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Chapter 948: Surprise given by Zijin Gourd

These rattans on Kirishima are a kind of cosmic plant called "Moyun Rattan".

This plant can be associated with the host, not only can become armor, but also can be a powerful helper after being cultivated.

For Liu Ziqing, this thing is also useful.

It's just ... Now that it's "unable", we can't do more with Mo Yun Teng's idea.

A message was sent to "Hong", and then the first person in the world drove to Kirishima. After a war, Mo Yunteng was caught by Hong as a pet.

"Oh? The curator? Shushan swordsman? You ... what happened here?"

At this time, Luo Feng, who had obtained the inheritance of the "Master of the Meteor Star", flew out from the depths of the ground, and was clearly stunned when he saw the situation in front of him.

Kirishima has been shattered at this moment, everything is gone except for a few remaining rocks.

As for the hanged Phar and the seriously injured Li Yao, etc., they have been sent back by the fighters of the underground alliance.

"Luo Feng? Where have you been?"

"Hong" saw Luo Feng come out, a little happy on his face, "Zi Qing said that you are here too, we looked for a long time and did not find your figure, thought that something had happened to you!"

"Thank you, the owner, and Shushan swordsman."

Luo Feng, driving a weapon like a string moon, stood in midair and thanked the two. "I just got a chance! I got the inheritance of an alien master."

"Haha, that's it!"

Hong and Liu Ziqing laughed and nodded together.

Seeing the apparently unusual cold moon-like weapon under Luo Feng's feet, the two had long speculated. It's just a little surprising that Luo Feng said so frankly, without covering up.

"Luo Feng has also been found, and Mo Yun Teng has also been collected by you. There is nothing to do here! Then I'm gone!"

Liu Ziqing waved his hand, a green rainbow rose into the sky, and instantly rushed into the sky, disappearing in the clouds.

"Flying so fast?"

Even though Luo Feng had acquired the inheritance of the Meteor Master, he was taken aback by the extraordinary speed of Liu Ziqing's imperial weapon.

"That kid is not bad!"

Babata's voice rang in Luo Feng's mind. "Actually, I first wanted him to inherit the inheritance of the master. However, I have now discovered that you are still suitable for the meteor pulse.

"Well? I thought you would say, I really can't find a good one, so I can only choose this inferior product!"

Luo Feng smiled and shook his head.

Baba Tower rolled his eyes. I am an intelligent life and not a fool.

You can do whatever you want before choosing you. After choosing you, naturally you can't say no more.

Because ... this kind of words has no effect except to make you remember it!

How long have you been with each other. After making you remember that, if you give me a hard day, wouldn't I take it upon myself?

The people dispersed, and the incident at Kirishima was completely over.

"Boy, now here on the earth, there is no place for you to exercise. Back to Taiyuan Cave in Mount Emei! I'll give you a surprise."

After the magic of swordsmanship, the alien beasts on the earth are no longer challenging. Liu Ziqing was also curious about this "surprise" when he heard Zijin gourd say so.

When Jianguang turned, Liu Ziqing drove a Qinghong, howling to the direction of Shushan.

Soon after, Jianguang fell into the cliff of Emei, and Liu Ziqing returned to Shushan Cave.

"Well? Isn't this the golden willow on Kirishima? Is it the surprise you said?"

Back in Dongfu, Liu Ziqing found that there was a golden willow tree in Dongfu's medicine garden.

Although the body size has shrunk a lot, Liu Ziqing still found that this willow tree was the golden willow on Kirishima at a glance.

"Let's just come over to see Dongdong, don't worry about it. The surprise I said is not this."

Purple gold gourd said vaguely.

"Oh! Someone in this cave is really better guarded."

Liu Ziqing thought that it was from Zijin gourd, so he didn't care. "Zijin senior, what is the surprise you said?"

"Is such that."

Said Zijin Hulu, a light curtain was released, showing countless strange scenes.

There is a continent in the picture, with various buildings on it.

"I found that in this mortal universe, there is an illusive place similar to the mirror flower, water and moon. Well, people in the mortal universe call this place a 'virtual universe.'

The purple gourd flashed a radiance, turned into a purple light, and spotted at a corner of the edge of the continent on the light curtain.

"This virtual universe corresponds to the real universe. Your position is probably here."

Purple light points to an island on the edge of the virtual continent.

"The earth is such a small island slap?"

Liu Ziqing froze, "The map of this virtual universe is too big?"

The virtual universe, in Liu Ziqing's view, is similar to "virtual games" and "virtual networks". It's a big deal to turn the entire universe into a map!

"Earth? You want to be beautiful!"

Zijin Gourd smiled, "This is the Dry Witch Empire. One of more than 10,000 universe nations in the universe of human races. As for you earth ... keep watching!"

Speaking, the purple light spot is on this island, and the map of this island is instantly enlarged.

"Here is the Black Dragon Mountain Empire."

On this small island map zoomed into the entire light curtain, Ziguang point to a small lake, a small place on the edge of the lake, is the so-called "Black Dragon Mountain Empire".

"The Silver Blue Empire in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire is here!"

Enlarge this small area to the entire screen, and then point out a small area.

"In the Silver Blue Empire, the Milky Way is here!"

Continue to zoom in on the map. On the map of the Silver and Blue Empire, a stream represents the Milky Way.

"So ... what about Earth?"

Liu Ziqing was stunned. The universe is so vast and unimaginable.

"Earth ... hehe, it's too small to even need a map. So there is no earth in it."

After hearing the words of Zijin Gourd, Liu Ziqing smiled helplessly.

Well, the Milky Way is just a stream. Who cares what a sandstone in the stream is called?

"However, that's not all of the universe."

Returning the light curtain to the original continent ~ ~ Zijin Hulu laughed: "This is just the kingdom of the human race. In the universe, there are Zerg, Mechanical, and Demons, all of which are the strongest Kind of race. Their territory is even bigger than humans! "

"And, in addition to the sphere of influence of the four major ethnic groups, there are other ethnic groups and other kingdoms. More importantly, even the entire universe is only one of the three thousand red dust worlds."


Liu Ziqing's mouth was so big that he couldn't close it for a long time!

The vastness of the world, that is boundless! However ... this is just one of three thousand universes.

"Boy, I'll tell you this today, just to let you open your eyes. There are many talented people in the world, you must open your eyes."

The purple golden gourd emits a purple light and points somewhere on the mainland. "Here is a virtual battlefield of the human kingdom. In this place called the giant axe duel, you can compete with countless masters in the entire universe in the virtual universe! "

"Juvenile, fight!"

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