System Supplier

Chapter 949: Virtual universe, virtual battle

In the virtual universe, an account must be registered, and special equipment can be used to access it.

But ... what is the essence of the purple gourd? It's a system! Even the main **** can be hacked, let alone a virtual universe server?

There is no need to hack the host of the "virtual universe", as long as the server of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, or even the Silver Blue Empire, is hacked, and Liu Ziqing can register an account.

"You are now a citizen of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, born in the Milky Way of the Silver and Blue Empire."

Zijin Gourd told Liu Ziqing's new identity, and then sprinkled a purple light, shrouded Liu Ziqing, "Sit down and sit down, I will send you to the giant axe duel to fight the masters of the universe!"


There was a loud noise in my mind, and the spirit suddenly rose up, as if detached from the body and entered an inexplicable space.

"Om ..."

After a slight trembling, the light disappeared, and Liu Ziqing's figure appeared in front of a huge building.

"my body……"

Looking down at his own body, Liu Ziqing found that in this virtual world, he couldn't feel himself virtual.

Every part of the body, every nuance, is exactly the same as the real body.

Even ... even the blue robe on his body and the purple and blue swords on his back were all there.

"Boy, I didn't show the true power of the Ziqing Swords. Once you can't show the power of the Ziqing Swords. Second, in case you know the goods, hehe ... the matter of killing and winning treasure is here The world is just right. "

When Liu Ziqing was surprised, she suddenly heard the sound of a purple gold gourd in her head.

"Senior Zijin, my current body, you gave me a dummy?"

Liu Ziqing was amazed by this magical function. The virtual body is exactly the same as the original body, which is also amazing.

"This is a virtual universe duel field. I didn't intervene. I just virtualized your purple and blue swords. After all, there is no way for the virtual universes to show up.

"The virtual universe is so powerful?"

Liu Ziqing opened his mouth, only to think that this high-tech was beyond imagination.

What does my body look like, and how do they know so clearly? How can it be fictional?

"It's just your own consciousness! What you think of yourself in the subconscious mind naturally shows up. How can the virtual universe scan everybody's body structure?"

"That's it!"

Liu Ziqing nodded, "Senior, I'll go to the duel training!"

Stepped towards the building in front, ascended the stairs, stepped into the hall, and his eyes were red.

This is a huge palace.

The whole hall was blood-red, as if it were a sky full of blood, revealing a spirit of blood, which made people palpitate.

"This virtual duel is really the place to kill."

Such a **** scene, involuntarily gave birth to a bit of violent murder.

There were no people in the hall, only a few counters were set up, and there were a few duel field staff behind the counters.

"This warrior, are you here to participate in a virtual duel? Exactly, there is now a killing space. As long as one million black dragon coins a day, how long will you drive?"

When Liu Ziqing walked to the counter, a staff member greeted him.

"One million black dragon coins?"

Liu Ziqing was startled. He did have Huaxia Coins, Black Dragon Coins ... What the **** is that?

"Don't worry, I've prepared it for you. Report this card number. Start a virtual duel for a month."

When Zijin Gourd registered Liu Ziqing's identity information, naturally he would not forget to get him some money. After all, everything in the virtual universe costs money.

"Senior Zijin, you are so amazing!"

I do n’t even have a lot of deposits on the earth. Now that I have even alien deposits, Liu Ziqing only thinks the world is amazing.

A virtual duel was held with the staff for a month. Under the guidance of the staff, Liu Ziqing walked along a corridor to the door of a room.

Opening the door, a vast starry sky appeared.

Liu Ziqing stood on a huge meteorite in the starry sky at this moment.

"Om ..."

A huge golden album was displayed in front of Liu Ziqing's eyes, which listed various descriptions of the virtual duel space.

"Can the environment be set freely, and the opponents can be set freely? Even the opponent's skills and combat skills, weapons and equipment can be set?"

Liu Ziqing was overjoyed, "This virtual battle space is really suitable!"

"Give me a sword practice that brings Shushan's sword practice to the extreme. I want to see what the highest depth sword practice is."

Even if the virtual battle fails, it will not really die. Naturally in this place, you can do many experiments that you would not dare to do.


The virtual duel was unresponsive.


The Zijin gourd laughed loudly, "The whole Shushan vein has soared to countless epochs in fairyland. Now who knows what Shushan Royal Sword Art is? Virtual duel, even virtual, can only virtualize what exists in the universe today!"

"Uh ... OK!"

Shushan Sword Fairy has risen to become immortal, the entire universe has no information about them, and the virtual universe is no longer virtual.

"I suggest you start with people you know."


Liu Ziqing nodded, "Then set up an opponent similar to Hong. An opponent who uses a spear and marksmanship to form his own field! Rehabilitation is equivalent to me, and the field is chosen as a wilderness plain."


The starry sky of the empty universe changed instantly, and a vast wilderness of plains unfolded before our eyes.

On the plain, a man in black with a height similar to Hong's, holding a spear, stood proudly.


At first glance, the gun appeared like a dragon.

In an instant, as if the boundaries of space had been crossed, Han Mang just flashed, and the spear pierced his eyes.

"Melee me, I'm not afraid of melee!"

The long sword trembled, and the sword was chopped on the blade, blocking the shot.

Liu Ziqing's swordsmanship has been superb, and the sword fairy is not limited to flying swords.

"You pick me up!"

A sword lotus bloomed on the tip of the sword, and the roaring sword light swept out.

Jianguang erupted, instantly covering the full range of ten feet.

Qinglian sword array, sword light into a field, petals bloom petal by petal, beautiful, but there is a hidden killer.


When the sword lotus bloomed, the spear in the hands of the man in black burst out into the sky, like a angry dragon.

Jianlian and the gun shadow collided together, making a huge noise.

The entire wilderness was hit by a huge pit.

"Good sword!"

A trace of blood leaked from the brows of the man in black ~ ~ with his head planted to the ground.

"It feels ... not quite right!"

Liu Ziqing frowned. "This man's shooting is different from Hong's shooting!"

"The virtual universe is not created out of nothing. Hong's gun art has never appeared in the virtual universe. Naturally, Hong's gun art cannot be virtualized."

"So ... how did my swordplay come out?"

Liu Ziqing is a little strange. Isn't his Shushan sword art in the virtual universe?

"It's still a truth, it's based on your own consciousness. You can do it in reality, you can do it in the virtual universe. Don't talk about it, continue to fight!"

Subsequently, Liu Ziqing continued to participate in the virtual duel.

All kinds of opponents, different human races, fight all the way, fight all the way!

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