground!


As if a meteorite fell, the wasteland ground was smashed into a huge deep pit that was seven or eight meters wide.

This blow directly hit Luo Feng into the ground!

"I rely, this Li Yao is pretty powerful! That black leather is a black **** suit? The alien product really is a little doorway!"

When Liu Ziqing watched the crowd for a while, this was also the first time that human warriors at the God of War level were seen fighting, and the lively thoughts became a little heavier.

"Anyway, Luo Feng can't die, so continue to watch the movie!"

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