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Chapter 956: Vow to death in one battle


The black robot flew through the air like a fighter, and soon approached the golden horned monster.

"Lock on the target! The laser cannon is charged!"

The robot hovering in the air raised the laser cannon in its hand, and the light condensed at the muzzle.


A bright white beam of light emerges from the laser cannon and crosses over Eurasia!

In an instant, this beam of light had hit the target.


With a light sound, the dazzling white beam of light directly penetrated the skull of the golden horned monster!

The power of laser cannons live up to expectations.

The upper part of the entire head of the golden horned monster was instantly gasified under this beam of light.


From the part above the jaw, all disappeared without a trace!

"it is good!"

A country from all over the world who is watching the golden horned beast has seen this scene through satellite shooting.

"Great! Great! This demon is dead!"

With a headshot, the golden horned monster is naturally dead!

At this moment, everyone who saw this scene cheered!


The golden horn beast that had disappeared from his head suddenly burst out of the golden texture.

Two golden brilliance horns floated strangely in the air, connected with the light on the golden texture.


The golden horned beast that even had its head gone, burst into the throat with an angry roar, a wing, blasted into the air, and rushed towards the black robot like lightning.

"The laser cannon is being recharged. Ten, nine, eight ..."


The golden beast's glittering beast claw was shot fiercely, and a bang, and the black robot and the laser cannon were instantly smashed.

"God! You can't kill it if you blow your head. What a devil!"

despair! Frustrated! fear!

At this moment, the people who saw this scene through the satellite were crying and holding their heads to the ground.


After blasting the robot, the golden horn beast was another angry roar.

During the violent eruption of golden light throughout the body, the head that had been exploded, at this moment the flesh entanglement, skin extension, scales emerged, and it was growing fast!

Ears have grown, dark golden eyes have grown ...

After a while, the entire skull re-emerged, and two golden sharp corners reintegrated into the skull.


The golden horned monster roared, and the dark golden eyes revealed endless anger, as if the flame was burning!

On this low-level planet, it was hit twice in a row. This made the fury of the Golden Horn monster erupt like a volcano.

It will take revenge! It's venting! It will destroy everything!

"That's what you said if it can't be killed in one shot, can it recover?"

Hong's face became heavy, and he held the spear tightly in his hand. "No matter how strong the recovery ability is, I'm not convinced that it is not damaged in such a serious injury."

Turning his head and glancing at the crowd, Hong raised his chest. "Now, it's time we got on the field!"

"Yeah! It's time to get hurt, now is its weakest time. We take this opportunity to kill it!"

Thor took hold of the long knife, and his body was full of light.

"I'm about to test it with a sword!"

Liu Ziqing rose by the sword.

"It's running away! We must hurry it up!"

Luo Feng greeted and took a few people to board the fighter.

With a loud bang, the fighter plane rose into the air, galloping away in the direction of the golden horn monster.

After being hit hard twice in a row, the Golden Horned Monster is not stupid even though it is furious.

This time has been severely damaged. Although the injury has been restored, the energy accumulated in the internal space has been exhausted. You can't carry it a few more times.

When the giant wings turned, the golden horned monster turned and swept away towards the ocean.

"Damn, it's about to escape deep into the ocean!"

Seeing this scene of high-level humans through satellite shooting, my heart was anxious and panicked.

Once the Golden Horned Monster recovers, it will make a comeback. What will humans use to resist?

How to do? How to do?

At this moment, everyone was pale and sweating.

"All humans who heard this message. I am Hong!"

At this time, all communicators in the world received a broadcast signal at the same time.

"Hong? The first person in the world?"

Hearing Hong's voice, the high-level leaders of various countries suddenly felt a shock, and a little hope came into their eyes.

The first person in the world is Hong, the second person in the world is Thor, and the Shushan swordsman Liu Ziqing, and even the first spiritual master Luo Feng, and dozens of planetary warriors above the **** of war in the world.

If ... they join forces and fight to death, will they be able to kill this horrible monster?

The voice from the communicator continued to sound.

"Just now, we humans concentrated all the nuclear bombs on the golden horn monster, and we failed! Luo Feng found a B6 laser cannon to attack the golden horn monster, and we still failed!"

"The Golden Horned Monster is a starry monster. It is terrifying and grows fast. Today, we can't kill it, wait for it to recover, and wait for it to grow up. We can't defeat it anymore!"

"Earth is the home of our humans! Since the great changes of the earth and the earth, I have been committed to clearing up the strange beasts and letting us humans stand on top of the world again."

"I have a lot of companions. There is Thor, Shushan Sword Knight, Luo Feng, the first spiritual master, and countless warriors fighting on the battlefield!"

"The Shushan swordsman killed the East China Sea Dragon, and let us see the dawn of victory. However, the Golden Horn Beast appeared!"

"Today, we human beings are facing the threat of life and death! At this moment of life and death, I ... have the responsibility! We have the responsibility!"

"I! Thor! Liu Ziqing! Luo Feng! The four of us will meet the Golden Horned Monster!"

"Fight to death! Defeated!"

"May God bless humanity!"

Radio waves spread throughout the world, and Hong's voice spread throughout the world!

At this moment, all human beings in the world, regardless of race, color, or country, are full of tears!

This battle must be very dangerous!

This is a group of warriors! This is a group of patron saints! For the hope of survival, there is no battle against death!

"God, please protect the human warrior!"

"My lord, please give the warriors invincible strength!"

"Buddha ..."

Hearing this news ~ ~ Countless people around the world pray to the gods in their hearts!

This is the last hope of humanity.

The golden horned monster will definitely be injured after being attacked by the nuclear bomb. The four men will definitely defeat the golden armored monster!

Yes! Definitely victory! Definitely victory!

Because ... human beings will perish if we cannot win!

"Luo Feng ..."

At Huaxia Jiangnan Base, Luo Feng's girlfriend Xu Xin bit her lip tightly, tears rolling down her eyes.

"Luo Feng, you are going to be a dad! You must come back alive! You must come back!"

There was a blood stain on the corner of his mouth, and Xu Xin stood upright.

Being a heroic girlfriend or even a wife is really ... difficult!

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