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Chapter 944: Mysterious Kirishima

"Uh ... run?"

Liu Ziqing, who was planning to sit down and watch the play, suddenly found out ... Luo Feng was gone!

Luo Feng is not a fool, the enemy has a black **** suit, the defense is too high, can not move at all. If you do n’t run, will you die?

As soon as he smoked, Luo Feng took the shield and flew all the way, and rushed into the vast mountains instantly.

"Run? Where can you go?"

Li Yao snorted and turned to look at the team behind him. "On the cliff in front, set up a laser cannon. As long as he dares to come forward, he will be killed by a shot!"

The range of high-power laser guns ... well, this high-power laser gun can easily hit hundreds of thousands of kilometers, which is easy.

Luo Feng is a spiritual teacher. The most convenient way to travel is to fly with a weapon. Once he flies ... that's a shot.

"You choose a commanding point to set up a laser cannon, and I will drive him out!"

A command was given to his subordinates, Li Yao rushed up, and chased up in the direction of Luo Feng's escape.

"Observe, boss!"

A group of men carried metal boxes and came to a nearby mountain.

A flat ground was chosen, and everyone unpacked the box and installed the laser gun.

Soon after, a huge laser cannon was placed on the top of the mountain, and the cricket's barrel flashed a beam of destruction.

"Boss, the laser cannon is already in place."

An European man grabbed the communicator and reported to Li Yao.

"At eleven o'clock, get ready, I'll push him out!"

Li Yao gave an order in the communicator, and then continued to chase in the direction of Luo Feng's escape.

"Understand, boss! Everything is ready!"

The European man said, walking towards the laser cannon.


In the eyes of the public, under the broad daylight, this huge laser cannon was ... suddenly ... so gone!


At this moment, everyone screamed in horror.

"Old ... Boss, Laser Cannon ... Laser Cannon ..."

The European man took the communicator in amazement and reported to Li Yao.

"What happened to the laser gun?"

Li Yao shouted.

"It ... it ... is gone!"

"Fack! What are you talking about? Missing? What's missing?"

Li Yu's angry roar almost shattered the communicator.

"I swear, in front of us all, this laser cannon has disappeared alive! My god, is there a ghost here? That's what you Orientals call" ghosts. "

The European man said as he drew a cross on his chest.

"Ghost you!"

Li Yao growled angrily.

With his knowledge, he naturally knew that the world had space to equip such things. The first person in the world, Hong, has a piece of storage equipment.

Could Hong be involved? Then why didn't he stop me from attacking Luo Feng? Could it be ... he regarded me as a sharpening stone to hone Luo Feng?


Li Yao kicked a rock with a fierce kick, and an angry fire burst out in his eyes. "Do you want to sharpen the knife? I'll kill this little cub and see how you sharpen it!"

In the angry roar, Li Yao rose up and chased after Luo Feng's position.


Liu Ziqing laughed strangely, set up Jian Guang and followed.

The laser gun disappeared just now, naturally it was the ghost that Liu Ziqing had smashed.

"I haven't watched a good show yet! How can you use laser cannon to attack Luo Feng?"

Laughing and shaking his head, Liu Ziqing drove Jianguang and followed them all the way.

Drilling out of the forest and advancing along a river, a lake shrouded in mist appeared in front.

"Luo Feng has entered the lake?"

At this time, Liu Ziqing only saw Li Yao's feet spurting a stream of air and stepping on the water in the misty lake.

"This black **** suit is pretty good, it is indeed an alien high-tech product."

Seeing Li Yao walking on the waves, Liu Ziqing nodded with a smile. However, he had no interest in this thing.

After his own robe was refined into the scale armor of Qinghai, the dragon of the East China Sea, he also had the ability to control the water.


At this time, a burst of electric light burst suddenly on the water ahead.

Between the boiling water, a dozen meters of electric eels were continuously spraying electric light around Li Yao.

Lights circulated on Li Yao's body, and the whole person was glowing!

"Good guy, a creature like the electric eel, one is careless. Maybe I have to win!"

Liu Ziqing couldn't help but be gloating when he saw Li Yao who was glowing with electricity.

However, Li Yao, who was glowing with electric eels, seemed to be unaffected. He slashed with a long knife and smashed the electric eels.

Li Yao, who was not affected at all, continued to move forward.

"Can the Black God suit be insulated?"

Liu Ziqing froze for a moment, "You're in luck, escaped this disaster!"


Suddenly, a huge wave set off. A giant tortoise with a diameter of more than 50 meters turned up the huge wave and slammed at Li Yao.

It was another fierce battle.

After finally killing the giant tortoise, another group of huge crocodiles came.

This time, Li Yao was caught by the crocodile.

"I go, so many strange beasts in this lake?"

At a glance, Liu Ziqing found that this surface of the water turned out to have hundreds of high-level alien monsters.

"Even if Li Yao had the Black God suit, he would have to eat a secret loss."

Liu Ziqing smiled, Yu took off the sword, directly across the lake, and came to an island in the center of the lake.

"Hmm? The vitality here ..."

Just stepping on the small island, Liu Ziqing found that the vitality of the world on this small island is very strong. Exuding vitality of plants and trees, it seems like a whistle of smoke.

On the island ahead, nine huge willows fluttered in the wind, thousands of willows fluttered in the wind.

The smallest willows are more than five meters in diameter.

Among these willows, there is a huge golden willow that is golden throughout.

Each willow tree rushes up with the scent of grass and trees, and the vitality is breathtaking.

"this is……"

Seeing this scene, Liu Ziqing was startled, "Is there a fairy tale here?"

"The spirit of plants and trees. And it is the spirit of plants and trees catalyzed by Muyuan spar. It is a good thing for mortals and not very useful to you. However, Muyuan spar is still a bit useful."

"Mikimoto Spar? What is that?"

After hearing the words of Zijin gourd, Liu Ziqing froze for a moment.

"In this universe, it is also called wood bud crystal. A kind of spar with huge vitality ~ ~ is still useful for the practice of planetary environment."

"Planetary ..."

Liu Ziqing is already a ninth planet. The next step is to seek a breakthrough in order to promote the star. This star power spar is not very useful to him.

"It can also be used to make elixir."

The purple gold gourd smiled, and a little purple light burst out. Under the ground, rolled up a milky white spar exuding a scent of rice. "This is the wood bud crystal."

"It's really vibrant."

Liu Ziqing nodded, "No one can guarantee that he will not be injured on the path of spiritual practice. Naturally, this healing thing can't be ignored.

According to the instructions of Zijin Gourd, Liu Ziqing looked for "wood bud crystals" on Kirishima.

Naturally, these "spirit of plants and trees" do not care.

He doesn't care, others care!

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